JAX (narrator)
One of the school bullies comes up to me and ACE. "You , yes you Mr. no 1 attractive and you Mr. no 2 , I'm afraid I'm your senior and you need to follow my commands.
ACE and I look at each other and let out a big laugh. "AHA aha sorry sorry" I spoke. "Sorry mate, aha we don't take orders" said ACE. The senior got furious and he immediately grabbed ACE's collar and yelled ," But you will mine."
After two seconds the bully was on the floor lying down. He's face was facing downwards to the floor and his hands were at his back like he was arrested. ACE was sitting on his back and was catching his hands. He caught his hands with one hand and his other hand was on his forehead covering his eyes. After three second he let out a big laugh and said " Sorry Sorry but you're too funny mate". My jaw dropped he laughed at such lame thing and what about the jokes I searched up in the internet that I spent the whole night on. I searched up the whole freaking internet just to make you laugh and you didn't even grin. Aishhhh ACE. I confessed this to ACE after the fight was resolved by Arsa as she was the class president. Yes we got yelled by her but ACE did not give a fuck. As I , Kesha , ACE and Arsa were there I confessed him about my jokes and how he did not laugh at them. ACE then said , "Okay repeat those jokes, let's see if it's really funny." "I bet you'll laugh," I said.
Did you hear the story about the claustrophobic astronaut?
He just needed some space.
I don't trust stairs.
They're always up to something.
Have you heard the rumor about butter?
Never mind, I shouldn't be spreading it.
Everyone gave me a stare. I guess the jokes were really lam-
"I'm not laughing at those jokes. I've heard them before" said ACE.
After ten seconds of silence everyone started laughing. Kesha , Arsa even Arsa? His joke so much lamer but still I started laughing cause it was funny to me. I felt really nice seeing my friend laugh. ACE I want to see you laugh more.
Arsa can't stop laughing. She is taking breathes. She taps ACE'S back and says," Aha, I still hate you" and continues laughing. ACE taps Arsa's back and says " Same here". And they both start laughing. Kesha starts clapping his hands and continues to laugh. I'm the only one not laughing. "You guys are so lame. Weirdos."
It's fun being in high schoo-
"Okay students, Submit your 30 assignments by this week."
" I'm always wrong. " "Oi, Oi cheer up now." : ACE.
Arsa picks up snacks from her bag and starts eating it. Kesha and I could hear her eating. ACE says " Yoo, that's my favourite snack. Pass some." "In your dream moron" says Arsa. ACE : "If you ain't giving me some-" Arsa: Awwww, Are you gonna complain the teacher." "Cheap! I'll just steal the packet." (ACE) After saying this ACE steals the packet of snacks from Arsa. "Oi" said Arsa. After eating some, ACE passed the snacks to me. Kesha and I eating the teacher shouted " Yes the four of you eating in my class, Get out." We stared at the teacher and all of us started walking towards the door letting out a sigh."
"Look at them, No 1 Attractive : ACE, No 2 Attractive : Jax , No 4 Attractive : Kesha and No.1 Attractive : Arsa ( for girls )
All of us stare at the teacher and walk out of the class. ACE finaly said " Let's sneak out." "What?" I said. "Attention Seeker" is out of his head" said Arsa. Kesha says " Not a bad idea. Your car or mine? ACE : Hop on mine.
It was the third day of the high school. We sneaked out. It was fun. I love being with them Arsa, Kesha, ACE. They make high school fun. Arsa's hair is floating with the air, Kesha is smiling as bright as the sun. ACE is our ACE and I m happy knowing them.<3