
"AGI(Agility) being all powerful is just an illusion!"

The man's high tones spread throughout the spacious bar.

"It is true that AGI is an important attribute as it determines firing

speed and avoidance rate. These two factors could make you very

strong, until now that is."

That speech came from a player in the square holo-panel floating

in the center of the dim shop.

It was the net broadcast, «MMO Stream»'s popular corner, «This

Week's Winning Group». You could watch it in the real world from a

television or a computer, but it was also broadcasted in many VRMMO

worlds' inns and bars simultaneously, so most players liked to watch it


Especially when the guest player was from «This World».

"But AGI is a relic of the past and to the cripples who had been

increasing AGI for 8 months, I can only say this - you have my


This sarcastic speech caused a loud chorus of booing to erupt in

the shop, and many bottles and glasses were smashed onto the floor

scattering as tiny pieces of polygon before disappearing.

But «he» ignored all the fuss and sat curled up in the sofa at the

shop's deepest corner.

With his camouflage cloak's hood pulled down to his eyebrows

and his lower face covered by a thick cloth, he coldly surveyed the shop


He hated not only the man on the screen with his nose in the air,

but was also displeased with the dumb looks of the players watching

the TV. Everyone booing and howling like wolves, but still enjoying the

festival-like disturbances.

Why were they so mindless, «he» could not understand. The man

in the TV became the strongest in the world only by pure luck, and at

the same time became the biggest exploiter.

In front of all the players who paid connection fees, he was a

strutting gamer.

Like «him», all the players should envy and hate that guy. If that

feeling was ugly, so be it : to hide it by just laughing with a mixture of

ugliness, it wasn't funny at all.

«He» was very tense under his cloak, and he breathed out from

between tightly clenched teeth. It was not yet time, and pulling the

trigger would come just a bit later.

He returned his gaze to the holo-panel, as the camera zoomed-out,

the show's host to the speaker's right and another guest sitting to his

left came into the frame.

The hostess of the show, a girl dressed in a full body techno-pop

style outfit, said sweetly :

"Truly, as a top player in one of the hardest of all the VRMMO

games, «Gun Gale Online», what you just told us is a bit extreme."

"No, being interviewed on «MST» is a once in a life time thing and

I've said what I wanted to say."

"Well, well, well, You will be aiming to win the «Bullet of Bullets»

this time too, right?"

"Of course, if I enter I would want to be the winner."

The man combed his long silvered-blue hair, and faced the

camera with an undefeated announcement. The shop was once again

ravaged by a storm of booing.

MMO Stream wasn't Gun Gale Online's, normally called GGO,

internal content, but the host and guests were avatars, not their real

bodies. «This Week's Winning Group» went to different VRMMO games

each week and invited their top players for the interview show. This

week's guests were from GGO's previous monthly battle royal, known

as Bullet of Bullets (BoB). It was used to determine the strongest

players, and the guests were the winner and runner-up player.

"But, Zekushiido-san."

After hearing the boasting of the winner with long silver hair, the

runner-up opened his mouth, unable to bear it any longer.

"BoB isn't a solo encounter. The 2nd time might not be the same

result, what is all this talk about winning based on attribute type?"

"No no, this winning result is to show the whole of GGO and as

Yamikaze-san is an AGI type, I understand your feelings of denial."

The winner called Zekushiido immediately retorted.

"...Till now, increasing AGI, and shooting high powered weapons

at a fast pace was the best style. That also gave an increased evasion

bonus, which helped compensate for the low stamina. But MMOs are

not like standalone games, and game balances can change over time.

Especially with this level up aspect, you can't change your attributes

around, so you have to plan beforehand for endgame and use your

points wisely. Even if a fighting style is strongest at this level bracket,

in the next level that might not be true. You will understand if you

think about it, the weapons coming out from now on will need

increasing STR and Accuracy to use. Winning by using evasion to avoid

damage is a naive belief that won't always last and my fight with

Yamikaze-san showed that. Your bullets were blocked by my bulletresistant armor and lost their power, but my shots hit 70% of the time.

To say it clearly, from now on it's time for a STR-VIT style."

Reined in by that storm of words, Yamikaze's face became

distorted by chagrin.

"...But, this is the result of the rare gun that barely met your

strength requirement which Zekushiido-san had acquired right before

the tournament. How much did you pay for it anyways?"

