Chapter 8

"That guy..."



Exclaiming these words out of her mouth, Asada Shino used the

toes of the sneakers she was wearing to kick at the swing.

This is a corner of a little park near Shino's house. The sky had

become dark, and this park was a simple area with only 2 recreational

equipment and a pile of gravel, thus, no children would come here to

play on Sundays.

Sitting beside Shino on the swing was Shinkawa Kyouji, who

widened his eyes.

"That's rare of you, Asada-san...for you to criticize someone in

such a straightforward manner."

"Because he's really..."

Shino stuck her hands inside her denim dress, leaned her back

against the slanted pillar, twists her lips and continued,

"...So thick-skinned, loves to cause sexual harassment, likes to act

cool... speaking of which, who the hell uses swords to fight in GGO!"

Everytime Shino would talk about how infuriating «that guy» was

to her, she would kick a small pebble beside her foot.

"Also, that guy was even cross-dressing as a girl right at the

beginning, and even asked me to choose clothing for him! I nearly lent

him money as well!, AAAAHHHHHH!! DAMN IT, WHAT 'CAN YOU


This grumbling continued until there were not suitably-sized

stones around. Shino lowered her head, looked beside her, and found

that Kyouji was really shocked as he used a certain delicate expression

to look back at her.

"...What's the matter, Shinkawa-san?"

"'s not rare, but I guess this is the first time you badmouthed someone so much..."


"Yeah. Because you normally didn't seem interested in others..."


On hearing him say this, she started to realize it,

Normally, she wouldn't interact with others enthusiastically. Even

if someone pulls a prank—like Endou and the rest, she would merely

feel irritated at most because she felt that there was no need to waste

too much energy getting angry at them.

If she really had to say it, Shino couldn't even finish her own

problems. Who has the time to bother about others? Even so, «that

guy» really enraged her greatly for some inexplicable reason. It's been

less than 24 hours since they interacted for the first time on Saturday

afternoon, and yet that guy remained in her memories, and she

couldn't get rid of it.

But it's no wonder that she would be this angry.

It's been half a year since Shino started playing the VRMMO-RPG

«GGO». However, she had never met any gamer who invaded her

privacy like this. And also, she was overly shocked that he held her

hand during the rest period after the first round of the preliminaries,

and was so shaken up that she missed two snipes from mid-ranged in

the second round after that.

"...D, don't look at me like this. I get angry easily."

Shino deliberately dragged the pebble far away with her toes and

kicked it hard at the shrubs as she mentioned that.

"Fufu~ is that so."

Kyouji continued to stare at Shino, but he seemed to remember

something as he suddenly brought his body away from the swing and

said enthusiastically,

"Then... do you want to ambush him in some training arena? If

you want to snipe, I'll be the bait... but it's better to take revenge from

the front right? I can immediately get 2, 3 outstanding machine

gunners to help. Using beam matter to stun him and then deal an MPK

isn't bad either."

The shocked Shino blinked her eyes at Kyouji, who was planning

all sorts of PK, and then raised her right hand to interrupt him.

"Erm, well... I don't mean that. How should I put it... though he

infuriates me, his manner of battling is rather upright. I want to have a

fight with him under fair circumstances. I lost yesterday... but I know

how to fight him, and there's chance for revenge too."

Shino pushed the plain glasses up, and then took her handphone

out from her skirt pocket to check the time.

"3 and a half hours left before the BoB finals begin. I'm going to

blow a large hole on that guy in that grand event."

Shino pointed her right index finger at the sky in the west, and

right where she was pointing at, a red moon could be seen rising.

Last night, on the night of December 13th, there was a

preliminaries tournament for the strongest in GGO—the «3rd Bullet of


Shino in K group managed to beat her way through, but in the end,

the one who appeared in front of her, was the one who was supposed

to be a beginner—even though she had a feeling that she would be

meeting him, «that guy».

His name was «Kirito», a gamer who transferred all his unique

data using «The Seed» platform from a VRMMO Shino didn't know of

into GGO.

Shino was on her way to the capital of GGO, the «SBC Gurokken»

presidential tower where she met what should be Kirito, who had just

entered the game. He asked Shino where the weapons store was, and

Shino, who would normally point coldly in a direction and leave, took

the initiative to guide him through.

And the reason was—Kirito's avatar looked like a girl no matter

how anyone looked at him.

