Haru In A Hurry

After I woke up, it was nightfall and a few people were at the campfire, Manny, Mai, her father, Eqihr and Xain. Xain was telling a story about a man bitten by darkness. He said that one day, a man was living his life in isolation within this meadow. Xain added that the man practiced a dark art said to be called kuragari and used it to the point of no return. He said that the man became darkness itself and that legend says that he still roams the meadows and forests that surround him with the desire to find his old way.

He then shouted at the top of his lungs and frightened all of us. Mai pushed him off his seat and scolded him. Everyone laughed and shared each other's humor. His story reminded me of something that happened a while back. He said that the man became darkness itself. I recalled seeing a dark shadow figure some time ago. Maybe my mind played tricks on me, but I needed to forget that.

When Eqihr found his new medium, he chose a sword found in the village. It's no scaled sword, but he can use his basic abilities. The group said they were tired and went to bed. And I remained at the fire with Manny. "We could just leave, couldn't we?" Manny said aloud. "We can just run away and never return, no worries at all." He added. He was speaking about Pansen and the current situation. I told him that I had made a connection with this land and could not turn my back on them now. Manny said he didn't mean it that way, but meant that we could do whatever we wanted with our powers.

I sympathized with his view but also followed my own beliefs as well. He told me that he wished he could change our home in a peaceful way. I told him that he could do that with the power he has currently. Manny then stood up and punched the air and caused it to vibrate vigorously. "Do you think they will change their ways? Goshi!" He shouted at me. "After all this time, they had chances to make things right, but they don't change!" He added. I placed my hand on his head and cleared his mind.

His eyes flickered shut and he fell on my shoulder. I would then carry him to his hut and lay him down. After that, I walked back outside and Mai was sitting by the campfire. I walked over there and asked her what she was doing. "Thinking about the future ahead of us." She said solemnly. I sat next to her and asked her how she was feeling about her other feelings. She said she was uncertain about her feelings, but she said that her feelings for me were strong. She said it with considerable confidence and it caught me off guard. My face turned bright red and she noticed then started chuckling at me. "Goshi, you really seem to get nervous easily." She said playfully.

"Mai, do you think we'll stop the war?" I asked suddenly. Her reply was that she didn't think it was possible since our enemies are powerful, but she had high hopes for us. "You don't believe in the YinYang spirits?" I asked her abruptly. Mai did believe in the spirits, but she knew that we weren't prepared to fight a full-scale battle. I noticed her outlook and said, "I won't let anything happen to any of you, understand?" She turned to me in surprise and I added that she had nothing to worry about, no injuries, losses, or sacrifices. I told her as long as I'm around, everyone is safe.

She looked back at the fire and said, "Goshi, don't be stupid, if you put yourself before everyone, you'll end up dying too." I laughed at her and she became frustrated and responded, "It's not funny, I'm being serious!" I told her that I was being serious as well and I meant what I said to the fullest. Mai yawned and said that she was only ready to sleep without war and hate driving itself into the ground like a sword. I asked if she would rest herself because we have something important tomorrow. Mai admitted that she was a little sleepy and she fell right asleep on my shoulder. Once she was completely out of it, I put her in her hut and fell asleep in mine.

The next morning, we packed our stuff and we were ready to leave. "OK, Goshi and Manny open a combined rift and I'll handle the rest. We did so and when our portal was wide open, Eqihr put his magic inside of it and said he linked it to Haru. Everyone stepped inside, beginning with Mai, her father, Eqihr, her brothers, the three men, and Manny. I was holding the portal open because in the corner of my eye I could see that shadow figure. When I locked eyes, it didn't flee like last time. "You don't have to run, I know about you, I can help you," I said with confidence.

The shadow noticed me lifting my hand and the power being stored inside it. It walked towards me steadily and kept its defense up. "I have the capability to give you your body back," I added as he walked closer. As soon as he heard those words, he ran to my hand and placed his palm against mine. A bright white light formed throughout him and energy that was as noticeable as a tree formed and his body was being restored. When the light dimmed, his body was ever more prominent. He looked at his palms and turned his attention towards me and said, "Thank you, for, making me stronger." His demeanor changed from glee to dark. He aimed his palm at me and said, "Nazo is going to love this." And he blew wind at me, sending me into the rift."

When I entered the town of Haru, everyone asked me what I was doing. I told them, "I think I messed up, badly."

Moments later,

We were introduced to the administration of the town and they gave us restrictions and regulations. They said that since we are directly connected to the most dangerous war party, we have to lay low and don't intervene with local affairs. This was similar to what our home is like. We couldn't do anything to help and played the role of the outcast. Manny tried to restrain himself because he hated this idea. Eqihr spoke on our behalf since he is more involved with these people. They took all of us to a home that was hidden among society. They told us to never leave this place until given orders. No matter how we felt, we agreed to never leave.

After our introduction, we all stayed in a five-bedroom residence. Everyone asked me what I meant by, "I messed up." I told them that I ran into the shadow guy from Xain's story and gave him his body back. They didn't see the problem with that, they seemed happy that I did that. This went on until I told them that he was allied with Nazo. Mai's father asked me what I meant by that. I told them what he said and what he did to me.

Eqihr was trying to think of who he could be but didn't have a precise clue. Nor did anyone know who this could be; they assumed it was a folktale.

I looked over to the corner of the living room and Manny was sitting by the window by himself. I turned away from the group and one of the armored men said someone was coming. The door opened and a man wearing a blue and white kimono and a scaled sword walked in. He immediately looked at Manny and me. His sword was a skink-handled sword. "I am here to bear a warning to all of you from Nazo. This war will not end until these boys step forward, and until then, they will be the cause of many towns and villages that attempt to fight for the YinYang prowess."

Manny lunged at him and attempted to strike him. Eqihr snagged on his collar and pulled him away. The man at the entrance placed his palm on his holster within a flash. "That was a close one, Eqihr. I almost cut him down." The man said suddenly. "Why are you really here, Tiun?" Eqihr asked him before he let Manny go. The man said that he was in no need of a fight but only served as a warning. "Funny one, why did you come here, Tiun?" Eqihr asked once more. Eqihr then walked up to the man's face and a stare down began. The man looked away and focused on Manny and me. "Don't forget Eqihr. You lost your sword, so right now you have nothing."

He walked out then walked through a portal and left Haru. "A battle is near us. When it hits us, don't waver," Eqihr said momentarily.

*End Of Chapter 18*