Sorcerer of First True Magic

Lancer's whole body turned stiff, he felt his connection with his Master took a massive dive.

His master is unconscious!

'Master!' The Servant of Lance panicked, and that's was all the Servant of Madness needed.

The Fae Knight's eyes glowed, he could 'see' opportunity, that very next moment he unleashed his maximum power like a predator who stopped playing with his prey and was ready to move in for a kill.

His prana spiked, and he swings his longsword in his left hand with a force strong enough to break the sound barrier several times over.

Lancer instinctively used one of his working hand to block the attack with one of his spears.


The Servant of Lance grimaced at the force of this blow, his knees nearly gave in.

'This Monster has been not taking this seriously from the very beginning!?' The Irish Hero was offended and same time horrified at the thought that this thing can be even stronger and probably faster.

"Dodge this." Berserker said that while putting the barrel of a Shotgun at the Lancer's face.

'He switched the weapon in his other hand!!! Damn!' Lancer felt sweat pouring from his forehead as his eyes went wide.


Berserker pressed the trigger and Lancer's head was shredded off…

"Lancer!!!" Saber shouted with a horrified look.

The corpse of the Servant of Lancer collapsed on the ground before turning into particles and disappeared.

Saber without thinking charged in at this monstrosity, powered with Prana Burst, her attack increased severely, only for Berserker to sidestep her attack, and kick her away again.

The blonde knight rolled mid-air and landed on her feet once more, she was panting heavily already from previous injuries which started to heal with the death of Lancer. But, neither her Master or Irisviel were in an area where they could heal her faster.

'This thing has supernatural reflexes beyond that of a Servant, a Fae ability perhaps? He can switch weapons on the fly as well.'

"Wonderful work Berserker, now return." Once again male voice like wind spread through the area.

The Servant of Madness nodded his head before disappearing with a burst of greenish-blue flash, the same time the atmosphere in the forest dimmed and the oppressive aura disappeared.

Saber grimaced realising what this means, both Caster and Berserker are probably closing in on her Master.

And if they are successful she will have no other choice, but to serve Morgan, the same way Berserker is doing right now!

A growl escaped from the blond Knight lips, "Over my dead body!" She turned around started rushing at the castle with max speed allowed to her, like hell she will submit to an evil woman!


Emiya Kiritsugu looked at collapsed Kayneth, he dealt a fatal blow to the enemy magus magic circuits with his origin bullet.

The Magus Killer was quite impressed with the Archibald family Mystic Code, not every day he fights with a Magus family as old as this one.

While he used up all his Micro SMG bullets in the fight he still has a spare handgun.

He pulled out, the gun pointed at the blonde man's head.

"Not so fast Magus Killer…" 

The mercenary heard a voice in the wind before several beams rushed at him.

He dodged them with a roll.

'Is that compressed water? What in world is this magecraft?.' 

Kiritsugu looked at several holes in the wall, he could see some traces of water on the wall.

Then his gaze went two figures approaching him, his eyes narrowed seeing woman similar to Saber.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Professor you got your ass wiped."

'Professor?' Emiya realised that moment that Caster Master is a student in association.

Even so, he was facing a Master and a Servant and he is severely underprepared for this!

"Well? I am giving a chance to summon King of Knights to your side why are you wasting your time?" 

The Magus killer could not believe what he was hearing! Is he that confident?

Well, he is not going to waste such a chance!

"By my power of Command Seal! Saber come to my side!" With a flash of red energy, the Servant of Sword was standing next to Emiya.

The blonde Knights eyes went wide seeing Caster.

'This… is not Morgan from my past!' This witch was emitting a presence similar to Vivian and, she could feel the raw power rolling from her.

She didn't had that scheming vile aura around her, it was more like an evil tyrant who wants things to go her way.

"Kiritsugu be careful they control Berserker too!" Saber quickly notified the Magus Killer whose eyes went wide after hearing that.

The fight they are about to begin just became multiple times more difficult!

Sweat started to pour from the Magic Killer forehead and it was not just from the fact that he was tired as well.

"Caster… I just realised something." Caster's Master spoke with an amused voice.

"Hmm? Do tell." She asked curiously as she looked at Saber with an amused look.

"That I am in-laws with King Of Knights..." He said that while shaking his head, trying to process such realisation.

Morgan looked at her Husband for a second, before shaking her head in disbelief.

"Not quite, the Fae from my Britain are born from nature itself, while we could pass as siblings we are not truly blood-related." Morgan casually explained even practically ignoring the enemies 

While those two converse Saber and Emiya looked dumbfounded at what is transpiring here.

What are they even talking about!?

The Magus Killer was the first one to snap out of it as he loaded his gun, Thompson Contender with origin bullet.

He then without warning shot at Caster's Master.

Only for Morgan to blast the bullet with a hand swipe.

The amount of energy this generated has created several gusts of wind and shattered an entire section of the wall.

Emiya was send flying and Saber had to block the wind blast from her face with a sword.

