
From my sense of time, it has been about thirty minutes since they took me through the portal. I was blindfolded by the darkness the man cast upon me and cannot locate myself. I can only hear distant voices and noises coming from some sort of machine. This way I could tell we were back on Nova1c due to the sound of electric-based machinery.

Then a door opened and several footsteps walked near me and told me to get up. The kurayami prowess separated from me and I was bonded by a dark chain. My strength was still not restored so I didn't struggle my way out.

I was brought to a facility that had no windows or easy exits. "Nazo sir he's here." I could hear one of the soldiers report my arrival from behind a wall. Then he walked from behind the wall and following him was the man who held Mai's family hostage, Nazo. He wore a black and grey kimono and wielded the snake-scaled sword.

"He finally returns, Goshi comes home." Nazo said as he turned the corner. I asked him what he meant by that and he said that I was something special. He added that I was something special to him.

After he went on about it for many moments, he shouted a familiar name. The name was Narai and that was the same name my mother had. Soon after, a woman in an all redd dress came walking around the other corner and she was my mother. I remained motionless because it looked like her but she looked different as well. She would usually look dingy and unprofessional. I didn't understand, why would she be with Nazo.

Then he said that my mother was the key contributor to the war and added that without her he wouldn't have had found all scaled swords. "Mom, what are you doing with that man?" I asked her ever so confidently. She spoke to me condescendingly and told me that this man was her everything and that he and she were more than anyone could be.

I asked them where Manny was and they said resting after being extracted. They also said that he wants to join them. I didn't believe them, Manny would never join them. "How?" I asked my mother, and she returned my question and asked me why what. I asked her how she was behind all of this. She looked at Nazo and asked if she could tell a story. He allowed it and she sat down on a stool.

She said that some time ago when the YinYang spirits went missing they didn't just go missing. She said that Katon and Yanu found their way here and went missing in Pansen. Then she said that they were both found dead on Nova1c, and they left descendants behind which ended up creating branched families from them. Lastly, she added that my father was a part of Katon's branch.

I shouted, "My father is dead, how can any of this do with him!" My mother then said, "Goshi don't be naive, we both know where this is going, Nazo is simply... Your father." I plummeted to the floor and began considering the possibility of it all. On the floor, I muttered, "so who's the man who raised me and died who I thought was mine?" She said that he was some man she'd recently met at the time.

I lifted my fist and the black chain around me snapped. I stood to my feet and glanced at both of them. Nazo placed his hand on his sword and said, "Don't bother, I already know how to take you down." I kept my head down and tears fell from my head. Then my mother said, "Goshi, we're sorry but we have to extract you next." I told her she wasn't sorry and added that if she was then she wouldn't have killed Nagi.

She speeds to me and placed her hand on my shoulder then crushes my shoulder and says, "Don't you dare speak about him again, you understand?" Then she slapped me to the ground and walked away. My shoulder was in unbearable pain and wasn't regenerating. This was bad, my wounds would have healed by this point. "One thing about your powers is that they don't work when you don't rest yourself properly." Nazo said as I was being dragged to an extraction chamber.

As I was being dragged to the extraction chamber I began panicking and freaking out. Nazo was following where I was going. He went on about how this process usually takes an hour or so but he was patient. We momentarily arrived and I was thrown on the floor. Nazo pointed his sword at me and I activated my barrier and I blocked his extraction beam. He swung his sword at my barrier and smashed it into pieces.

He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and put me against the wall and said, "Don't get the wrong idea, you're no match." Dropping me, he aimed his sword at me again but this time I punched his sword towards the ceiling and it became stuck there. I then jabbed his gut and kicked him off from me. I put my hands in my martial form and said, "Give me the Yin now" He laughed and said, "Just because you're my son doesn't mean I won't kill you." Both of his eyes flipped and the Yin symbol appeared in both of them.

This power was what Manny used to fight that girl some time ago. The dark limbs sprouted and created an armor-like defense on him. The difference between Manny and him is that he is trying to kill me and knows how to use Yin. I jumped to grab his sword and he slammed his hand down and I was dropped to the floor. His hand extended and he grabbed my leg and crushed it.

He was trying to make me stagnant or unable to maneuver. He walked to me slowly and said, "As I said, you don't know how to use yours at all." He grabbed me by the throat and as a last attempt to stop him I warped past him and fell to the floor. He turned around in confusion and saw me struggling to leave. "Why do you struggle, you cant win or leave, so why?"

I then muttered, "Because I have to save Nagi."

I was losing too much blood and I felt myself losing consciousness. He walked over to me and kneeled down and said, "Nagi is dead Goshi, you cant." When he said that, I was hanging by a thread and trying to stay awoke. But it was too late I was already asleep.

*End Of Chapter 25*