Another Gate

Here is the chapter.

My Discord:


Ren slightly moved his wife who was sitting on his lap sideways.

"Right so to make it hand-tailored for you, I will be guiding you and doing the majority work of crystallizing."

"So I will be supplying the prana? Since it's 'my' Noble Phantasm." She said that with realisation.

"Indeed, and once you run out I will be channelling through the connection we share."

Morgan raised her eyebrow hearing that. She will run out of Prana? Is that even physically possible for her anymore?

Her current self already surpassed her original self from Fairy Kingdom of Britain by a landslide.

The pale blond Fairy is not even including the skill she got through marriage, her prana reserves are constantly growing as she is Fairy who is attached to a Sorcerer of three True Magics…

Even so her husband, says that she will run out of Prana.

This quite intrigued her in truth.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" Morgan said as she got comfortable sitting on her husband lap, this time she was facing away and Ren was holding both of her hands.

Frankly, it didn't look like they were doing anything magecraft related, it was more like another cuddling session, which happens multiple times throughout the day.

The Sorcerer brough her hands closer, it looked almost like he made her pray as both of her palms were close to each other.

"Alright start channelling your prana dear." Ren softly said to her.

And the pale blond fairy nodded at his request and she started channelling prana through her hands and after that Ren was weaving the concept into it.

Soon enough there was lightning crackling and space started to warp.

Lines started to manifest looking like they were drawn…

Moments into it, these lines started to take shape and form into a key.

Unlike Ren's Morgan's was more elegant looking, colouring was similar, only that it had the pale blond's green colour for its secondary while primary colour... the majority of the key colour was blue, just like the fairy's husband.

Morgan slightly grimaced when she felt her prana reserves start to rapidly diminish, the Fairy Queen didn't notice that when Ren was making his key.

Then again she can't put a marker on his prana, all she could tell was that he was using it.

Who would have thought that creating hand-tailored Noble Phantasm can be this draining?

Once she felt her reserves dwindling, they were rapidly refilled by her husband through their connection.

It somewhat baffled her how quickly it was restored, the amount of prana she has easily matched that of a Deity yet it was resupplied in a moment of notice.

Sure enough, the key was created a few minutes later, and with Morgan's calculation, she used at least three times the amount of Prana a God-level being should normally possess.

In other words, it's a ridiculous amount of energy.

Then again her prana was the fuel for the fifth True Magic needed for this crystallisation.

Another thing she noticed is that her key had some fae elements like the handle was shaped like butterfly wings.

The pale blond fairy didn't know if she should be annoyed or amused that her past simply doesn't want to leave her alone.

"It does look beautiful," Ren said to her as he saw the key in her hands.

Morgan internally sighed hearing that, since her husband likes it, then she will too.

"Now the difficult part, I am going to link your prana with mine, so that you don't die by activating this." The Sorcerer seriously said that to her.

"W-Wait. Are you telling me that there is much more prana usage after this? And it's more than creation of this?" Morgan asked with a flabbergasted tone.

There is more? And it's more than the creation of the key?

"Well, yeah. All we did was give the concept form, next is vault space creation and concept activation." He explained to his fairy wife, who didn't know how to react to that.

"Since this is a completely new concept, yes it's new. There is no Morgan who has the world's treasures in any recorded history, so we adding this to the 'system'.

To make it even better I made it so that every single item in the vault is to be hand-tailored to be used for you.

In other words, the concept is among the lines of 'World's treasures of Morgan Ashwell'. So, every single item will go through a filter that will alter them to fit with your preferences." Ren explained to her with quite a happy tone, as he was proud of this customisation effect.

Something akin to having a private garage that customised everything for you.

"I see… I don't know if I should be awed by the fact something like this is possible or flabbergasted that you come up with something like this." The pale blond Fairy sighed slightly while fully leaning into her husband.

"Why not both for my dear wife?" He said to her as he snuggled and hugged her this time.

Morgan enjoyed the affection for a few moments before returning at the matter at hand.

"Why don't we finish this, and then we can enjoy each other company?" The pale blond fairy words brought Ren back, who simply nodded at her.

Even though the Fairy Queen said to him to finish she was not ready for the flood gates to open which were the limitless amount of Prana which started to flow through her.

She thought that the amount she had before was quite large even absurd compared to other Fairies, but she never realised how insane is to have no limits…

Nonetheless, she controlled herself and didn't want to look pathetic in front of her husband so she used the key.

Just like Ren's key, her sunk into space too, and the next moment the pale blond fairy felt the drain of her prana.

Internally she gulped, when she felt the amount of prana was drained from her.

It was an enormous amount, Morgan understood why though.

