
"The civilians' protest have gone beyond uncontrollable as the population unrest gets worse.

For the last centuries, this has become one of the worst situation the democratic parties around the world had ever encountered."

Julius watch the scene while eating his leftover sandwich while working his undone electronic device.

Not minding the chaos outside, he simply sit his ass and do what he wants while the others die from the hands of their protectors.

"This has gone beyond craziness, what does those people think will happen." he said as he chew the last bite of his sandwich.

According to the person at the news, the world have gone far worse for the last decades. Glaciers starts to melt faster while seasons have changed drastically. It is even far worse considering Julius lives in a tropical country. He don't know when will the season change without being able to adapt.

Julius simply love his life dearly that he would rather kill another person to save his.

That's why, he was left alone without anyone beside him. His father left him at early age because of an accident, his mother had another family. His only sister got married.

"Done." As the last screw was fixed, Julius excitedly said as he switch on the controller of the electronic he was working on.

"Now, to activate."

As he turn the switch on, he immediately went back off in case the electronics explode. However...

(Analyzing Fundamental Data Structure...)


(Activating Self Conscious Robot...)


(Data Analzye Completed)

(Self Consciousness Activated)

And there, his very hope to gain another companion for his longed journey.

(Greetings, I'm your Technical Guidance as well as your Journal.)

Tears starts to flow from his eyes as his greatest achievement was just finished.

A super AI that can construct any formula from without. Something that human can't invent in this era.

"My precious Ela..." He can't held himself as he stutter from the excitement or joy. He will be able to finish his only goal before the world can even end.

"With this... I can escape." As the floating one-eyed AI stare at him with its red glowing eyes, he mutter to himself a statement that anyone can question.

What does he mean by escape? Was he imprisoned? Was he kidnapped?

No, he simply want to escape this world where even a glimp of freedom can't be seen anymore.

Ten years ago, the world starts to turn. The world starts to get warmer and so does the typhoon starts to become frequent. It became a nuisance to his country's development.

However, instead of saving their country, the leaders of the government tried to take control of all population resulting to a mass genocide.

And Julius is one of those victims that have survived.

And for the last ten years, he worked his ass off. He tried so many things just to earn money for his goal.

Until, he was able to achieve it.

(Please state your command.)

Julius slowly reach the AI's head with his gentle hand and caress it as if trying to hold a fragile newborn child.

The feeling of touching your own child can't truly be compared to any other things in the world.

"Give me the formula that far exceed the constant speed." He said as he continues to caress his child.

Two months later, the world's geopolitical situation continues to grow worse as more and more democratic country turn themselves.

This includes Japan as the emperor gives his nationalistic speech after the Great Tsunami of Kanto where in a half million of the population dies and another half were missing.

The European monarchs have also started to make their move as the opinion for the democratic parties starts to decline.

All of these countries were left to its own accord as the United States have started to decline as well.

While at the same time, in a certain place within the country of Philippines. There lies a great inventor(self-proclaimed one) getting a joyful laugh while eating his favorite pork steak along with his newborn companion.

"Isn't it great, Freia?"

(What is?)

"How the world starts to end."

(And how is that great, my dear Master? To me, I find it quite alarming. Soon, it is possible that Master will get affected by it.)

"Eeeh? And how is that? We just build our own spaceship that can travel faster than light!"

(Yes, but if we sit here and waste more time the people of your country will soon find out.)

"Don't worry, they won't."

This is one of Julius hopeful wish, to have a companion, an AI companion that can think for themselves, feel an emotion, and even argue with their own opinion.

It's just like speaking to a real person yet a lot smarter than them!

(I hope so, but please do keep your health in mind. From my data, it seems you have gone far from healthy since the day you came here and starts creating me.)

"Are you perhaps worried?"

(Of course, if you die. I don't know what will happen to me. Wait, maybe I'll be able to get a new master?)

As soon as he heard this, Julius expression suddenly turn dark as if he just heard the most absurd thing.

"That's impossible, no one in their right mind will take a talking, self-conscious AI. Well, maybe the government will, but they won't become your master. Instead you will die through reverse engineering!"

(M-Master, you're too cruel! I'm just trying to worry you!)

And as if the tease has done its job, Julius made a joyful laugh once again as he dine himself to his pleasure.