Five Scaled Massacre

The girl dropped Manny and told me to drop my ring in front of me. While being hesitant, I slipped my ring off my finger and tossed it on the ground. She walked over to me and went on about how the scaled swords would test our abilities. When she grabbed my ring, I kicked her in the face. The ring slipped into the air and I jumped and put it back on my finger. Next, I folded my hands together and tree roots came from the ground and attacked her.

She would break from them till they got the best of her. At that moment, I grabbed Manny and I teleported us to Mai's village. When we entered the village, Mai, her father, and her brothers were back there. She was happy to see that I was still alive despite me having powerful abilities. I laid Manny on the floor and began healing his body from battle. Her father was watching me very closely and inspected my abilities.

When I was finishing his healing, Mai's father told me that some man who he thought to be Eqihr was in the village. I had to confirm that and asked him if I could see him. Mai offered that she could take my brother to a safe hut. I agreed and went to see Eqihr, so I followed Mai's father. The hut was in the back of the village and inside was surely Eqihr. He was happy to see me and I was happy to see him. When I asked him what happened back at Yuki, he told me that he would explain.

What he said that happened was the scaled Sword Batallion attacked Yuki in hopes of finding Manny and me. In that event, they tried but failed to hold us captive back on Nova1c. I told Eqihr what happened before and after we were held captive. But Eqihr was trying to set a point in my head and told me to listen to a story. He said that the name of the story was the five-scaled massacre. The sun was setting and the weather started to crackle.

Eqhir suddenly says, "This story is important for you and Manny to know. The five-scaled swords are dangerous when they are reunited. Long ago, I found my dragon sword and it gave me a jump in power. This jump is known as the scaled fusion. This fusion gave me half the strength of what you have. And the same thing goes for the other sword users. However, the snake sword is benevolent and is much more destructive than the other four counterparts." He said counterparts. This means that they could all have a proper function when they are together. I asked him about it and his reply was that they do have a similar function but do not at the same time.

He continued the story and started with, "The scaled swords are not as powerful separated as they are together, meaning when one individual obtains all swords at once they become destruction on feet." I leaned back at the sound of that and asked him how they worked when they were united. Eqihr said that in order for the swords to be used properly, the wielder must wield all of the swords at the same time. He monologued for about two minutes before gaining prominence."The swords can either be wielded at the same time or merged into one weapon of mass destruction." Eqihr said before sitting up and saying, "This weapon is typically used to destroy landmasses."

My only question was, who would want to do such a thing? Eqihr said that the only man who would want this device is Nazo Lunar. Eqhir told me that the only motive he could think of was that Nazo's family was wiped out by the YinYang spirits. Rain could be heard through the roof, and Eqihr warned that if someone like him obtained both YinYang and the scaled swords, it would spell the end of all lands. The last thing I had to ask Eqihr was, how to stop a scaled sword?

First, he said that martial arts are the only thing that has a chance at taking it down. However, he mentioned that whoever wields the five swords will be able to counter anything that is seen by them. So in short, no one stands a chance at fighting them. Thinking about it, the one way someone could beat them is if they strike the person when they aren't looking. Maybe if they are double-teamed, then they can be struck by someone they aren't looking at. Eqihr informed me that the user also has enhanced senses just like Yin and Yang in their true form.

That was unsettling and caused me to feel worried about facing that person. Eqihr told me that he needed more time to rest, so I left his hut. My next task was to see if Manny was awake, so I walked to Mai and she guided me to him. When I walked inside, Manny was leaning against the wall and was holding his gut. I noticed that and said, "Manny, are you still injured?" He told me that my healing couldn't fix it. He then told me that he doesn't exactly remember what happened back there.

I told him what happened and how he turned into something powerful and almost defeated that girl. He didn't believe that he transformed into something so powerful and had no clue. I also told him where we were and the current time. He told me that he wanted to rest for the rest of the night and hopefully, his inner limb would heal. I let him rest himself and walked outside to find Mai.

Luckily, Mai was waiting on the other side of the door. She told me that her father wanted to talk to me at the village's campfire. I was unresponsive and just listened to her. As I approached the campfire, he began talking to me. "Good, you finally made it here. I have something important to ask of you." He said this with such importance that it indicated that he was being straightforward. I told him that I was listening to him sincerely and he continued. He told me that when the village was attacked, Nazo kidnapped most of the remaining villagers and took them somewhere. I assumed that he wanted me to go and retrieve them and bring them home. He told me that was what he was thinking and asked me about it again. I informed him a little a bit about Nazo from what Eqihr told me and said that I could die, as well as the villagers.

He didn't know that he was as strong as a rank seven. Mai's father was a rank four, so that's why he was unable to defend the village properly. Mai's father denied his last request and told me that the Yin and Yang need to stay in the village. I made him feel better about it by telling him that if I went and rescued someone, the villagers would be the first on the list. He thanked me for the relief and told me to get some rest for the rest of the night. Indeed, I had not rested since before we fought that scaled sword lady from earlier. I found a hut and fell asleep.

*End Of Chapter 14*