Mordred Meeting Father(s)?

(2 out of 3 chapters this week)

"I see. What is your goal? You are gathering Servants. Powerful Servants. There is an end goal? Or is it just a game for you?"

The Lion girl manifested behind him with crossed arms.

"For beings who exist now, my actions appear random. That's because whatever I do affects things in the distant future.

But yes, to your question. My goal is to change the world. I have a vision. You can be part of that vision. Your wish it's something you can do here in this timeline AND in my timeline as well. The choice is yours."

Her eyes narrowed for a second.

"Why such a hassle? You are a Sorcerer, beings like you only care about magic. Normal people are beneath them." She pointed out.

"You are right. That's why I am offering this to you. Once my order is in place you can run all the orphanages if you want. Maybe even part of my government will be responsible for that, something you can run as well.

The choice is yours."

Atalante's eyes trembled. This guy knew how to pull her heartstrings! It's so wrong! It was simply not fair!

"...And if I am to decline?" She asked with a snappy voice.

"...I will just summon another Atalante." He casually shrugged at her.

"...Why me?"

"Because your relic is one of the first-ever artefacts I have ever got with my own money. It's special to me." He explained without mincing his words.

The Lioness growled from annoyance. She was annoyed that it made sense to her.

"...Fine. I accept. But, if I see anything amiss I will have your head."

Ren smiled. He then turned around and faced her.

"Of course."

The answer she got made her turn pale. Because she felt like she just signed a contract with the devil himself!

However, she won't chicken out! No! That's not her! Even if he is a devil and a god-like being. She won't show a terrified face!

"Then follow me. Time for upgrades."

His new Archer stiffly nodded and followed him.


"It appears that Archer girl has been subdued," Melusine leisurely commented as she looked somewhere.

"It was only a matter of time," Morgan said while sipping her tea.

"That Archer girl holds a special place in my husband's heart. The other artefact he acquired belongs to my panhuman version but since he is a Sorcerer he was able to summon me.

So it's only natural that he summons his other Servant with whom he has a special connection." The Fairy Queen explained to her Knight.

"As expected from Her Grace! You always think about His Grace."

Morgan snorted with amusement. It feels good to have her cheerleader back.

"Of course. He is my husband. So it's the most natural thing I would do. His happiness is my happiness."

The Dragon girl had stars in her eyes when she heard how affectionate her Queen was speaking about her husband.

This was on another level! Over the decades when Melusine has served her as Fae Knight Lancelot, she has never seen her Queen this open with emotions!

Truly beautiful to watch!

While the pair are drinking tea and eating an array of sweets, Erishkigal and Gray are observing the pair from a distance.

"...They sure are strange."

"...Don't worry they are…catching up." The blonde twin tails Goddess explained with a small smile.

