Concept Crystalization

Here is another chapter, another weird and baffling day when Ren is around...

My Discord:


Ren was spinning the Bab-ilu on his finger as he was thinking about how to progress with the limitless amount of wealth he has now.

The Sorcerer knew he will get Gate of Babylon one way or another, it was only a matter of TIME for him.

One thing for certain is that he can trust Gilgamesh's pride.

The moment the Mesopotamian King pulled out his key, Ren's Ether field scanned it, and then he used fifth magic to simply take it from him at a specific time…

More specifically at a very embarrassing moment for the blonde King.

Now he has the key to the Vault of the King of Heroes.

But just like Excalibur, Excalibur Morgan, he can craft a limitless amount of this specific Noble Phantasm.


"Hmm? What is it Emiya?" 

"When King of Heroes opened his vault, I felt like I have scanned all the weapons on display… and…" The redhead teen lifted his hand and a Anti-Divine Weapon manifested on top of his hand.

"I can do this…" 

"Your magecraft is Sword, this means that all weapons fall into that category, excluding things like Divine Contructs."

"Does...this mean I can project things from simply looking at them?" Redhead said with wide eyes as he realised what this means…

"Hmm? What's going on? Did I miss something?" A white-haired girl came through the doors, her hair was a mess the Einzbern looked like she got a good night sleep, and she was slightly taller now.

"Yes you can do it, but it's nothing more than a mere projection, a counterfeit product. But, it doesn't mean it can't be useful, only that you need more prana to project more solid work." Ren explained to the redhead about the projections.

"As I said your magic is Swords, so don't develop tunnel vision just towards Projections because your true power lies in making swords and being a sword." 

"SHIROU! I Am hungry!!!" Illya made herself known as she got tired of being ignored like this!

"Oh, Einzbern you awake." Ren pretended that he only saw her now.

"Don't you ignore me like that! You have time magic mumbo-jumbo! I bet you knew when I am going to wake anyway! You did that on purpose!" Illya said that while pointing her finger at him.

"Maybe I did and maybe not. By the way, you grew up a few inches." Ren's words made the Homunculus turn human get shocked as she dashed out from the kitchen towards the bathroom to check herself out.

Once she was gone, the Sorcerer rolled his eyes, while Emiya sweat dropped seeing how… casually his 'little' sister got distracted…

"As I was saying before, I will show you what you can do with your brand of magic in forge." As Ren was saying that he looked at Bab-ilu.

A small grimace appeared on his face, he did try to stick with his original plan, but because of his enormous amount of power, any action he takes causes massive ripples in the timeline.

Ren stealing Bab-ilu from Gilgamesh was not in the timeline, it should have been an awe-inspiring battle, but Sorcerer's inner-weeb surfaced when he saw the King of Heroes not pulling any punches against Ereshkigal.

This lead derailing from his original plan…

Not that It changed much for him. More like him grabbing Bab-ilu as consequence made Emiya stronger when the redhead will ascend as a Hero to the Throne.

'Oh well. What's done is done.' The Sorcerer spin the golden key on his finger, before pocketing it again.

While Emiya wondered how on Earth did his Sensei can spin such a large object on his casually.

"Okay. That sounds exciting, what will I be learning?" 

"Now that is telling, you will find out once we start after breakfast." Ren grinned for a second as he accessed Root for a bit, he needs to double-check on something.

"Oh my gosh!!! I am taller now!!!" Illya rushed back to the kitchen, she was super hyped up by this discovery.

The white-haired girl quickly took her seat, opposite to Ren, she started to hum to herself the very next moment.

"That's great Illya, it seems the change to the human body accelerated your growth?" Emiya was happy for his adopted sister, finally he has some sort of true family.

"More like adjusting to the soul, Einzbern will rapidly grow to her supposed size, so I suggest consuming extra food for time being." Ren clarified to them both.

The redhead quickly nodded hearing that, he decided to cook even more, and since the Sorcerer is making food from nothing, Emiya doesn't need to hold back.

While Illya hummed to herself happily hearing that, before she quickly remembered something from yesterday!

"So, what happened yesterday evening? I heard someone screaming 'damn, damn, damn' it was annoying! Shirou what kind of neighbours you have here!?" 

Emiya sweatdropped hearing that… wait! did Illya slept through whole that!?

Through the whole battle against King of Heroes!?

"Illya… we were attacked yesterday by a Servant from previous war…" The red-haired teen explained to his adopted sister.

"Oh? Really? Didn't notice that…" Illya put a finger on their chin, before nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders.

"Right…" Emiya was out of words after seeing how his adopter sister behaved after hearing that!

She didn't care at all!!!

"It's no big deal, the threat was non-existent," Ren said as he started sipping his tea, which appeared from thin air.

"Even if he was to summon his EA, in end it was nothing more than crystalization of a concept, something I can deny no matter how obscure it is, concept is a concept, I simply deny its crystallisation." The Sorcerer explained, it was like he was discussing weather for next week.

"There! You have heard it! There was no problem in the first place! Otherwise, I would have woken up!" Illya said that while crossing her hands and huffing.

While Ren just rolled his eyes, he knows what the white-haired girl was doing, she wants attention, something he experienced from his wife and his fallen knight multiple times before.

