Chapter 17

Chapter 17

"You bitch..." he grunted

I kicked him in his groin the second time, as I squat close to his bleeding face with my hands pulling down his hair, I smiled "I have a feeling that this wasn't the outcome, you imagine when you and your pitiable excuse of a goon stood in wait for me right?" I asked as I looked at his messed up face. "You are lucky. My beef is not with you. But if you ever approached me again in this camp or anywhere else in such a manner, I'll finish you and no one will ever find out. Am I clear?" I asked in a pissed tone as I pull his hair a little forcibly

With a shivering voice, "Yes, yes. I swear you won't ever hear from me again."

"Great." I said smiled, then hit his head on the floor with a loud thud, I turn to the unconscious guys laying on the ground like sardine, I turned back to him "you should have a solution to those guys there, if anything happens you have a lot to answer for." I said and walked away.

Not only that, but I stood taking in the fresh air, dust my body of some sands and bloodstains, and walked towards my room "I just wanted to go for a walk, is that too much to ask?" I stormed through the dark hallway. I smiled to myself. I couldn't wait for the so-called camping to end. Of course, mother will not be expecting me, after all; she had paid a lot to end me.

But I planned on making her little perfect life hell and for her sake I pray they are no children, since father said she has being trying to conceive, but none of the children stayed; what did she expect? What kind of child would want to be born to a woman like her?

Anyway my peaceful night was gone thanks to those asses hole "Oh well, not that they have ever been a time that I was truly peaceful" it seems as if tonight was going to be a long and ugly one, as I walked over to my room, there in front of it, stood some badass chicks, one I had never seen before with their black outfit waiting for me "seriously what do they want now?" I mutter.

As I got closer, I ignore them and went to stand in front of my door with my keys in one hand.

"Told she wasn't inside." One of them murmur,

"Bitch, you are going to pretend that you didn't see us." the other added, but I pretended still, not until she pushed my shoulder. "Hey dog, I am talking to you?"

I signed and turned around, "hi, I didn't see you there." I smiled

"Oh, really, dog?" the tall one said

"Yeah, well, if you haven't noticed, this hallway is dark and your outfit isn't helping with the issues. And I am not a dog or a bitch. My names are Rose Black. So what do you want with me, cuties?"

"Looking at her go." the red hair said with a pissed expression, "let's just end her here and now, instead of listen to her ranting." End me?

"Calm down Lola, we will, but first she got to answer our question." the tall one said

I turned sideways, although the hallway was dark, there are still people inside if anything happened, no doubt there might pin it on me and I had no weapon, if they came intending to end me, I might not fight all four of them without weapons "Oh before that, do you guys wants to come in? I just went out for a walk, so right now I am tired of standing here." I requested and smiled

"Why you little..." the one called Lola hurried towards me in anger but was stopped by the tall one whose name I had yet to figure out

"Calm down, Lola, for pit's sake. This is a hallway. What happens when people rush out and start questioning us."

"But Mika...…"

"Now but, just relax."

So Mika, huh? That was her name? Although she doesn't look the part with her tall ass, but it was a nice name. I smiled at them, still waiting on their reply, caused if they refuse to go in, I would have a hard time disposing of them.

"Well, if she wants us in, I think it's best we go in. Standing and discussing in the hallway is tiring."

"Yeah." the two black behind Lola and Mika spoke for the first time.

They all looked at each other for a while, communication; I don't need spiritual ears to know what their communication is all about. Then Lola turned to me and smiled

"Sure, since you want us in; are you sure your room is big enough for the four of us?" she asked

As I turned the key in the keyhole, I turned and smiled at her. "Don't worry, it is big enough to contain four bodies…. Oh, I mean guests…. Four guests."

"Sure." I ushered them in while holding the door.