'What's with this power!?' The Blond knight thought as she waited for the blast to subside.

Once it calmed down she looked at her opponent and saw Berserker standing there as well, the black knight was holding the downed Master of Lancer.

Master of Caster put his hand on the unconscious magus, that moment something happened to the blonde magus, with Saber's mediocre knowledge over magic-related things she had no idea what was happening to the man.

Instead, she quickly looked around and saw that her Master was alright, banged up, but alright.

"Well, that was not very nice. Since you opened fire first we will answer back." Master of Caster spoke as he faced Emiya.

"Caster you can have your little match, while I will face Emiya." He said that while taking a step forward.

The pale blond witch nodded with a smile which made Saber shiver.

"With pleasure~" Morgan said that as she looked at the King of Knights.

She took several steps forward and in one of her hands massive black and blue spear manifested.

The blood Knight critically observed it.

"Why don't we fight outside? It's too cramped here." The witch said that as she called forth her Prana.

Before the Servant of Sword can say anything she was yanked out from the corridor and threw out through the hole in the wall, Morgan then followed after her, leaving the two Masters behind.

Kiritsugu Emiya observed the situation critically he only has few origin bullets left and his SMG is out, he only has his sidearm and a knife…

Yet he has to face a Magus of unknown potential, the only thing he knows is that he can use water-based Thaumaturgy.

And of course Berserker, his situation is fucked up to the point that he has no idea how to get out from this with his life, he doesn't even think about winning at this point.

"I am curious Emiya, are you interested in Third Magic or you are just in this ritual for money?" Master of Caster asked curiously.

"What nonsense are you asking? I am in for this for a wish just like anyone else." The Magus Killer used the moment to reload his Thompson Contender with another origin bullet.

The hooded master started laughing hearing that.

Which made Emiya frown, that moment he understood that the Master of Caster knows something he doesn't.

"I am dumbfounded that the Master who represents the main founding family doesn't know everything about the grail…" The Master dressed in black and Blue robes shook his head.

"Listen up, I will entertain you since you allowed Morgan to get reacquainted with her sibling even though she is from different history." 

Emiya stored that information about Caster just in case he survives this encounter intact.

"Einzberns don't care about Grail or anything of that sort, the whole ritual is a weapon to breach The Throne of Heroes, which will grand one Third True Magic, the whole 'wish granting' thing is nothing but mean to make Servants accept the contract." Master of Caster spoke as he enjoyed the look on Magus Killer face, the pure shock.

"You see, while technically it's possible to grant a wish, it's not a genie type one where one snaps his fingers and magic happens, no. No such thing will happen, the wish has to come through boundaries of magecraft, after all, it's made by Magus hands, not a true Christian Grail." He finished his explanation and waited for a response from the man, who had the look of shock before resolution returned to his face once again he pointed his gun and shot at the opposing Master.

With a sigh, a blob of water manifested in front of the incoming bullet, very next moment it disappeared the very same way it appeared… taking the bullet with it.

"W-What is that?"  Emiya said with utter disbelieve.

"You didn't hear what I said before? You never wondered why Morgan herself listens to me? Or the fact that I can easily support a Servant with the highest prana requirement in the whole war alongside a Caster of Morgan calibre?" Master of Caster said while shaking his head from the sheer amount of stupidity his opponent just showed.

"You are facing a Sorcerer of First True Magic…" 


"Let me show you true miracles…" 

Seconds later the roof exploded and was went flying off, as multiple geysers of water erupted from the ground.

Moments later multiple pairs of blue glowing eyes appeared in these geysers as towering knights made from water walked out from the geysers.

"As long as I have Prana they will continue to exist, and the funny thing is that I generate prana infinitely, now then Magus Killer show me your prowess in slaying my kind." Master Of Caster spread his hands, in a way telling him to shoot him.

Except that Emiya Kiritsugu shoulders sank he started to laugh.

The man was not prepared to fight someone who can be classified at Dead Apostle Ancestor level… even Wizard Mashall who posses Second True Magic could fight a 'Type' level being.

How he, a mere human with few tricks could fight someone of that level!?

The Magus Killer looked around with a defeated look…

Eight towering knight made from water surrounded him, these beings kicked through the walls like it was nothing, further destroying already crumbling Einzbern castle.

"Just finish me off… there is no need for such a demonstration." Emiya said with a sigh, as he dropped his gun and instead pulled out a cigarette, and lit it up, and started smoking.

"You are not fun old man…" the hooded Master released a sigh of his own.

The water knights exploded and collapsed into puddles.

The man waited for the moment he will die but nothing came.

"Well? What's the wait?" He asked.

"If I kill you Saber will disappear, my wife will be pissed, I am sure as a married man yourself you know the wrath of a woman, especially my one." The Master of Caster said with a sigh.

Emiya Kiritsugu… he understood what the Master of Caster meant, he sighed... again, wasn't this supposed to be a battle royale? A cold-blooded war for miracle cup? Not some spat between already dead people…


That moment the blonde ex-Master of Lancer started to wake up.


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