Without Hate And Without Loss

When I awoke, my head was spinning, as if something turned me around one hundred times. My vision was impaired for about five minutes before the spinning died down. Both my hands felt like they were being restricted, but to my surprise, I was being restricted by black chains. The room I found myself in was cube-shaped with concrete flooring and walls. The chains were phasing through the walls as if they weren't directly attached to them. The door looked to be metal with a barred window.

My head was pounding and I could barely hear anything. Then, faint footsteps moved down the hall. They grew louder the closer they got. They eventually stopped at the door right in front of me. The heavy door squeaked open and the man who had the snake sword stood at the door. "Ah, so you finally woke up?" I remained quiet and stared at him menacingly. He then says, "Don't give me that look, you might be the Yang spirit but you don't know how to use it." I pulled my arms and the chain wouldn't budge. It seemed hopeless to oppose it. "Not that it matters, since you're going to die, but my name is Nazo." He said this while acting nonchalant. Then he said, "By the way, those chains aren't ordinary, you'll need enormous power to break them."

Screaming came from outside the door and it sounded like Manny's voice. This triggered me to struggle even harder, but the chains wouldn't break. Nazo then started laughing at me before saying, "You know, I didn't think the spirit would take you in as its host." He was starting to piss me off and I said, "I promise you, if my brother dies, I will kill you." He unsheathed his sword and cut my ear off. I began screaming manically out of pain and he knelt down and placed his hand on my head before saying, "That's if... You break out." My ear restored itself and Nazo continued to say, "Inconvenient though because he might die within the hour anyway." He walks out of the room and locks the door behind himself.

My head hung low and I remained dizzy. The screams had gotten louder and louder. They eventually drove me mad over the course of five minutes. I couldn't afford to lose another brother, not after Amoi. I looked down at my feet and I noticed that Mai's grandfather's clothing was missing. Nazo had me wearing no shirt with prisoner shorts, meaning, they were ripped-up shorts and no shoes. Then I glanced at my ring, then closed my fist and started fusing power. White electricity emitted from my hand and my body was temporarily tangible and I fell through the chains. The chains fell through the floor and I looked at the door before walking straight through it. Then I heard a gun go off. "Where am I? Am I still in Pansen? If so, why do they have guns?" I thought to myself.

Manny began screaming again and I ran in the direction of the sound. I was running down the hall and I came across a window. When I looked outside, I confirmed that I was back in Nova1c. Manny's screams caught my attention once more and I pursued them once again. When I turned the corner, I stumbled upon someone wearing an all-black stealth suit. He reacted to me and stood in a fighting position and said, "I cannot allow you to leave." I aimed my palm at him and he immediately kicked the air and knocked me into the wall. Then he quickly aimed another kick at my head, but I avoided it. I rolled backward and aimed my palm, but this time he kicked it into the wall. Then he spins and kicks me in the face, and as I fall backward, I get a flash of Yanu. He was training in the martial arts and was taking down his opponents.

The attacker leaped for a right hook, and I caught it with my left hand before upper-cutting it with my right fist. Their eyes rolled back and their head slammed into the ceiling so hard that it nearly killed them. I then looked at my palms again and heard Manny's screams once more, so I ran. Coming upon a room with his heavy breathing coming from it, I kicked the door open and he was chained to the wall and two people in dark robes were pulling energy from his body. I bolted after them and beat them into the walls.

Manny was almost unconscious and hurt, so I took him off the chains and teleported us back to Yuki. To my surprise, we didn't burn up this time, but Manny was still hurt. My portal only took us outside the walls, so I carried him inside the gate by myself. The town was nearly destroyed and there were bodies everywhere. One of the armored men I met was leaning against some stairs leading home. I then placed my hands on his chest and healed him completely. Manny was still unconscious, so I carried him to an empty home and laid him down so I could find some survivors.

Next, I walked to one of the men who I had met recently and he wasn't dead but motionless. He was badly injured, though, with a trail of blood coming from his head and a groaning sound.I then placed my hands on his chest and began healing him. My energy was low from healing Manny, but I healed his fatal wounds. I then carried him to the house Manny was in and left to find other survivors. I couldn't understand why they attacked this town; they seemed peaceful and helpless. Nazo and his army are going to pay for this, I was going to make sure of it.

I walked to the fancy building to see if the town leader was still alive. Maybe he could inform me of what was going on. When I arrived, the pillars were all over the place and the building itself had a giant hole in the wall. I proceeded to walk through the hole and immediately saw him. He was being crushed by one of the inside pillars. I placed my fingers on his neck and his pulse said he was still alive. The next thing I did was punch the pillar and it shattered into bits and pieces. When that happened, he jumped awake and shouted aloud, "What, who, ah!" He quickly scrambled his arms around as this happened as well.

I grabbed his arms and said, "It's me, Goshi, it's OK." He calmed down and came to an understanding of the problem. "What happened to Yuki?" he asked me while looking through the hole in the wall. I told him that someone named Nazo attacked the town. Then he began to remember what happened. He tells me that Nazo was monologuing about an eternity of war until he got the spirits. This meant that he wasn't going to stop until he had control of our prowess. He also mentioned what he said, which was, "People of Yuki, if you do not wish to die, then turn them over. Any attempt to conceal them will result in your immediate execution. However, in order to keep this war going, we will need reserve power, meaning your children." And that was the last thing he remembered before the pillar fell on him.

The leader's leg was injured and he couldn't walk, so I healed him and told him to head to the house that the others are in. Before he left, he pointed out other locations where the three armored men could be. He said that they were his last line of defense before the pillar fell on him. I have already found one, so that means that the other two have to be near the town's fountain.

When I finally arrived at the fountain, one of them was pushed against a home on the left of the fountain, and the other one was on the roof of a home on the right. As I was about to approach the one in the wall, I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. This shadow moved like a ninja and was nearly undetectable. I put my guard up and looked around and they were nowhere to be seen.

Then from everywhere, I hear a voice struggle to say, "Goshi." I quickly looked all around because it sounded like Amoi. The voice then repeated itself over and over until I was freaking out. And when it stopped, there was another voice, "Goshi, you let me die. I hate you." I started hyperventilating and the world began spinning and as I was about to fall back, Manny caught me and placed me back on my feet. "Goshi, don't listen to it, it's someone else," Manny said, but from my ears, it sounded hazy or fuzzy.

When I gained balance again, I pointed at the two injured men on the floor and muttered, "Check if they're alive, Manny." He bolted at each one and, luckily, they both survived the attack. Suddenly, Manny was under attack by someone who wielded a scaled sword. It was the one who wielded Eqihr's sword. My eyes shot open when I realized Eqihr wasn't here and I murmured, "Eqihr, where are you?"

*End Of Chapter 12*