Surface x First Town

"We're landing, master. Please be prepared to leave the ship. I hope you bring the protection with you?"

Once again, Ela's motherly instinct came and made a burden towards Julius. Though as usual, he doesn't mind this kind of Ela. Being taken care of by someone for him is just that good.

Julius's ship landed inside a forest covered entirely by trees. It is also the most favorable place to land since there's no people near the vicinity that could trigger an unexpected alarm.

Soon, they left the ship while putting their protection on in case an uncertain dangerous virus is spreading across the surface.

"Hey, Ela. What if there's a danger that far exceed what a virus can do? Like some sort of predators?"

"While you were in deep sleep, I've upgraded myself multiple times and that includes my fighting feature. Since we don't what danger could come to us when we were able to find a suitable planet hypothetically."

"You've thought about it too much, I'm proud."

"Hehe... Master, am I that good?"

"Yes, yes."

When they got enough with the flirt, they soon starts to roll out as their luggage were prepared for them by the rest of the robots.

"I think I'm dying. I should've exercised after I wake up. Also, why as if our nightly exercise not affecting my body?"

"I think it's because I'm the one that always move. You simply lie and wait for me to hop on you."

Julius scratch his head as he remember their night together. Looking at it now, he really simply lie on the bed as he waits for her to hop on. As a man, that truly embarrass him.

However, Julius made up his mind that from now on, he will take the lead everytime they do it!

And so, Julius continue his journey, albeit held his head high.

While Ela simply sigh as he look at his master.

"Ela, how long before we reach the nearest town?"

"Exactly a kilometer, master."

"Then it's near?"

"A kilometer if we head straight, however, we will have no choice but to cross the river and the most shallow one is there, around that area."

As Ela points at her right, Julius's expression turn dark and as if not believing he grab Ela's shoulder and plead to her.

"Please tell me you're joking. We can't walk that much anymore, anymore and I will die!"


"We won't, we will rest for a day after reaching the river and the next day we will continue."


"You truly are an angel in disguise. I can't express too much word how kind you are."

"Yes, yes. You flatter me too much, master."

Hence, the journey continue without any sort of even. Not until they reach the river of course.

"So, how should we deal with it?"

And there it is, the event.

A creature, larger than a bear yet smaller than an elephant appear while they were resting beside the river.

It has a mouth of a lion, but have an ear of a rat. It also has the body of a giraffe. However, it does not have long neck. The one that stand out the most is its tails.

"Is it a chimera?"

"I don't think so master. But we can call it that way."

"So can you beat it?"

"With weapons, I might."

"Tell me you upgraded our weapons. A normal assault rifle can't kill that."

"Don't worry, master. I have come prepared."


Julius sigh out relief and slowly grab one of the luggage they brought with them. There, Ela grab an iron cock that glows an azure light flowing across the rifle.

"That's cool!"

"This is a plasma gun that I have created while experiment the surgery tools in case you had a grave injury. I find this useful since it also cut through metal walls."

"That's my girl. Now go kill it!"

Julius seems to not have realize his situation. A woman, or rather from the eyes of the common people, a girl, protecting an older man, is simply too unmanly?

Pew pew


Loud sounds from the chimera soon echoed through the vicinity as the gun bullet that flew across its body brutally made a hole in it.

Ela didn't flinch as the creature that was a threat to her master had died and soon turn her head to look at his master who had an excited expression.

"Amazing, amazing Ela. You really did a good job!"

Ela grin as the praises she receive piles up to her mind making her desire a hug from her master. And so, she didn't hesitate anymore since the chimera was now killed.

Signaling for him to hug her, Julius made a small laugh finding Ela extremely cute. Hence, the night become long as the loud moans of both of them echoed through the forest.

Early in the morning.

Julius was extremely exhausted while Ela have started to prepare for their breakfast so they can eat before they left.

The menu for today is the synthesized bacon with a synthesized eggs. And of course, a naturally made ketchup fresh from tomatoes.

Upon smelling the good ol' food, Julius became wide awake and for the first time, Ela was able to have her breakfast along with her master.

It didn't take long for them to reach the town after crossing the river. And without further question, they continued.

Of course, guards is a natural thing in a walled town in medieval era. What might happen if there's a certain spy infiltrate their territory?

However, since the guard don't encounter such thing too much. They all just doing it for the sake of appearance.

"You there, unusual visitor!"

Julius doesn't know what to do after getting pointed at by the spear.

Though he had his protection, he don't know if that thing is pointy enough to pass through his armor.

Thankfully, they speak the same language as them so no language barrier will be made.

"Please to meet you, my name is Ela and this is my master, Julius Seria. We're currently at our journey to create a continental map."

"Hmph, how can we be sure you're not a spy from the other kingdom?"

"If we are, you won't be able to suspect as like this."

As if convinced, the guards nodded as they look at each other.

"Okay, so you're just a scholar then. Okay, you may go."

That's easy.

Julius thought as they pass through the wall gate without turning their head back.

"Hey, are you sure their convinced?"

"I think so."

"Wait, you're supposed to be an AI. You should be certain!"

"That's my calculation. Are you satisfied master?"


"Don't look so grumpy, master. I'll take care of everything. You can enjoy your time here."

"No, I want to come with you."

"Or you can just come with me, if that's what you want."