Court meeting

King Raiden slowly made his way up a short flight of stairs up onto his throne, which was in a slightly elevated position that allowed him to watch over the court.

After sitting in his chair, King Raiden waved his hand as he spoke.

"You may be seated."

with those words, the crowd of ministers gave a light bow before going back to take their seats.

The King was finally here!

The Royal court had begun!

After being dismissed by the king, Hendrix had only sat down for a few seconds before he suddenly heard a familiar, annoying ring out through the courts.

"My king, I know it may be unpleasant to start the court meeting with such displeasing news, but this matter is something urgent and something I think needs to be addressed."

The man who was speaking was none other than one of Hendrix's biggest rivals from the opposing faction of civil officials.

He was the Minister Galant, the Minister of the Right.