Sudden Fate

For the last hours, Julius had been busy identifying the object approaching them. It was a three light dot that move third the speed of light.

With those kind of speed, the chance of it being a natural interstellar object is slim. It maybe even one of those species that they once discover upon entering the wormhole.

However, a notice of communication soon enter his thought when Ela made her way to his.

Someone wants to meet him. Which also made him remember he will have a date tonight.


Julius sigh as he left his unfinished work and order his robots to continue their invasion as well as prepare a ship for his to depart.

And just like that, he left his base for the Deus Imperial Capital.

Nothing of sort have transpired along the way when he travels. Not until he lands.

There, he saw a suspicious movement with great speed as it crawl through the deep forest.

(System, analyze the subject in target.)


(System found female beastfolk to be running from unknown reason.)



Julius's curiosity got the better of him and order his ship to land right near the area of the scene. As he starts to exit the ship, he found a trail of blood. He used it as a navigation in order to pursue this so called Beastfolk.

(Pursuing is not advised. Please evacuate to safety.)

(No, I think it's hurt.)

(Affirmative, sending three SIF escort. Please be careful.)

As the conversation between master and system end, three humanoid figure descent from the already hovering ship. It then ascent and disappear as if nothing were there in the first place.

"There's a trail of blood! Follow it, maybe it's here!"

An uncertain voice of a man echoed through their area and made their way towards where the blood's trail were supposed to be.


(Observe pursuer. I will find the Beastfolk.)

There's only one reason why curiosity got the better of Julius. Not because of his curiosity towards knowledge. But solely because of the beastfolk's nature.

As he was descending earlier, the beast that he caught his eyes with have a beautiful face.

Yes, it's because it's beautiful that he got interested.

And with his rotten personality overflowing once again. He didn't hesitate and tried to pursue this injured pitiful creature.


Earlier that day.

While Julius was busy observing and studying the planet.

And Ela was conversing with Lysia.

Here, we can see a humanoid creature trying to break free from the shackles restraining her movement.

A beautiful, ash colored hair, fox descendant demi-human who have an eye of blue diamond. However, these eyes of hers are as dead as it could get.

This is because of how she was treated. Both physically and mentally.

How can it be?

She was just trying to hunt their food. Trying to find themselves a good warm place.

How were they able to be captured without even getting to defend themselves?

That's because she was betrayed. Abandoned. Left behind by her own kins.

"We're approaching the capital, get the merchandise ready."

She doesn't know how many days have passed. She doesn't even know where she is right now.

One thing she wants right now... Is to escape.

And escape she gets.


The shackles that bind her from her cage suddenly made crush noise. Upon noticing it, she immediately made her way out from the cage using her bare force.

"S-sir, one of the merchandise is getting away!"

Noticing the panic expression of his adjutant. He didn't hesitate to look around and there, he saw the fox kin trying to escape from their sight.

"Shit, call the guards! We can't let that thing escape! How did it happen?"

Guards dressed in armor came out running from their cargo and pursue the slave through the forest.

"Don't you all dare try to give harm to my merchandise or I will cut your salaries!"

And that was the last thing the fox kin heard before being struck by an arrow to her shoulder.


"Have you seen her?"

(Negative, issue on the area can be seen. Tracking is impossible. Trails are the only way.)

Julius frown upon hearing the lifeless answer of his escort. This means that he lost her.

But that doesn't change the fact that he will save her.

She have a good face after all!



I need water.

This is what she thought as she barely escaped from her pursuer.

Not minding the grave wound she just received. She decided to find herself a good source of water.


Is there a river? A lake?

Even for a little bit of hope she wish to acquire.

Sadly, nothing of sort appeared.

"She's just here. Just open your eyes."

Her face turns pale upon hearing the shout from the corner of hers. They're here. And any moment, she will be found.

She tries to calm herself through deep breathe.



Someone grab her face and hold her mouth in order to block any sound that could possible come out from it.

Her paled face turned worse upon realizing her doom.


She tries to speak, but no words won't come out. She began to cry as tears flow from her eyes.

As the wet tear touch the hand of the restrainer, it flinch.

"Y-you're crying? Hey, hey don't worry. I won't hurt you."

This does not convince her at all. Thus, she began to scowl like a hopeless person trying to find the last try.

"Shhh, I said shhh! Those who chase you will hear you, if they do both of us will be in trouble!"

(Pursuer in sight, targets' aim. Preparing to attack in command.)

"Stand by."

From fear to confusion, the girl starts to turn her expression and instead tried to turn her head.

There, she saw a man of his prime with a panic face.

"See, I'm not one of those weird looking guys!"

Turning her head once more, she find three black figured humans pointing weird equipment towards the direction where she heard the noise.

"Okay, it seems you have understand your situation. Does that mean I can let go of my hands?"

The fox kin lady nod her head with hesitation and soon free herself from the restrain. As she do so, the man motion his hand as if signaling something.

There, a mysterious sound echoed from the three guy, seconds later. Shouts and scream of horror echoed from where the pursuer location is. However, it soon vanish.

"W-what was that... W-what are you?!!"

Panic once again became visible in her face as her moist eyes appear. Revealing her heart struck adorable face that can lit a man's desire to protect.

"I should introduce myself then. My name is Julius and I apologize for startling you earlier."

"I-I am Celyn. I'm from the fox tribe."

Julius nod as a form of confirming her answer.

"Well then, now that no ones chasing you. You might as well try to ease yourself. No harm will come to you with these people with me."

He exclaim and points toward the three figures that just made a weird sound earlier.

Seeing their intimidating appearance. Celyn can't help but only nod out of fear.