Chapter Seven

They were not in North Africa. That was something that Patrick could not make sense of. Even when the Nubians had conquered Egypt, Egypt's power had never extended this far south. The Persians had never gotten this far south, Alexander the Great had never come this far south, the Ptolemaic dynasty had never came this far south, not even the Roman Empire had ever gotten this far south. He couldn't make sense of it.

So where did the vulture come from? That the vulture and the old woman were one and the same, Patrick had no doubt but where had she hailed from?

Sitting outside the cavern they had spent the rainy night, Patrick thought long and hard about this. As he thought he felt a hand on his shoulder. Not knowing if it belonged to Julie or if the old woman had returned he looked up and saw Julie looking down at him.

"Patrick, we both know how we feel about each other." Began Julie.

"Where are you going with this?" asked Patrick. "We both adore one another. We know that. What are you trying to tell me?"

"I've been arranged to marry my dad's creditor Jeffrey Collins back home so pay back his debt." Confessed Julie.

"How much does your dad owe Mr. Collins?" asked Patrick, the idea of helping paying off the debt already in his head.

"256 pounds and fifteen." Replied Julie.

"That is a lot." In Canadian dollars that was $443.25. That was more than Patrick was paid in a year, considering his monthly salary was $2.98 exactly. The curator was breaking some rules when he made the decisions of how much certain people made.

"Mr. Collins said that if my dad doesn't pay him back in two months time, then that will be our wedding day." Continued Julie. "I've been intending to stay out of England for as much as possible. With him being my next-door neighbor, it is completely impossible to not be anywhere near him! He's adventurous, artistic, well dressed and a complete bastard! He's had an eye on me ever since I was five and he was twenty-eight." It is possible Julie may have been exaggerating. "If my dad can't get the money to pay him back I'll be Mrs. Jeffrey Collins and if we have been reported dead then I'm seriously worried about what Collins will do to my dad."

"If we have been reported dead then the fear of him doubling or even tripling the debt is frightful enough." Commented Patrick. "Maybe I can help in some way. I might not make a lot but I would like to help."

"I'm happy you want to help but I worry that you won't be able to." Confessed Julie. "The debt is so high already."

"I'll ask for some help from my family." Said Patrick, giving Julie's hand a squeeze. "I'm sure my dad and uncles will be willing to help and since they are family they don't ask for money back, even though I haven't asked for money since I wanted to buy a car. Money well wasted since it turned out to be a lemon but this is a good cause: saving you from a cold wedlock with Collins." He then gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I promise, I'll get you out of this."

Julie returned the kiss. "I hope you can and I hope Collins will take the money from someone other than my dad."