"No way! That was a rare drop I looted through my efforts. For

this reason, the most important attribute might really be Luck, hahaha."

While the silver haired man laughed in the holo-panel, «He»

stared with resentment, and his right hand moved under his cloak.

Looking for the grip at the holster on his waist, he held on to the hard

metallic surface. Almost - almost, the time was almost upon him. He

looked at the time displayed on the side of his field of vision. Just one

minute and twenty seconds more.

The two people sitting at a table beside «him», were chatting

while taking drinks from their jugs.

"Blah, saying good conditions. Back then, Zekushiido-san was the

one who said AGI type was the strongest."

"Thinking back now, that popular rumor might have been a trap...

We were tricked..."

"Does this mean that saying that the STR-VIT setup is now the

strongest is also a bluff?"

"Then what did he really do? Increase LUK?"

"You do it."

"No way."

As the two laughed, their words made «him» even angrier. How

could anyone laugh like that after finding out they had been tricked, He

could not understand.

- But, that foolish laughter would soon freeze in their throats,

when they saw the real strength, the real strongest player.

Finally, it was time.

«He» stood up with barely a sound and moved step by step

between the tables. No one stayed within «his» eyes.

Foolish people... tremble in fear.

«He» stopped at the center of the bar, directly under the holopanel. From his waist holster under his cloak, he drew out a rustic


Like concentrated, crystallized darkness, it gave off a cold, black,

metallic shine. Even the grip of the gun was metallic, instead of

serrations, and the center was embellished with stars. From the shape

alone, it did not look very powerful and looked similar to any other

automatic handgun available everywhere.

But that gun had a «Real Strength».

With a click, «He» pulled back the cylinder and loaded a round,

and with trembling hands pointed the gun up - at the holo-panel.

Aimed at the forehead of the laughing Zekushiido, the strongest player.

«He» remained like that for a while, and the people around finally

noticed him and became noisy. Even for the unlimited PK game GGO,

attacking in the streets was not possible. Even if it could fire, it

wouldn't damage any player or object.

A few people laughed at «His» pointless action but «He» was not

affected, and continued to aim the black gun.

In the panel, Zekushiido continued his nasty tirade.

Zekushiido's real body was lying somewhere, with the

«AmuSphere» on his head connecting him to MMO Stream's virtual

studio. That was, he had no idea that a gun was aimed at his character

on the TV screen of a bar, at the shopping center in GGO's world capital

«SBC Gurokken».

But «His» mouth opened, and shouted as loud as he could.

"Zekushiido! You fake winner! Now, taste the truth of real power!!"

Surrounded by the stunned silence of players nearby, «He» held

up his left hand, with his finger going to his head, chest, left shoulder,

then right shoulder making the sign of a cross.

While lowering his left hand, his right hand pulled the trigger.

In the dim bar, the metallic bullet flew in a straight line - and hit

the front of the holo-panel, a small light effect flashed.

That was all. On the screen, Zekushiido's mouth kept moving.

At that time, laughter filled the shop. 'Ahaha' 'He did it' and other

words were spoken and over the amused chattering, Zekushiido's

speech continued.

"...In the end, including selecting stats and skills, it all depends on

the player's real life strengths and abilities..."

Suddenly, the voice froze.

The crowd in the bar turned back to the panel.

Zekushiido, with his mouth still wide open, froze with bulging

eyes. His hand raised weakly, trying to grasp the center of his chest.

Immediately, his character disappeared, leaving only the polygon

chair behind and the host quickly said in panic.

"Oh no, his connection seems to be disconnected but he should be

back soon, everyone do not change your channel and stay tune..."

But no one in the shop heard these words as, in the stunned

silence, everyone had turned to focus on «Him».

«He» relaxed his aim at the monitor and pulled back his gun

holding it horizontally. In this pose, he slowly turned around and

looked at the shocked players in the shop.

After one complete revolution, he again held his black gun high in

the air and shouted.

"...This, is real strength, real power! Foolish people, engrave the

fear of this name in your hearts!"

He took a deep breath-

"This gun's name and I : «Death Pistol» - «Death Gun»!!"

«He» sheathed the gun in his holster and waved his left hand for

the menu window.

While pressing the Log Out button, «His» feeling of triumph, was

multiplied by his raging hunger for more.

Sword Art Online Volume 5 – Phant