They were activating a Noble Phantasm which touches the whole of the world. Past, present and the future…

All the treasures going to be at her disposal. Still… it's going to take time for her to get over that she has access to such a thing.

She never was someone who relies on items, The Fairy Queen prefers her magecraft knowledge over material things.

Even so, if her husband is making something equivalent to Gate of Babylon and if he can make one for her then she will accept it.

After the initial prana payment was done, Ren disconnected Heaven's Feel from his wife's.

That moment the pale blond Fairy felt the difference…

If not for her Husband she would have died from Prana depletion, as the amount of the energy needed could… easily sustain the planet for several centuries.

A horrifying thought, now she knew why the Noble Phantasm was considered one of most powerful in the world.

And then her husband took that Noble Phantasm's concept and hand-tailored...further…

No regular being would do such a thing, but then again Sorcerers exist outside the norm.

Thankfully she is a wife of one…

'Even so...the amount of prana which was used… even my 2 thousand years of rule I didn't gather that much!' The Fairy Queen heavily sweat for a moment, remembering the drain on her reserves which were empowered by her Husband's Heaven's Feel.

It was like trying to feed a black hole.

"Well? Did it work?" Ren asked Morgan after noticing her being quiet like that.

The pale blond beauty slowly closed her eyes and checked the space she is connected with…

'Incredible…' Morgan was in slight awe seeing the assortment of weaponry already there.

Her eyes scanned them...

Landing on one particular item…

'…this Noble Phantasm acquired it…'

The Fairy Queen's felt the power of these chains pulsating with power.

'The Chains of Heavens…' She then looked further seeing weapons radiating power and connected to her…

Unlike Gilgamesh who only threw weapons without being able to utilise their true potential, she felt a proper connection to them and can use their peak abilities as if they are part of her legend from the very beginning.

"It did Husband… you are one crazy person…" Morgan said with a joking tone.

"I never said that I was not crazy." He shrugged at her words.

"You do realise that now I have EA painted in my colours or any other legendary weapon?" She said that as she felt the Sword of Rupture just appear in her Treasury.

"It appears you have skipped my mentioning that ALL of treasures will be hand-tailored for you, colours, especially colours included." Ren seriously said the latter half.

"Yes...colours are the most important." Morgan agreed with him.

"Good that we are on the same page."

"I am your Wife and Fairy, I am always on the same page with you." The pale blond Fairy said that with an arrogant tone.

"Indeed you are, now that we have the Gates done we should discuss the names for these Noble Phantasms," Ren said with a thoughtful look as he looked at the ceiling for a bit.

The beauty on his lap used that moment to get back into a more comfortable position before starting to speak what she had in mind for her Gate.

"I was thinking to name it Gate of Camelot." She said with an incredibly amused tone. Oh, how she loves to include 'Camelot' just for amusement sake.

"You still harbouring a grudge against Artoria's castle?" Ren asked with an amused and even baffled tone.

"Not quite… by this point, it's like a reminder from where I come from," Morgan said with a shrug as she decided to taste her new...toy.

The pale blond Fairy gently lifted her hand and Blue greenish ripple appeared above her palm and a cup of tea slowly came out from it.

"Fascinating…" She observed the Noble Phantasm in action, she calculated that the Prana she used at this moment is very minuscular, all she has to pay for is activation of gateway.

Very convenient Noble Phantasm and has quite low maintenance if she is to brush away the creation of space and activation of the Gate.

After checking her Prana she tried out the tea while Ren observed what his wife was doing.

"Hmm~~~ this is truly wonderfully tasting!" The fairy happily said that as she offered the cup to her husband.

The Sorcerer happily accepted the cup, the tea looked like a broth, greenish even.

He is not a big fan of green tea, is all about grey tea with him, nonetheless it's stuff that The World considers a treasure so he has to try it out.

"... It's quite good, not going to lie never expected green tea to taste this good." Ren had to accept the fact that this tea was good even if not his favourite flavour.

"I know, the best part is that there are several different teas! I bet that they are from different cultures." The Witch said with quite an excited tone.

"Well, aren't you sound quite excited?" The Sorcerer immediately noticed her excitement.

"I am, this is almost like a new adventure, tasting all the foods and drinks…" She then got an idea…

"I know! Once we are back we should go on a trip around the world! We only went to some beaches over the past three years and that trip to Japan…" The pale blond fairy looked at him with some hope.

Ren could only smile internally seeing her behaving like a human by this point instead of a Fairy…

"Whatever you want, we can book a cruise or airplane, or even both." He said with a shrug. It was not an issue for him.

"Great! We can start planning this once we are back in our timeline."