Nazo's New Puppet

As soon as we arrived Jominara told me to place my hands together. When I did that she hopped out of my body and told me to follow her around the mountain. As we walked across the mountainside, I noticed the cliffs and clouds above the surface. Then, we finally arrive and I could see all types of Nekomata's, they were humanoid, dog-like, and some were like a house cat. Jominara told me to stay close and don't make eye contact with anyone until given orders.

I stayed close to her and followed her to a dome that was developed like a cat's head. Jominara and I walked through the door and entered the head. She told me to place my hands together and close my eyes. I did that and she jumped inside me, she said that this is the only way Pansenians or humanoids can make contact sit her kind. She told me to open my eyes and in front of me was an elder humanoid cat with a decorated kimono on. Jominara spoke through me and said, "This is Goshi, a descendant of Katon lunar, former holder of the Yang spirit and son of the current YinYang master." The elder cat raised his palm and said, "So you are who I seek, I have important things to teach and show you, will you comply?"

Jominara told me that he is the strongest in the village and has access to all forms of Nekomatas. She also added that he has all abilities and skills of the forms as well. The elder seemed so mighty but his presence didn't seem ominous so I didn't feel like I was being tricked. I spoke and said what are the requirements. He replied that to hold what's theirs, I must complete training and collect the first-ever, mindless Nekomata. He spoke of Nazo and said that Nazo robbed this land of the YinYang spirit's mystical power which powered their mountain. He wanted me to restore balance and return their power to them.

I told him that I came here to find out how to defeat Nazo, not go through training. Jominara went silent and the elder cat changed forms from the humanoid to the cat and dog mixture. I apologized and said that I didn't mean to offend him but only wanted to express my real resolve. He wasn't going to do anything to me but he was going to show me something. He walked over to a wall that had a white cloth covering it. He turned back into the humanoid cat and pointed his eyes at it.

A flash beamed from his skull and projected like a video. Jominara told me to pay close attention.

The beginning of the video showed Nekomata's living life in prosperity. The success they concocted was drawn from the power of the YinYang. They seemed to enjoy their power. Another scene showed the Nekomatas drawing power into singular Nekomata. This is what the elder cat was talking about, he said that they were siphoning power into a mindless Nekomata.

The video ended and the elder cat said that the Nekomata have been storing energy since before he was born. He mentioned that the power of the Nekomata can exceed the power of the YinYang if the user understands the power of the Nekomata. Jominara jumped out of me and told the elder cat that I wanted to save my brother from Nazo before I could answer.

I didn't know how she knew that, I never mentioned that or Manny. She said that when she is attached to someone she is linked to their mind. The elder cat told me to take Jominara and go find my brother and return to obtain the key to end this war. I pressed my hand together and she jumped back inside me. She told me to think about where I wanted to go and a portal will appear.

I opened a portal to where Manny and I last saw each other. I jumped through and the room looked different, there were windows and against the wall were three people. Jominara told me to be quick because the Nikomata's power lowers when Pansen becomes nightfall. This was an unfortunate side effect, I thought they would be a bit stronger. The three people who sat against the wall on thrones were Nazo, my mother, and Manny.

Nazo said, "Nice of you to join us again Goshi, have you had a change of heart?" I pointed at him and told him to hand over the YinYang. Jominara told me to calm down and that we aren't strong enough. I ignored her and told him to hand Manny over and stand down. He laughed and called me vacillating before waving his hand and saying, "Manny go to your brother." Manny stood up and on his waist was the pangolin scaled sword. I asked him what he did to Manny and he said that he made him more.

He explained that in the past few hours I was gone that he had time to make Manny into a force to be reckoned with. I looked Manny in the eyes and said, "Manny, you don't seriously think he's right?" Manny shortly said, "Father has always been right, you're just too imperceptive to see true divinity." I closed my fist and Jominara's aura surrounded me and I said, "Damn you, Manny, I'm going to have to hurt you."

Manny places his palms on his sword and says, "I refuse to believe you're any stronger without the Yang spirit." Jominara told me that her breed has four unique abilities that are good for battle. She said that one of them was called Necro-Lightning and it is a defense skill. The next skill she mentioned was called Spiral force which grants the user the ability to confuse an opponent for a moment enough to cause harm to them. The third one was called Visionary Projectile which gives the user the ability to manipulate aura into laser emissions. Her last skill was called Soul Submission this was her most dangerous ability that could stop the opponent's life force until the caster cannot keep the skill progressing.

Jominara forced more of her purple aura out of my body and increased her strength. Heavy winds rushed around me as Manny blocked it with his hands. I told Manny to stand down or I would hurt him. He snickered at me and said that I make him chuckle. I told him very well and that I can't tell if he is going to die or not. Manny resisted and told me that Nazo's way is the only way we should live. I could see Nazo smirking from behind him, this enraged me and I told them I had enough of it.

Manny unsheathed his sword and the blade caught on fire. The fire wasn't normal, it was the white fire, the Yang Fire.

*End Of Chapter 28*