No Destruction?

Two hours later, Eqihr was helping me activate my destructive abilities, but it was even harder than absorbing natural force. Neither of us had a clue about how to release it. Another problem was that we didn't know where to start as well.

The first thing we tried was punching things, but that did nothing for me. It was not like I couldn't break things, but I didn't have the abnormal strength as Manny did. Manny was here as well and he demonstrated his punch for us. He punched a tree and it shuttled across the sky and disappeared. I gasped and sighed right after and tried punching a tree. The tree took a substantial amount of damage but never left the ground. I felt bad and healed the tree right after.

Next, we tried to punch water, but that led us nowhere because Manny almost emptied a pond while I only splashed water around. Eqihr was trying to see what the problem was but had not found a conclusion yet. After that, we traveled back to the meadow and tried to punch the land. Manny punched as hard as he could and he made a crater the size of twenty round tables. Eqihr told me to try next.

I closed my fist and punched the ground as hard as I could, but I only created a small dip in the ground that a baby could fit in. After that last attempt, my body was tired of punching random objects. Eqihr told me that we were done for today, but I was overtaken by anger and began punching the ground hand by hand with a four-second interval. Eqihr noticed my frustration and remained calm, telling me to stop before he snagged my arms from the ground. He shouted at me and nagged me about overusing my ability.

Manny looked worried at my frustration and shortly after I stormed off. Eqihr told Manny to remain where he was. I walked through the meadow while aggressively smashing things into pieces, thinking about nothing but being mad. Out of nowhere, Manny turned my shoulder and pressed me against the tree I was destroying. "I thought Eqihr told you to stay!" I shouted in anger. Manny was trying to restrict my movement and eventually slapped me across my face and shouted, "Get a hold of yourself Goshi!" My face was turned away from Manny and was emotionless once more.

I shoved him off me and walked back to the village after saying, "You wouldn't understand Manny, your power is perfect." He stomped his foot and the ground around us was immediately destroyed. "You think this is a perfect power? destroying things all the time! " He said this before turning me around again and saying that he wished he never had this power and that he told me my healing and passive powers were great. "If they were so great, I would have saved Amoi," I shouted at Manny before shoving him off of me again. Manny went silent and mumbled something about me taking it back.

After dining at his request, he kicked me to the ground and leaped at me with his fist. I rolled out the way as he smashed the ground upward. My body bounced across the field and hit the ground forcefully. As I tried to get back up, Manny was already behind me and had his hand on my shirt and his dark aura hovering above his fist with lingering aura wrapped around his arm. "Take it back." He said this in a mildly aggressive tone.

Eqihr shouted the word "Reverse." and Manny was knocked to the ground like me. "What is the matter with you two?" He asked us before Manny powered down and said, "He feels worthless, that's the problem." Eqihr ordered us to go back to the village without a single word. I vigorously marched back to the village while Manny and Eqihr walked together.

While rushing down the meadow, A giant three-headed bird landed right in front of me. I stumbled to the ground and laid there, paralyzed. The middle head aimed for me, but Manny came and smashed all the heads open. He offered me his hand, but I smacked it away and told him to piss off. Eqihr told him "Great job." For killing a three-headed bird. "I didn't need your help," I said while standing back up then walking away. "It looked like it," Manny said, annoyingly.

When we arrived back in the village, Xain and the rest of Mai's brothers were up and active. Xain was running around and laughing while Poe and Thieza chased after him. Xain noticed me and stopped running, then, he sprinted in my direction. He wrapped his arms around me and thanked me for healing him. Poe and Thieza thanked me by slapping me on the shoulder. Mai looked at me worryingly and asked if I was OK.

I looked her in the eyes, smiled, and told her I was fine. Manny and Eqihr finally made it back before Mai's father said that we needed to formulate a plan for the war. Eqihr agreed with him and said that we needed people we could trust. Mai's father said that many other towns and villages are devoted to the YinYang spirits. Eqihr mentioned that there was a village that was devoted. The only problem was, the last time he saw them, they were at war with a neighboring town.

The last time he saw them was a few days ago, but he reckoned that they fought valiantly. Thinking back, I remembered that I healed two people back in Yuki. The leader and one of the men in the armor. I told the group that and they said that I could go back with Mai to retrieve them. I didn't even know Mai's ability. She never fought nor displayed any skills a single time I was here. However, I did want her to tag along. I felt like she was growing on me.

I twirled my hand and opened a portal. Both Mai and I entered the town of Yuki. After closing the portal, Mai asked me where they were. The first thing I did was show her where I left them. But they weren't there. I would expect that they were going to stay put. It's only been a few days, so they shouldn't have gotten far. "Hey!" One of the armored men shouted from afar. Mai and I ran towards him and he seemed fine.

He asked about my disappearance and I told him that someone attacked us so we ran. He understood me and informed me about the town of Yuki. He said that the leader of the town disappeared a few days ago. But he also mentioned that the other two men were here and healthy. Eqihr told me what happened, but I needed to know exactly what happened to this town.

He walked me to his home and began explaining what happened. He said that before the actual attack began, the ground began rumbling and four beams of light shot from the corners of the town. The next thing that happened was an army attacking people and defending the town from all sides. Then he said that four sword users began the heavy assault. They started by using their swords, which could turn into whips from a single swing. The whips could destroy a structure in one swing and their physical strength was immense as well as ominous.

He said that he fought one of them and that he almost lost his life if he didn't back off. He added that they have quick reaction time, abnormal strength, a strong aura, and are stronger when they are together. After that, he said that Eqihr was fighting another sword user and when he tried to help he was thrown into a wall and he doesn't remember what happened after that.

When we arrived at his home, he said that moments after he woke up he found out his two friends were injured as well. And he said that Nazo had taken all of the children and was turning them into soldiers of war. He didn't remember exactly what he said, but he recalled that he had heard him say something about brainwashing.

As we entered his home, the other two men were sitting down eating. Mai whispered that she heard about that some days ago. "Oh, you're back, and with guests." I reintroduced myself and they recognized me. They became more vibrant and were thankful for their healing once more. They gave me their names, Sammi Wena, Kalen Imari, and Qui Len. Sammi was the one with the little brother, Kalen was the one with the missing hand, and Qui was the one with the missing finger.

I asked Sammi if he knew where his brother was, and he only knew where some people were taken. He told us that they were taken through some portal to a far land that sounded like Nova1c. I told him I would look into it and asked if they wanted to go with us to Mai's village. I told them that we were looking for people we could trust and people that could help. They all sympathized and agreed to go with us.

*End Of Chapter 16*