Shino later found out that this M model in GGO was called the

«9000 series», an avatar that doesn't look any different from the F

model. As this model was extremely rare, the account would be

extremely expensive if it were sold. Logically, Kirito's appearance

would fit a «beauty» of this price. Long, beautiful straight hair, wide

eyes that were seemingly radiating the light of darkness, snowy white

skin and a slender body. To be honest, it was more feminine than the

real F model Shino had.

Having played GGO for half a year, Shino never met any «beginner

female players». Of course, she does know of a few female gamers, but

they all had more experience than Shino—all old-timers. The time they

would spend shooting at each other would be much longer than the


Thus, Shino saw a black-haired girl—who was really a guy—

being all lost here and there, and immediately remembered her past,

and was soon attracted to him and became his guide.

Both of them chose their equipment in a large store, and Shino

then taught him the «bullet trajectory» unique battle system GGO has,

and even told him the way to register in the presidential tower. After

that, they moved to the waiting dome below the tower and into the rest

area to change their street equipment into fighting equipment. Shino

then took off all her equipment except for her underwear—and at that

moment, Kirito told her his real name and gender.

Shino extremely ashamed, gave him a huge slap and then said,

You must get to the finals. For the lesson's end, I'll teach you the

taste of being a loser with a bullet.

But to be honest, she didn't think that he would have a chance.

Kirito was a beginner who just transferred into GGO, and she did

not know what this person was thinking as his main weapon wasn't a

rifle or a machine gun, but a «photon sword» that's used for close

range combat.

It's basically a fantasy to use a sword to beat a gun-user, Shino

thought and was about to forget about Kirito—

However, Kirito unexpectedly fulfilled the promise with Shino,

and in the group F's preliminaries where 64 people fought it out, he

managed to win his way from round 1 through round 5 using a laser

blade and a small caliber handgun as his sidearm as he stormed into

the finals where Shino was waiting.

At the highway under the sunset that became the stage of the

preliminaries finals, Shino witnessed Kirito's amazing fighting ability.

He used the energy blade of the photon sword to block the 50 caliber

bullet Shino fired from her beloved «Ultima Ratio Hecate II»—or rather,

sliced it up.

Kirito rushed in aggressively between the bullet that was sliced in

half, got to Shino, pointed his blade at her neck, and muttered in close


"Can you please surrender yourself? I don't really like to slay girls."


Just recalling that alone made her feel the humiliation she

suffered again. Shino then crudely put down the right hand that was

pointing at moon. She looked around for a pebble around her that she

could kick, but unfortunately, they were all kicked into the grass. Thus,

she could only use the sole of the sneakers to kick at the metal pole.

"...You better get ready. I'll pay back that humiliation with double

the interest..."

As she was panting hard, Kyouji got up from the swing and looked

bothered as he frowned at Shino's face.

"...Wh, what's wrong?"

"Erm...are you alright? Is it okay for you to do that..."

Kyouji looked at the right hand of Shino. Unknowingly, her fist

that was lightly clenched was now pointing the thumb and index

fingers in the shape of a handgun.


She frantically shook her hand. It's true that this action would

make anyone think of a «gun», and Shino's heart would flutter every

time. However, there's no such feeling this time, inexplicably.

"Y-Yeah, it's alright...maybe it was because I was angry, but it's

nothing much."

"I see..."

Kyouji lowered his head and continued to look at Shino's eyes. He

suddenly reached his arms out and cupped Shino's right hand. That

warmth and somewhat sweaty feeling of the palms caused Shino to

look down instinctively.

"Wha...what is it, Shinkawa-kun?"

"I often feel...extremely worried...Asada-san's different from

usual...Yes...if, if there's anything I can help out with, I'll be willing to do

it. I can only cheer for you through the screen...but, if there's anything

else I can do...I..."

Shino glanced at Kyouji for an instant. That delicate face had only

the eyes that were radiating emotions from within and giving off

warmth and light.

"Wh...what's this normal me..."

She couldn't remember how she normally looked and muttered.

Then, Kyouji's hands started to exert force, and he opened his mouth to


"Asada-san's normally so cool...always looking like nothing would

faze had the same treatment I had in school, but you didn't

run away from school like're so strong, so amazing. I've

always admired Asada-san's personality...this can be considered my


Overwhelmed by Kyouji's pressuring presence, Shino wanted to

back away, but the swing pillar behind her wouldn't let her.

