Greater Grail

With crack, only four people appeared in the yard.

"Well, Waver your run in this Grail War was better than any other Master apart from me, not bad rep," Ren said that as he turned around and started to walk out followed by Caster and Saber.

The teen could not believe what just happened! Rider died, his war just abruptly ended just like that!

All he saw was a blast of black energy and his Servant ceased to exist!

"Is it true!?" Waver asked abruptly.

"True? What is true?" Ren stopped walking and asked back.

"First True Magic? That you have it?" 

"I was born with it. And now I will acquire Third, I will see you in Clock Tower ta-ta." With a hand wave, he disappeared with his Servants, leaving shell-shocked Waver behind.


Ren returned to his workshop in the mansion and walked over to the specially prepared circle where Lesser Grail was forming.

With the addition of two more Servants prana, it took a more cup-like shape.

"We only need to pour more prana at will transform into a cheap imitation of the grail," Morgan said to him from the side.

"Yes, I know. We will do that after all the threats are neutralised." He said to her as he walked to the homunculus chambers.

He put his hand on the specially prepared panels and channelled his prana.

"So, cleansing comes next?" She asked him as looked at the awakening small army of Fae Homunculuses.

"Indeed." He looked at her for a second before turning back at his homunculuses, the liquid inside was drained and the glass containers started to open.

One by one the Fae homunculuses opened their eyes, instead of regular red ones they had ocean blue eyes.

With flash, all of them were dressed in blue and black robes.

"We are awaiting orders, Master." All of them said at the same time while kneeling on one knee.

On Morgan's lips, a small smile appeared after seeing this, she truly has misjudged this art, then again Homunculus art is very fickle art that depends on the creators understanding of human physiology.

Yet, that is not all, because the greater the understanding the lesser the mystery it is, that's why it requires 'true balance', and her husband achieved true Mystery through his True Magic just like his toys which were used by Berserker, his homunculuses can rival Servants now.

And just like that, he has a small army of Servant level beings!

"Primary mission is a go, begin cleansing!

Hearing Ren's orders seventy heads nodded.


All of them then rushed out through the workshop doors.

"Can you feel the surroundings Husband?" Morgan asked him as she walked over to him.

"Hmm, yes, it's like nature is singing." He said while taking a deep breath, all the smell from chemicals quite literally got blasted away from the sheer force of nature brought from the homunculuses.

"Indeed, you're brought to life 70 Fae, homunculus or not, they are Fae. Fae loyal to you, I am quite impressed you were able to control them!" She said with no small amount of awe the last part.

Ren turned around and walked over to her, since he was taller than her he looked at her from a higher point of angle.

What Morgan did was quite simple she wanted to see how much her husband lost himself in 'control', she knows her 'Rule' consumed her for two thousand years, which led to stagnation and her being classified as Berserker as primary class, her being summoned as Caster was all thanks to her Master not wanting a Berserker and shoving her into a container of Caster.

"So. It was a test? Quite bold of you." He spoke without any emotion.

The pale blond witch gulped down seeing how her Husband eyes quite literally changed on the fly.

What she saw was void of space with black and blue swirls spinning.

'Root…even now he is connected to the root!'

"Have you ever heard a saying 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles?' It's one of my favourites." He asked with a smirk, which unnerved her slightly, Ren didn't wait for her answer as he knows she doesn't know Sun Tzu, it didn't exist in Fairy Britain.

"All I did Morgan was changed my thought process to that of Being of Gaia, So, all the Fae Homunculus thought of me as Master and Creator before being Human."

Her eyes widened, he changed the very thought process!

"They are still terminals of Gaia!" She pointed the obvious.

"And so are you, a 'Great Mother' of Gaia no?" He asked with raised eyebrow.

Morgan frowned at him.

"Yes, but I am a Servant now. I do not possess a majority of my powers or Authority, right now those Homunculi possess more Fae attributes than me." She pointed that out, then she continue to speak.

"If what you say is true, then what you did is close to a work of a God, controlling Fae like that was even hard for me at my peak." She said that still trying to get over the fact that Ren didn't lied to her! he believed in the stability of his creations!

Even her Fae Knights were not that stable, they had their... quirks…

Still, in the end, she will witness how truly stable are these Fae Homunculi.

"Let's go, by sunrise I will have my Third Magic." He motioned for Morgan to follow him, he will 'discipline' his wife in the morning for such testing.

The pale blond witch slowly nodded, she slightly gulped nerviously, it seems her husband got cold with her.

She lost some of her progress with him, then again she forgot to mention the possibility of the Fae going berserk on him.

It is not every day that she does magic work with humans, to begin with, and back then she wanted to show that she is a valuable asset, the way it looked to her is that the war was already won and the Servant didn't matter to her Master.

'Well, I will just regain what I lost. It's not the first time I made a mistake!' She obediently followed him to the ground floor.

Soon enough Saber followed them as well, their destination is Greater Grail's 'secret' cavern.


