'Proper' Engagement


I looked at approaching Morgan, she was holding her spear on shoulder while at the end of it was Saber…Alter, who was hanging like some sack.

And… did Excalibur turned into greenish-black? 

Damn, Morgan pushed Artoria to the point that she snapped and inverted…

Holy shit… she had such an effect on Saber? 

Well considering all the stories original Morgan did to the King of Knights, the blonde knight was living on edge since the beginning of the Grail War.

But, for inversion to happen without grail interference, damn… Morgan knows how to push the right buttons.

Seconds later she walked over to my side.

Her robes and hair were a mess, there is even mud on her, it looked like they were wrestling in mud…

What on earth…

Isn't she a Caster? Ranged attacks and stuff?

"...Husband… I have won… here she is…" Morgan dropped Saber on the ground like some shopping bag.

I looked at the younger Pendragon sibling, wait is this Morgan even a Pendragon?

Anyway, Artoria looked banged up, she even has a black eye… they went physical…

Is this for real? Damn… I missed such an exciting battle!

"Yes, I can see that," I said that while looking at Saber for a bit. 

"Are we finished here, Husband?" She said that while slightly stretching out.

I quite easily noticed her knuckles which were bleeding, even with an overflow of Prana she receives from me it will take time to heal, even with accelerated process.

And knowing her, she probably never learned any proper healing spells, maybe some life drain ones…

As she knows quite a bit of Dark Magic and stuff.

With a sigh, I changed the composition of Prana she is receiving from me, it accelerates healing even further now.

My understanding of healing magecraft is mediocre at best.

She instantly noticed that and looked at me… for longer than needed, the pale blond then looked at Emiya.

Implying that she won't be saying anything nice in front of a human.

"Yes, we are," I said that with a nod then looked at Emiya.

"I will contact you in the morning about the deal," I said that while motioning for Berserker to pick Saber up.

"Very well." The man said while taking another cigarette out.

Damn if he didn't die from the curse he will die from lung cancer with all that stuff he is smoking.

I already counted seven of them in less than an hour.

This guy is a chimney…


"What kind of deal did you made if he agreed to trade Saber?" Morgan asked her husband. As they reappeared in front of their mansion.

"Something to which I have happily agreed to do." He said with a smirk, as they started to walk towards their temporary home.

"Oh? Do tell me." The pale blond witch was curious, such deals are even better, since you get something and in turn, you do something which you even like to do.

"To deal with Einzberns." His answer made her stop for a second.

"Hmm, no wonder you easily agreed to such a thing." Servant of Magic had to a degree predicted such a deal after Emiya heard about the true purpose of the grail and that it's corrupted.

"Yeah, Einzberns were the premier Magus family related to Homunculus art..."

"Before yours overtook them with your 'discoveries'." Morgan finished for him.

"Yes, improvements done with help of True Magic made their homunculus look like cheap knockoffs."

"And now I will have an excuse to deal with them, with discovery of corrupt grail and that it was their fault for corruption in the first place. Most of all, it can endanger regular people which in turn can lead to magecraft discovery." He explained to her.

"Yes, you already told me that if regular humans discover magecraft it will lead to the weakening of magecraft even further." She nodded at that.

"Correct, Mage Association are doing everything in their power to stop weakening of mysteries. So, they will not going to complain when I deal with such a 'dangerous' family." He finished his explanation as he opened the doors.

Few moments later Ren ordered Berserker to take Saber to one of the specially prepared rooms for resting, after that he dematerialised.

While Morgan went to take a bath.

As Fairy which represents anti-thesis for Vivian, she can produce water on a whim, yet she was not in the right mindset to do any of that.

Instead, she use the mundane way of getting a hot bath and that is using the tap.

While the bath was filling up with water she thought about her embarrassing moment in the forest.

Her snapping like this was an embarrassment.

She ruled her Kingdom for over 2000 years. Yet, it only needed single words on her enemy part to snap her.

Thankfully her husband didn't saw it, while no doubt he noticed something was off about her he didn't question.

After this episode, she somewhat understood what he meant about being 'stale', she didn't truly progressed after taking over Fairy Britain.

Having a large amount of power does that to one.

This only made her realise that to progress further she needs to stay after the war, being in the presence of a Sorcerer who has power over First Magic would help her progress further.

Once there was a satisfactory amount of water in the bath she removed her robes, since they are made from prana she only needed to stop channelling prana into them and they would disappear.

Seconds later she submerged herself and sighed.

"I got this weak, that I am in denial. Even to the point that I need to think of excuses to stay…" Morgan said that before submerging half of the head underwater.

There was some blush appearing around her cheeks, before fully submerging into water.

She was so in denial about her feelings that she needed to hide her blush...underwater.


Ren was about to go to sleep when he saw his servant strolling into his room.

