
(Master, there's a floating dragon in space!)

There, Ela can be seen flustered as she talk like a child. At her side, holding her arms, Julius can be seen with a wide eyes however with a lot calmer demeanor.

"That's really unusual, for a species to float freely in space. Truly a great scene to look at!"

(But master, won't it attack us?)

"You're right, but it'll be worth it!"

(M-master, do you intend to die? You truly are a numbskull!)

"I'm just kidding, we should just take a look at it and give it some short recording before we leave to our destination."

(What do you mean?)

"Alright, start recording!"

"Here, we see a floating dragon in a vacuum space. A dragon, floating! Can't you imagine it people? A species that can survive without any support!"

(Master, who are you talking to?)

"The camera?"

(Please, give it some rest. It's a serious situation where we could die.)


Julius sigh as he slowly return the camera from the robot which he became friends recently.

"Alright, grandma."

(Master, please do remember that you're older than me!)


"P-please stop!"


Another slap was then made and Julius's shoulder became numb from the impact.

"You sadist robot."

(Have you gone mad? Alright, we'll be leaving.)

"Wait, no. We should examine it first!"

(No, it's dangerous!)


Thus, the continuation of their journey soon starts as they leave the floating dragon to its lonesome.

"You're cruel. Right, mister Bond?"

(Answer her and one of you will be sent flying.)

The robots can't help but shut their mouth as the threatening glare of Ela struck their minds while remembering what happens when she was frustrated.

"You're cruel! Not only did you stop me from examining it, you even want to destroy my friend!"

(Please master, enough with your rant.)

"I'll be sleeping."


Ela felt a small glimp of guilt but soon fade as she starts to continue her journey.

A year later.

"It seems we have found it."

(Found what, master?)

Julius's lip made a smile as she look at his companion's confused face and said



"Daughter, how have you been? You've been reading all day."

"I'll be done in a second, father. I promise I'll eat with you!"

In a town, surrounded by walls, there lives an elven family of three. The town has a considerable number of population.

Since the recent years, the agricultural development of this place have absurdly rise as the four field crop rotation was introduced.

And that person who introduced it is none other than an elven lady of D'etre.

Lysia D'etre.

She was known as the Saint of Deus Empire because of her otherworldly intelligence that help her country's agricultural development rise from its feet.

Now, the famine have subsided and a lot of people have started to show some strength and life in their eyes because of her.

However, this does not made her happy even a little bit.

"It's been so long since I've been here and yet, never have I found even a glimp of his appearance."

Yes, the elf lady is none other than Charlotte Hapsburg.

Upon using her invention, she was able to reincarnate herself as the daughter of the noble family, D'etre.

Because of her family's reputation, she was able to acquire a great amount of support for the development of her country. And the purpose is?

It is to attract attention that will lead to Julius's interest.


"I'm getting mad at him, will he even appear in this world?"

"I should've expected this, I'm now 18 years old and yet I have not found myself a boyfriend because of him. That damn Julius, I'll be sure to give my all to slap him when we met! How dare he make a beautiful woman like me wait!"

Knock knock

"Daughter, who are you talking to?"

"N-nothing father, just reading."

"Let's go eat. We'll have a talk."

For a month since her birthday, her father have been pestering her, trying to talk with her.

However, Lysia already know their motive since the beginning. Because of that, she starts to lock herself in her study.

"I truly apologize, your highness, but it seems my daughter was still busy reading."

"Oh, don't be. I visited out of sudden so it's still my fault. So, should we talk about it?"

"Of course, we should talk while we eat."

Thus, Baron D'etre and Prince France began their talk about the date of his and Lysia's marriage.

Knowing this will happen, Lysia lock herself in her study once more throughout the night.

"Julius, hurry up."


"There. Would you look at that?" isn't it pretty similar to earth?"

(Well, if we go back a millions years from the past, it's certainly look like earth.)

After months of hyperdrive, they were able to arrive at their destination. The star system of Sol, and the home system of planet Earth.

Julius look at the screen in front of him with extreme joy while Ela had a relieve face. Once again, she felt an ease after finding a suitable life for her master.

"Should we land?"

(Master, please, we can't.)

"Oh right, there's people already occupying it, huh."

Ela nodded as she analyze the star system's structure. Finding it quite similar back then, she then move their ship towards the earth's natural satellite.

(We will be mining this while at the same time use it as a base.)

"Then I'll be checking the surface of the planet."

(No master. You won't.)

"I will."

(You won't.)

"Ela, please, I didn't just leave my world just to sit idly. I had my reasons too. If you're worried about my safety down there, then why not come with me? We can also have fun while at it!"

Ela knows what her master mean by it. Ela, since her last upgrade, were able to feel pleasure out of sexual intercourse. Because of it, Julius decided to make love with her everytime he felt like doing it.

(I suppose we should go. HOWEVER, we will go according to my plans. I can't risk losing you, master.)

"Aww, my dear companion truly cares for me. What about it, let's do it tonight?"

(Please master, give me some break.)


Down on earth, there's a large capital palace on it. Inside, people can be seen murmuring at the center where a woman of her prime kneels in front of a man who sits on his throne.

"You rejects my son's proposal, why is that?"

"I believe I am too young for this kind of thing, your majesty. I do feel a bit guilty but I don't even think I have the time to fool around."

"You call marriage fooling? D'etre, did you really raise your daughter well?!"

Suddenly, A handsome elf came running nervously behind Lysia.

"Y-yes, I do believe I have raised her well. However, I have never thought she would reject it because of her hobby. If we could talk, maybe I could convince her, your majesty."

"For the last months, my son's had visited your manor, yet no progress were made. Tell me, for those months, have you even tried to convince her?"

"Yes, your majesty, however, my daughter is simply too busy for it. If you gave me enough time, I will be sure that my daughter will instead offer her hands."

"Hmph, father, don't believe in the words of these lower beings. Even her, for the last months have I never heard even her voice. She's just too rude for me, she should even be honored that I have visited her from time to time."

"Enough, France, if you talk without my consent you will be put to dungeon!"

Prince France was once again left into silence as her father gave him an earful scold in front of the nobles, especially to the one he so much desire. Lysia.

"Now, D'etre, if for the next month, your daughter once again rejects my son's proposal, I'll have all of your heads be cut! You're all lucky that I have not yet decided to do so, remember, it's already considered treason to defy the royalty's word!"

"Yes, your majesty. We truly apologize for my daughter's ill behaviour."

"You may leave."

"Thank you."