Chaotic World

(We will need resources to upgrade our ships, we should first head towards Mercury.)

The silence spread across the space as a single small vehicle travels with low speed.

"We should get some chrorium for outer barrier while titanium for the inside. Is that correct?"

(Yes, mercury is rich in metals. We should be able to mine a number of them.)

"And we will also be able to upgrade you!"

(Aren't you cheerful, my dear master?)

Julius blush upon hearing the teasing question of the AI companion of his, it's unbelievable that he was even able to get cornered like this.

However, the positive atmosphere soon change as they reach the planet Mercury.

A rocky world, a lot smaller than theirs, hidden beside its mother.

"Looking at it, the universe is simply beautiful isn't it?"

(Yes it is. It is truly mesmerizing.)

(Now, should we descent? Mercury has a low gravity force so we can land on it with ease.)

"We should first find a place rich in metals. We don't want to walk outside of it. Remember that despite uncomparable to venus, it's still beside our sun."

(Then, I'll do so as you command.)

The searching didn't finish that long until they find a suitable place to mine, and so, they didn't further wait and land beyond the mining area.

Soon, they starts to excavate the resources they will need.

(After this, we will head towards the system's gas planets to extract oxygen, hydrogen, etc. I will have you become immortal.)

Upon hearing this, Julius suddenly splurt out the tea he was drinking.


Immortality, in other words, eternal life. Is a way for a greedy human to live a "fulfilling" life.

Julius also had immortality in his mind however, he did not expect his own companion to suggest such thing this early stage of their travel.

(Who will take care of me if you die early master? Deep within space, I don't think anyone will wander and find me. If you die, I die.)

"You're right, I guess. Then when will we do it?"

(When we acquire the requirements needed. We should get to jupiter first then neptune after.)

Just like that, another plan was made.

At the Malacañang Palace, Miguel had his knitted brow in front of his subordinates.

The mission had failed and so does the asset he needed for the development of his country amidst chaos.

He wants to be a ruler, a savior, a saint that will make people look up to him favorably. If judgements came, he wants to act as Jesus.

However, those plans of his faded the moment Julius escape from this country, or rather, from this world.

"What do we do now, your excellency?"

"Scrap everything you found inside his cabin, anything that can be salvaged should be reversed-engineer. If he can fly that thing with extreme speed, he might have left something for us that we can use to recreate his invention."

Upon hearing their leader's command, they all soon move according to their orders. And so, Migual, was once again, left to his own lonesome.

"Damn brat, leaving just like that. And here I thought you deeply care about humanity. I guess you really become what you truly hates."

In another place, across the globe. There hides an Aryan girl, around the age of 18. Her beauty far exceed that of modern models, which is her problem.

In a world where hygiene became less prioritize, her figure became the center of other man's attraction.

And just like that, she found herself hiding from the lustful gazes of men.

Charlotte Hapsburg is one of the descendant of Hapsburg royalty. She was deemed exceptional when it comes to technology. Addition to that, her great body figures even gave her advantage to society.

At the age of 14, she won a noble prize for confirming the existence of the parallel universe.

Which made it more alarming because of the chaos issue.

However, it does not stop her from doing more extraordinary things.

Such as quantum teleportation, reincarnation technology, etc. However, only those can be used for desperate times. Especially when using quantum teleportation. Without exact location, it is deemed useless with greater risk of dying and not coming back.

Charlotte watch as the world burns to the ground. Riot police beat up anyone they find threaten, they don't even have mercy for kids.

It seems to her that, her invention, her ideas, can't even help the world get a little bit better.

Charlotte bit her lips as she watch the news in her country, she does not want this to happen anymore, if only those people in the higher ups united before that date, then they would've been able to resolve this issue.

After finishing her breakfast, she soon starts to do her job. The perfection of Reincarnation Technology or RT for short. Her job was to give the most details of her invention, so that if a person were to use it, nothing will go wrong unlike her first invention.

After finally finishing her job, she thought about watching the news. The usual, chaotic news became the norm and so is her daily occurrence.

However, upon changing the channel, she found something unusual.

"Here, my people, is a man of hypocrisy, who leaves the world burn as he save his self from the chaos which they caused. You see people, the government have started to leave the world, why don't we join hands and stop them or have them take us?!"

Charlotte froze.

Not because of what the man said, but because of the video.

It seems a nearby person, on a mountain range, was able to capture something unbelievable.

A creation, a machinery, a vehicle that far exceed the constant speed.

"So he's leaving."

A wry smile left her lips as she thought about the bonds they have shared.

"Julius... I want to be with you, yet you left without even telling me, how selfish can you be? No matter, I'll be chasing you even to the depth of the universe!"

And just like that, another unusual phenomenon occur at Berlin's underground.