Chapter Ten

Julie was alive if not rather shaken from being trapped in a sarcophagus. She was bound and gagged and she was shivering from the cold. Patrick gently carried her out and placed her down against a wall. Removing her bonds and the gag, Patrick kissed Julie quickly while she held him close, not wanting to let go unless they were separated again.

"Followers of Set together." Patrick turned and there stood the Vulture Woman. "It would seem that even Hathor can bring you vile beasts together and that is something I would rather not—" A booming din filled the air and the Vulture Woman fell dead. Standing behind her had been Louis Carolingian holding the gun of Adam Lang.

"You hard find when you go through water." Carolingian had a smile on his ghastly face. "Then you reach other side. I follow footsteps. Even when rain come I find you."

"If you kill me then let Julie go." Demanded Patrick.

"I lonely." Carolingian stepped closer and pawed Julie's breasts with his ape-like hand. Julie instantly ran behind Patrick. "I need company."

"How about a daeodon?" Patrick asked with a snarky look. "You are fit for nothing more but a pig."

"Famous last words." Carolingian pulled the trigger on the gun. Patrick and Julie both closed their eyes, knowing the sound that would come. And yet instead nothing came. There was no bang. Just the sound of the trigger jamming... Patrick and Julie both opened their eyes while an exasperated look formed on Carolingian's ape-like face.

Thus were the two lovers given a chance to flee! Carolingian didn't even bother to fix the trigger of the gun he just threw it aside just as he did Lang's body once he had twisted Lang's neck all the way to the other side of his body. The phorusrhacos didn't care which side the head was pointing on the body. For them a meal was a meal and Carolingian would not leave Patrick's body for the carrion eaters. He would bring it back to the highland with him and the girl. He'd force the girl to look at it every morning. Thus did the pursuit begin again!

Through the dell did the lovers flee from the mutant Nazi with the footsteps echoing through an empty dell! Empty... There was a fresh cadaver in a barrow and now there were four living people in the dell. It was now nearly empty. Knowing that Zulu was at the castle, Patrick led Julie there.

Zulu had searched the castle and had found no sign of the Vulture Woman. Tugging his right ear, as he always did when stumped, he stepped outside of the castle entrance to see Patrick running hand-in-hand with a red-haired girl while a rather subhuman looking beast pursued them. He instantly knew that the girl was Julie and the beast was Carolingian.

The unarmed Patrick lead Julie past Zulu and Zulu thrust his pike into Carolingian. Or at least, he tried. Zulu was off by inches and ended up grazing Carolingian's side instead. It happened sometimes.

With an ejaculation of choler and agony, Carolingian swatted Zulu aside. Zulu lived but Carolingian would not much longer.

Patrick dived for Zulu's pike and Carolingian leapt at his quarry, foaming at the mouth like a mad beast. Thus did he die not a man but a grunting beast!

Carolingian leapt at Patrick as he grabbed the pike. The pike entered Carolingian's stomach and the eyes of the ape-man did widen as he dimly realized what had happened.

Patrick wasn't going to die. He was.

Breaking the pike and fleeing, the dying Carolingian hit the nearby wall of the castle and was dazed by the impact with which he hit it. From a broken braincase did Commander Louis Carolingian die!

The incubus was truly over.

After hearing that the Vulture Woman was dead, Zulu looked at the setting sun and decided that it would be best if they all departed in the morning. It was something that Patrick and Julie agreed on.

Patrick went to the barrow and to the golden sarcophagus that Julie had been placed in. He discovered that the gold was in fact just a band that could be jimmied off. Thus he did and put some of that gold band in his pocket hoping it would be enough to pay off the debt Julie's father owed to Collins.

The clammy African dark was long and as it began, Patrick found himself looking at the gold band he had taken in the moonlight. Sitting by a body of water, he truly did hope it would be enough. He adored Julie and she adored him. He was her amour and she was his angel. It had to be enough

"Patrick?" He looked up to see Julie sit beside him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just worried this won't be enough." Confessed Patrick.

"I'm sure it will be." Julie gave him a kiss on the cheek. "As long as my dad's debt is paid before the two months is up I am not worried. With the money made from this gold I'm sure we will have more than enough."

"I guess I'm worrying for nothing then." Said Patrick placing the gold band on the ground next to him.

Julie looked up to the moon and took Patrick's hand in her own. By the light of the moon, they sat together on the bank of a lake in this lost dell where the city of Rozetta called home, this empty city.

The two looked at one another and beneath the light of the full moon, they kissed. Patrick wrapped his arms around Julie and they lied down on the sands of lakeshore.

The following day, Zulu lead Patrick and Julie to his tribe's village. They stayed there for a few days and Julie was presented with a dress so she might no longer be walking around in just a bikini.

"Johannesburg is only a weeks journey south from here." Said Zulu.

"Are you angry that you did not kill the Vulture Woman?" asked Patrick.

"I am too old to become angry over things such as that." Replied Zulu. "The Vulture Woman is dead and that is all that matters."

"I don't suppose we will ever meet again, Zulu."

"My tribe travels far, Patrick. Perhaps we will meet in Egypt someday."

The two parted as friends. Just as Zulu said, the journey to Johannesburg was a week and thus did Patrick and Julie come to that city of South Africa. After that, they both went to Canada. For Patrick, it was returning home. For Julie, it was a new place.

In Toronto, Patrick earned $1, 263. 52, more than enough to pay back the debt. It was the ultimate meeting with Jeffrey Collins that brought misery.

Collins had come to Canada to find Julie. He had wondered why he had not seen her for weeks and so met Patrick when he and Julie were at the Toronto Symphony Orchestra.

"So, you are the young man my intended has been spending so much time with." Collins was forty-one years old, twenty-three years older than Julie. He was brown haired, blue eyed and somewhere between muscular and overweight. There was a mustache upon his face and he was well dressed.

"Mr. Collins, I presume." Said Patrick.

"Indeed I am and I'm taking my fiancée back to England!" Collins snatched Julie's wrist and started to pull her away.

"I have enough to pay off her dad's debt." Stated Patrick. "Let Julie go and leave her alone!"

"I will not accept money from anyone but her father." Countered Collins. "And if you gave the money to him I would know."

"My dad can't make the amount he owes you in the time you have allowed him!" exclaimed Julie, struggling to get out of Collins' grip.

"That is exactly why I gave him two months." Gloated Collins. "If I can't have your mother then I will have you." He gave a laugh, a cruel one specifically. "I love money but I love getting what I want even more and what I want is you, Julie!"

Patrick wrenched Julie from Collins' grasp causing Collins to glare and ultimately leave. He would get Julie as his wife. Make no mistake!