Changing the surname.

When Yi Rong was still at Flower District, he had discussed certain plans he had in mind with his son. This was what he was trying to explain to his grandson Yi Yiren at his home.

Part of his thoughts were influenced by Yue Ling's problem with the Lin Family. She had even been compelled to lose credit for her hard work because of not wanting her identity to be exposed.

Yi Rong wanted Yue Ling's surname to be changed from Lin to Yi.

Since the Lin Family knew a Lin Yue Ling and not a Yi Yue Ling so her identity would be safe. He didn't want to use violence against them or even the law because of Yi Shuyan. She wouldn't appreciate it.

With all the money and influence he had, the legal process would automatically be shorter. Probably before Yue Ling started working at Yi Family Hospital. Changing her surname would even make it easier for her to take after him.

Her name didn't matter to them because she would always be family but changing it was most suitable. He actually had the plan in mind long ago but only vocalized it now.

"Grandfather, this plan is very good," Yiren commented genuinely. He was happy as long as something was good for the family.

"That was the same thing your father said, he's probably telling or has told your mother, we'll hold a family meeting to tell the others too," Yi Rong said.

The problem was Yi Shuyan. Everybody else could welcome the idea but her. Yue was wouldn't outright reject and would still keep talking to them but her mother wouldn't.

Yiren waited for his grandfather to speak his mind but he already knew getting his aunt's approval wasn't going to be easy.

"Your aunt might have a problem with this," he said.

Yi Rong and Yi Shuyan had began talking to each other just yesterday. It had been barely two days but he was going to propose changing his granddaughter's surname.

The very reason they drifted apart before was because he tried to control her life. He got involved in her matters and refused her marriage with Lin Jingxuan.

Now, even though his intentions were good, she would certainly get the wrong impression. She would feel like Yi Rong was trying to correct her wrongs. Like he was rubbing it in her face that she was wrong before. Yi Shuyan had avoided her father before because she was pride. She didn't want to admit that her father had been right before about her not marrying Lin Jingxuan. So from the very day she cut ties with him, she has never talked to him again except now after twenty something years and neither has she stepped foot into Yi family residence after she left.

"Let's explain it to her together grandfather," Yiren said. Things were easily achieved together.

"Thanks boy," Yi Rong said as he got up to go to his room.

Yi Yiren left his Grandfather's house after their conversation. He called his aunt in the car," Hello Aunt Shuyan." He greeted her.

"Hello Yiren, is everything alright," she couldn't help but ask because he was calling after they had just meet recently.

"Yes, it is, I was calling about a different matter," he said.

"That's okay, what is it?" she asked.

"A family meeting is going to be held tomorrow, could you come to Grandfather's home then?" he asked.

"Sure, I will come," Yi Shuyan replied.

"Thank you Aunt, have a good day," Yiren said. He was happy that things were pretty easy even though he had just mentioned her going to her father's house. Something she hasn't done in ages.

Have a good day,son," she said as she hung up. Yi Shuyan had figured out something, all family meeting related issues were exclusively handled by the head of the family Yi Rong. Sometimes even Yi Zhoujan arranged the family gatherings but the case here was, her father was afraid she wouldn't agree so she sent Yiren. He was a child and had higher chances than anybody else.

Yi Shuyan smiled bitterly, she wasn't intentionally being bitter or holding grudges but she had never wanted to be a burden. She didn't want anybody to have to worry about her because of her problems and decided to avoid her family on most occasions.

But, Yi Zhoujan's situation before reminded her that your loved ones could leave you anytime. She wasn't ready to lose anybody and Yi Rong was also growing older each time so his time was getting lesser.

She was going to try to make things better than they were before.

"Fei, am I doing the wrong thing?" Yi Rong spoke as he held his late wife's picture closer to his chest.

Yi Fei Wang died when their children were young, the two boys were already teenagers while Yi Shuyan was a little younger. Their little family was facing alot during that period of time.

He had no problem raising children but things got tougher doing it alone.

Nothing could fill in the gap his wife left .

Yi Zhoujan in particular, gave him a hard time.

His teenage years involved alot of fighting and he would often be suspended from school. The boy seemed to have so much anger inside him. He always acted watchful waiting for the next person to piss him off so he could beat the hell out of that one. If those fights weren't enough, he'd go to the wrestling dens for fights. Yi Zhoujan had even gotten a name for himself there.

What Yi Rong didn't understand then was why Yi Zhoujan was acting different from all his other children. The other were obviously hurt too but didn't behave like that, that is why he chose to ignore it and punish him assuming it was just a phase. The lack of communication kept separating them.

It was Yi Shuyan who intervened and made them both settle their differences. Why not because she was the joining link between the two?

Yi Zhoujan didn't listen to anybody except her and he adored her alot too, Yi Rong also listened to his daughter alot. Yi Shuyan made him realise everybody could be different when expressing their pain and it was okay. You just had to be more understanding towards them.

Yi Shuyan was alot like Fei because she always solved each problem easily. She was like a big part his wife left behind in her place.

"Is that one of the latest designs from K collections?" one of the ladies squealed as she spoke.

The rest looked with envy and said she was "lucky."

Lin Qinqing was having the time of her life these days. Having a rich father enabled her purchase anything she wanted without looking at the pricetag more then once.

She didn't meet her father but got the money from her mother. It no longer mattered to her whatever they did as long as she benefited.

They were even getting married so she couldn't care less about her father's looks anymore, the poor needed to look good to attract others while the rich only flaunted the money.

Suddenly, a certain person caught her eye entering the restaurant.

It was Kai Fengjun walking in alone.

However much he treated her badly the last time and even angered her, something about him drew her closer just by looking.