"Come let's have something to eat~"


~~~~~~In Town of Trifas~~~~~~

The pair of Artorias were walking through the streets of the medieval-looking town of Trifas.

"...It feels quite…" Alter opened up first as she was looking at the cobblestone pavements and buildings which looked quite old.


"...Yeah, that's the word."

As they were exploring the town, their noses were assaulted by freshly prepared food.

"...Smells good."

"... It's a good thing we are prepared." Once again the King of Knights pulled out a rolled-up pack of banknotes.

Like always their Master never forgets to give them some spare change.

As they walked over they realised that this was a bakery! The moment they realised that drool started to drip from the corners of their lips.

"...We have to try these!" The blonde whispered with a serious voice.

"...Yeah!" Alter stiffly nodded as she cleaned off her droll.

After making up their mind they swiftly entered the bakery and proceeded to choose their pastries.

Alter hogged everything with chocolate on or inside of it, while Artoria was much more controlled and took everything which looked good.

"...Are you sure you two will eat all of it?" The baker asked with some concern.

"No worries."

"It's fine. If there is something left we can share them with our…family." The King of Knights almost said 'Master' but at the very last second she switched to 'Family'.

"Alright then."

The baker swiftly counted all the pastries. Once again Artoria simply dropped a banknote and told the man to keep the change.

As they left the bakery their eyes wandered to the side where outdoor tables were for a restaurant.

Their eyes widened as they saw another blonde, just like them, BUT her hairstyle was not as nicely combed as theirs.

The other blonde has noticed them as well.

The reaction was extreme.


With a wild roar, the blonde jumped out from her seat and with intense red lightning her clothes changed into silver and red armour.

The girl roared furiously as she lunged at Artoria.

But, before she can do anything. A foot slammed into the armoured girl's side.

Forcing her to fly away with crushing force.

The one who kicked her hard was Artoria Alter.

"Can you hold this for me? And call the Master. He needs to patch up this place." The darkened Artoria handed over the bag to Artoria who was already busy holding her large bag.

"...Fine… just don't kill Mordred. She is supposed to be on our side in this war." Artoria reminds Alter about the factions and that Mordred is Saber of Red.

"Yeah-Yeah. I might not kill her but a beat-up is in the cards." With a blast of black miasma, the Alter Saber jumped after Mordred.


"...Ugh…what was that?" Mordred groggily pushed out from being imprinted into a wall.


"Master, get back. It's my father! No doubt she is the Saber of Black!" Mordred said with certainty. After all, what other class her father could be summoned to!? Since she is a Saber it's only natural that her father will be a Saber as well!

"...yeah…no. You are wrong. Though being called Saber of Black fits my colouring."

The black-dressed pale blond girl landed in front of Mordred several metres away.

"It's you…" Kairi Sisigou's eyes widened behind his sunglasses.

"Indeed. I am Saber. Artoria Pendragon, the Fallen King of Knights. The girl who looks just like me is not my fallen version." As Alter said that black miasma gathered around her red lightning crackled for a second as she was fully armoured and a pair of swords appeared in her hands.

Mordred's eyes bulged out as she saw this version of her Father! This King Arthur looks evil!

"...T-Two Excaliburs!?"

"Beautiful isn't it? My Master gave me one extra as a gift. He truly knows what his Servant likes~" The Alter was happy with the reaction to her extra sword.

"Now what do you say? Traitor? Want to fight?"

Mordred eyes twitched from anger when she heard the tone of this fake-looking King Arthur!

"Fine! I will kill you first, and then I will fight my Father! Now come on you Faker!" Mordred roared with anger as red lightning crackled around her blade. She lunged at the black King of Knights.

"I am Fake?" At that moment Alter's eyes gleamed with sadism. Did she call her fake?

With a roar, Alter lunged as well. But unlike Mordred her mana was many times more heavy and her Excaliburs could amplify that heaviness and discharge a burst of energy from itself like a conduit.

Her swing looked like a massive Excalibur was descending on Mordred who was baffled to see this!

She tried to intercept the swing downwards with the blade of her Clarent.

"Heh…you stopped one sword, what about the other one?"

The Knight of Treachery's eyes widened under her helmet as she realised that both of her sides were open!

Sure enough another oversized pitch-black Excalibur slammed into her side sending her into a stone building once again.

'Shit this is no good! This King of Arthur is a freak of a Servant!'

Now that Alter has revealed herself, Kairi can see her Parameters! All of them are in EX!

There is no freaking way Mordred can win against this thing!

"... let me show you what a 'fake' can do." The Fallen Knight is feeling quite pissed by that comment.

"...Alter! Remember what I said!" Artoria landed not far from their location; she was holding two large bags of pastries.


"I know, I know…" The darkened version clicked her tongue.

"My apologies that she attacked like that." Artoria tried to sound as diplomatic as possible as she apologised to Mordred's Master.

"...Hmm?" Kairi didn't expect that this other version of King of Knights would apologise like that!

"Father!!! You must fight me!!!" All of sudden Mordred was on her feet. Her entire left side of armour was shattered showing her face.

"For what?"

"...I need to beat you!"

"For what?"

"...I am the rightful successor to your Kingdom!"

"...What kingdom?" Artoria asked with an eye roll.


"...Are you stupid? Camelot is gone for over a thousand years. There is no castle for you to rule. People have long forgotten about us. All that is left are simple legends and tales." Artoria exclaimed with a sigh. Now she knows how her Master feels when she tells him about her wish.

It's so stupid. But then again, Servants are beings who are 'stuck' in time. So she understands where Mordred comes from.

"...I see… regardless, this is not a solved issue! I still need to beat you! To prove to you that I am still your rightful heir!"

The pair of Artorias sighed at her at the same time.

"I don't care. You can have the kingdom if you want."

"...Excuse me?" For a moment Mordred didn't know what to say.

"...Yeah what my goody two shoes said. You can have my kingdom as well."

The more wild-looking blonde was out of words. Even her Master, the Bounty Hunter was scratching the back of his head.

What the hell is going on!?

"H-Hold it! It doesn't work like that!"

"Hmm? Why not? I am the King."

"So I am."

"So, as King of Britain you are now the King. There, you can have it."

"What she said. You can have my Kingdom as well." The pair of Artorias casually handed over their 'Kingdoms'.

The only reason they are doing something like this is that their 'Kingdoms' don't exist anymore. So if Mordred is so obsessed with all of this she can have these 'Kingdoms'.

"No! You two are making fun of this! I WON'T accept this!" Mordred roared with anger as her armour fixed itself.

She was ready to fight! She doesn't care how much stronger this black fake version of her father is! Hell! Both of them are fakes! Her father will never 'joke' like this!

"Mordred! Hold it! We can't fight here!"

'What the hell is this? I thought this was over but Saber is just mad!'

"Master, don't hold me back! I need to get rid of these two!"

Before she can lunge, chains erupt from everywhere and pin Mordred in midair! They came out from blue portals and soon after more people appeared next to a pair of Artorias.

"...Huh? Let go of me! I said let GO OF ME!!!" Mordred roared with anger as her mana was not responding. Her struggle looked like a child's temper tantrum.

"We met again, Master of Saber. It appears you summoned quite a handful one."

"...You are that Magician…"

"Oh? You realised what I was?"

The tall burly biker snorted in amusement.

"Hard to miss when you perform such feats."

"Fair point."