Situated just underneath Ryuudou Temple in 'secret' cavern there is a flat expanse a perfect place for a ritual.

"I can feel the evil just saturating in this place," Artoria said to her Master.

"It's just mindless evil with no higher purpose just to destroy," Morgan said from Ren's other side.

"Yes, in both regards, it's avatar of Zoroastrian God of Evil, even not that, it's just regular human which is accused of all the evils of some village in middle east back in the day." He explained to both servants which frowned after hearing that story.

"Master, we are ready for the ritual." One of the Fae Homunculi did a proper bow before speaking.

"Good, it's not a difficult one but it requires manpower and prana." 

"Yes, we were given the specifics upon our creation we will not fail in such a simple task." The Fae homunculus spoke very respectfully but one can feel the natural-born ego of elemental being in the background.

Morgan listened closely to the whole conversation, she wanted to see just how stable these beings are!

"Good, then begin." Ren motioned to start with a hand wave.

The Fae nodded and spread out quickly around the whole centre where Greater Grail.

Soon, enough Ren saw the difference between humans and Fae, there was no chanting or preparations! Things 'simply' happen around these beings!

Ren watched the Fae perform magic closely, he spread out his Ether field to maximum and closely observed how Fae work at the mystery level.

As Ether is the foundation of everything, Fae and Gods are included in that category as well, this is the best time to watch them work.

All seventy Fae homunculus lifted their hands and the massive circle which was the Greater Grail morphed, and turned into a massive silver ball-like construct.

It might look silverish white, but it had that sinister aura around it.

The Greater Grail reacted as a summoning circle appeared not far from its position.

"Master! The Grail is summoning a Servant!" Saber said while transforming into her battle attire.

Ren clicked his tongue and looked at the circle.

"Disappear! You are annoying!" With hand wave, the circle ceased to exist.

"Master?" Saber lowered both of her swords in disbelieve after witnessing that.

"He used Denial Of Nothingness in reverse…" Morgan said with a small gulp, the witch hoped that Artoria didn't heard her gulp.

"He denied the existence of the summoning circle?" Artoria said that while looking at Morgan with utter disbelief, if it's true then he could win the whole war without a Servant!

The Fairy Queen simply nodded at her as she looked forward at the ritual, Ren didn't even bother listening to their conversation his attention was on the ritual and the Fae homunculus working their magic.

There was no circle or anything there, but one could feel how slowly the Greater Grail simply getting purified.

Still, the Angra Mainyu inside tried to resist as much as possible, many more summoning circles appeared around them but Ren made them all disappear.

After getting more annoyed he simply cloaked the whole area with his Ether and denied any existence of circles making Angra Mainyu even more erratic inside the Greater Grail

Something everyone could see in the aura Greater Grail was emitting.

Still, it was pointless for the All-World's Evils to resist the work of 70 Fae...

"It's done…" The moment one of the Fae Homunculus said the Greater Grail glowed and white light consumed the whole cavern.


When Ren opened his eyes he saw a rainbow realm of sorts, it was stretching as far as he could see.

He then looked around and saw a copy of Irisviel standing in front of him.

"You… are Justeaze von Einzbern, the core of the Greater Grail." The Sorcerer said with realisation.

Was he inside the Greater Grail?

"Correct, you are the last remaining Master standing in this war, while not all Servants are dead it does not matter anymore, with the amount of prana I possess from the cleansing I can grant your wish." The Greater Grail said to him.

"Just like that?" Ren was slightly caught off guard by her words, didn't he broke few rules? But, then again he is the very last master standing in this war.

The woman dressed in white robes simply nodded at him, waiting for his wish.

"Then give me the Third Magic." 

"Granted." She said with a simple nod and once again light consumed his vision.


"You not suppose to be here." Ren eyes grew big when he heard a very familiar voice.

He turned around and saw a very, very familiar Guardian standing in front of him.

The striking white hair, and tanned skin, with silver eyes, it's hard to miss this infamous individual.

"Your existence is an anomaly, it has already started to affect the main world, every world connected to Alaya and Gaia started to take this world model for a stereotype.

Ren blinked hearing that, did his decision to take Morgan as wife made such a large shift? Or is it his plans for the future accompanied by her?

"Nonetheless, You are not allowed to reach the Root." The red-dressed Counter Guardian said with crossed hands.

His words made Ren start laughing! Hard!

"Hahaha!!! What amusing words you say, Guardian." The Sorcerer laughed for few moments then he cleaned off his tears of laughter.

But, then he stopped and the whole atmosphere shifted and Counter Guardian instantly felt it.

'What in world is this kid?' He thought with a frown, no regular being should reach Akasha, he was sent here by Alaya to stop this kid, but Alaya usually just don't send him to kill one kid.

"Remove yourself or I will remove you." The teen said that with an indifferent tone.

"You, are not a regular human, are you?" EMIYA said when he saw the teen's eyes.


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