She was dressed in one of his t-shirts, and her hair was fully undone, it was long pale blond almost shinning.

'When on earth did she found time to take my shirt?' He asked himself with a baffled look.

"Morgan?" Ren said the only word which came out of his mouth that moment.

"Husband." She said that while ignoring his bewildered look.

This is not the first time the witch sneaks into his bed...

As any witch would do, she is slowly making the boundaries disappear between them.

And today she is decided to get even closer...

"Today, I realised that I am getting soft," Morgan said that while walking over to him, and getting into his personal space.

"Getting soft? You?" Ren asked with disbelieve written all over his face.

The pale blond witch nodded while leaning forward slightly.

Once again Ren didn't know how to reach in this situation, the Fae Queen in front of him started to behave more and more out of character.

When he summoned her then she behaved like the one he knows from Grand Order. But, everything after that slowly went out of the boundaries he knows...

One she was not in Berserker class but, Caster. The Madness Enchantment she posses is almost non-existent…

So, her character is not influenced by Berserker ability. from there she started to adjust or is it to evolve?

"Is it hard to believe? I took your advice to heart." She said that while taking his hand and putting on her heart for a second, as he pulled it away the next moment, still she didn't let his hand go.

Even so, she grinned seeing his reaction.

"And so, I want you to take responsibility for making me this weak." 

"Responsibility? Morgan, aren't we already married?" He asked with a baffled look, this woman is confusing as hell to him sometimes.

"Indeed. But, that is me deciding for you, I want you to take me as your wife as well." The pale blond witch said that with a growing smile.

'I-Is she falling in love with me? Instead of just being an obsession?' Ren thought with some sweat going down his forehead.


"Even knowing my controlling tendencies and my Nothingness origin?" He asked with raised eyebrow.

He knows about his so-called messed up personality…

"Of course, since I know yours I will tell you mine, my origin is rule." She said that seriously.

'She is serious. Heh, now that I think about it, my father already told me to find a wife, or he will find one for me. Well, I guess a Fae Queen will fit that requirement.' He remembered that simple thing from before the Grail War, he had this particular conversation with his father.

Morgan saw his smile she wondered what he was thinking about, as she started to grow slightly nervous as she did not get an answer from him yet.

"I see, very well then Morgan." Ren lifted his other hand and created a ring, a very posh ring made from her colours.

The Fae Queen eyes slightly widened for a short second. She was still a woman and no matter what, the witch has some attraction to shiny things.

"This is your last choice to say 'no' before you seal your fate." He said that with an amused grin.

"...Amusing as it sounds, I wanted to say the very same thing." She shook her head in amusement, Morgan had the very same idea in mind.

"I see. Very well then, Morgan I want to take you as my… wife." He said that while taking her left hand.

"Since you asking me, I won't going to say no." She agreed with a very big smile.

Ren could not believe he ended up doing such a silly thing. He knows this is not a normal ceremony, knowing his family he will end up doing a proper one… eventually.

And knowing Morgan… she will want one too… Queen's pride and stuff.

But, then again his understanding of her is derailing more and more each day…

He rolled his eyes and put the ring on her left-hand ring finger.

"Wonderful… Husband, you know how to make them… Hmm, that reminds me, you can create these material things easily, correct?" The pale blond witch said while inspecting her ring, she of course was leaning on him while doing so.

"Yes, jewellery is something I could produce for years now." He shrugged while saying that, he remembered that she was his wife. So, he hugged her now since she using him like a pillow.

Morgan smiled even more when she felt him do that, while Nothingness is a dangerous Origin to possess, as long as he cares a lot about her he won't going to 'erase' her.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that if he can create stuff then he can make things disappear as well.

Since he knows the human body like the back of his hand... can he turn people into... nothing?

That thought just make her shiver, Sorcerers are scary existences, thankfully she is a wife of one…

"Great, that means you can make more similar things to this?" She asked with a teasing voice.


"It depends…" He said that with a tired voice, it tires him out just thinking about making jewellery. But, then again…

"Don't worry~~~" She giggled after seeing his facial expression.

"For now, let's retire for today." Morgan then pulled him into bed.

She then ended up laying on him just like last night.

The Fairy Queen snuggled into she nearly hummed with satisfaction.

'Right… not very Queenly... more like recently married woman…' 

Ren decided that he doesn't care anymore, he can throw away all he knows about Fae Queen Morgan, as the woman snuggling into him right now doesn't have any of that Evil Tyrant aura anymore…

'Well, it doesn't matter anymore, since I pulled out her emotions, she should not turn back into that machine-like anymore...hopefully… If she does I can always deal with that.' For a second he thought about it before pushing that line of thought away.

For now, he decided to call it a day, tomorrow is going to be a long day, he has to deal with Emiya, transfer the lesser grail to a new container and of course deal with a new Servant.

Since Saber inverted into her Alter form she is more… controllable now.



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