"Morning everyone!!!" The blonde Lancer entered with a wide grin.

The Pseudo-Servant was dressed in pure black clothes. Yet, these clothes did look like Rin's, there was not a single trinket of Ereshkigal on her, it would seem the Servant took common sense from Rin.

Which is a good thing for Ren as he will be able to use his new Lancer as a babysitter for his Servants.

Nonetheless, Ren's Blond Servant took a seat next to Illya.

"Hmm? Tohsaka? Why are you blond?" Illya asked with wide eyes as she saw the monumental change in Tohsaka Heiress.

"Hmm...Sensei… I am allowed to explain?" Ereshkigal asked Ren first before answering anything.

"Sure, here some tea." With a hand motion, two cups of tea appeared in front of the two girls.

"Thank you Sensei." The blond nodded for both the tea and the permission to explain, while Illya did notice the changes in Tohsaka behaviour, most obvious one is that she was much more humble...

"Well, Sensei turned me into Servent yesterday after Archer died…" Ereshkigal started speaking casually as she picked up the cup.

It looked like the blond was telling some mundane stuff over a cup of tea.

'Or maybe she doesn't have common sense, or more specifically it's warped…' 

While Ren was thinking to allow Goddess turned Servant work as a babysitter for his Servants Illya was still processing what blond Tohsaka just said to her…

"W-What...did you just say?" 


After the whole breakfast thing was over, Ren alongside the redhead teen went to Emiya's workshop followed by Morgan and curious Ereshkigal… and of course Illya was there too, she wants to see another Magus Workshop after all.

The blonde Lancer felt… weird about this, she was here before as Rin obviously, but it felt... new… 

Rin's memories make a very small piece of Servant Ereshkigal total memories, so for her, it's more or less something that happened some time ago, a fleeting moment…

So, it was more or less a feeling that she was here before some time ago, in a way she was feeling nostalgic.

While Ereshkigal was feeling nostalgic, Illya followed them too out of sheer curiosity, after all not every day a Sorcerer is teaching! Well, not in this timeline…

Ren's first course of action is walking over the forge and starting to inscribe something on it.

What shocked Emiya and Illya was that the way he inscribed, it was with nothing more than brushing a finger through the surface of the forge.

"T-Those… how did you learn them?" Ereshkigal said that with wide eyes as she realised what kind of runes those are!

"I double-checked on them in Root." 

"When did you go to the Root... again?" The blonde Lancer asked with disbelief while the rest of the group went over to check the runes.

Most of them, especially Morgan had thoughtful look on her face as she inspected the runes.

She found them fascinating, well it's good for Ren if she get even more powerful.

"When we were in the kitchen, I had to double-check for this specific training." Ren casually explained to his Servant.

"What kind of specific training includes Primordial Runes?" Ereshkigal asked with a flabbergasted look.

"Well, I needed them for something specific I am going to do, think of it as a hobby, a side activity while I am on holiday, while at the same time I can teach these to Emiya since his affinity for regular magecraft is abysmal, Primordial Runes will give him more...versatility." 

"Right…So knowledge for which Odin sacrificed his eye is holiday stuff for you?" Ereshkigal asked with disbelief, and here she thought Gods can be whimsical, her including, but this was above and beyond that.

"Not quite, I am not treating this as some casual stuff, more like a souvenir from a holiday," Ren explained to her as he turned to Emiya.

"Let me explain how this is going to work." The Sorcerer got everyone's attention since Ereshkigal mentioned 'Odin's knowledge' this became fascinating, especially for Morgan and Illya including, while the blonde Lancer pretended not to care...much.

"Remember how you used Muramasa's Noble Phantasm?" 

The redhead teen slowly nodded, remembering...ignoring limits, he has no idea how he used that Noble Phantasm without dying on spot, but that's probably Sensei doing something to make sure he was still alive after using Anti-Divine level Noble Phantasm.

"The extra step I took in that projection," Emiya said that while remembering what he did.

"Indeed, that moment you added a concept in that weapon, a weapon which doesn't have it originally." 

Ren words made everyone even Morgan eyes widen for a second, she looked at her husband with a calculating look for a moment.

"You telling me Shirou crystalised a concept into a projection? A gradation Air? Do you know how insane that sounds?" Illya said with utter disbelief.

"Exactly! He was able to do that on the fly because he retraced Senji Muramasa steps and copied everything he did, what I am going to teach is working on crystalising concepts." Ren explained with an excited tone, making both Ereshkigal and Illya want to take a seat for a bit after hearing that.

"So, you saying you going to teach him how to craft Noble Phantasm?" The white-haired girl asked for confirmation of what she just heard.

"Same thing, Noble Phantasm IS crystallisation of Hero's Legend, but that is a very long process and is done how humanity remembers that Hero.

While this is different, we are going to use Emiya's Attribute and Element working through a forge to crystalline concept of Sword." Ren said that while handing over a hammer with runes carved on it.

"For this to work remember the process which created that Projection, it's all about intent." The Sorcerer explained to the redhead.

Emiya nodded, that moment the teen softly to himself said the infamous words which will one day manifest as his Reality Marble and Personal Skill.

"I am just a Sword and nothing more…"