"Bu, but...I'm not strong at all. I, you know...I'll react once I see a


"But Sinon is different."

Kyouji stepped forward.

"She can use such a powerful weapon at will...and is said to be one

of the strongest players in GGO. I think that's the real Asada-san. The

Asada-san in the real world will definitely become up like, so you don't

have to worry...seeing you waver and angry because of that, I...I really

wanted to help..."

—However, Shinkawa-san.

Looking away slightly for a while, Shino muttered deep inside.

—A long time ago, I would cry and laugh like an ordinary person.

I didn't become «the current me» on my own will.

It was definitely Shino's wish to become as strong as the current

Sinon. However, she wanted to overcome her fear of machinery, and

not that she abandoned all her feelings.

Perhaps deep inside her, she still wanted to laugh and make noise

with her friends like an ordinary person, which was why she helped

that person in a rare out-of-character manner the moment she saw

that lost beginner girl on Glockenspiel street, and why she got angry

after knowing that he was a male.

Shino was grateful that Kyouji was so concerned about her, but

even so, she felt that this feeling was somewhat misplaced.

—I...I, what I want...


A soft voice suddenly rang beside Shino's ears, causing her eyes to

widen. Unknowingly, Kyouji's arms were hugging her together with the

metal pole.

Even though the empty park was already surrounded in darkness,

however, there were passers-by walking on the street opposite the

pedestrian path with trees that were shed bare of leaves. Right now, if

anyone were to see Shino or Kyouji now, they would think that they

were a couple.

On thinking about this, Shino then pushed Kyouji's body back



Kyouji looked at Shino with a hurt expression. She was shocked

and hurriedly explained,

"So, sorry. I'm happy that you said're the only good

friend I could make here, but...I don't have that kind of feelings yet,

because I can only solve my problem by fighting on..."

"...I see..."

Seeing Kyouji lower his head in a lonely manner, the girl was

having a guilty feeling.

Kyouji should have known about Shino's past—that incident.

Before he refused to come to school, Endou and the rest had spread

this news to the entire school, but even after knowing about that, he

was still willing to be friends with her. Shouldn't she express her

feelings now? Of course, it's not like Shino did not have that idea. She

knew that she would be extremely lonely if Kyouji left her in a sad


However, a corner in her subconsciousness wouldn't let her

forget about that guy, Kirito's face. He had way too much confidence

and belief in his own ability. Shino hoped to fight him so that she could

go all out.

Yes—right now, Shino's only wish was to break the black and

hard shell that covered her heart and release herself from her fearful

memories. To do that, she wanted to fight in the sunset wasteland and


"So...can you wait until then?"

She said in a really soft voice. Kyouji looked at Shino with eyes

that had many different feelings, and after a while, smiled. He indicated

'thank you' with his lips, and Shino smiled too.

After leaving the park and saying goodbye to Kyouji, Shino hurriedly

returned home and bought some mineral water and aloe vera yogurt

for dinner. She would normally try to cook a healthy balanced meal for

herself, but after more than 3 hours of gaming, there would be many

reasons why gamers shouldn't put too much food in their stomach.

*Kasa kasa*, the girl held the bag that's letting out that sound,

rushed up the stairs, stepped into her house, hurriedly put the

electronic lock on, went through the kitchen, arrived at the 6mat room

inside and glanced at the clock on the wall.

It would be a while before the finals of BoB start at 8 pm, but

Shino wanted to log in early and spend time to examine her equipment,

ammunition, and to focus her thoughts.

She quickly took off the thick denim jumper skirt and the cotton

shirt underneath, hung them on the hanger, and then took off her

upper underwear and threw it into a basket at a corner. She huddled

her body smaller due to the cold air wavering above the floor as she

changed into a more comfortable outfit consisting of a sweatshirt that

doubled as a tank top, and shorts.

After adjusting the air conditioner so that the air was not too hot,

and switching on the humidifier, Shino took a deep breath and sat

down on the bed. She took out the PET bottle from the plastic bag,

opened the cap and took a sip.

The sensor interrupt function of the AmuSphere could disrupt

99% of all the functions when diving in. However, Shino managed to

learn many ways to allow for a comfortable gaming environment.

Eating less before diving and going to the toilet are things that are

overemphasized. Also, one has to note the temperature, humidity, and

also wear clothes that didn't burden her. She once logged in during

summer break after drinking lots of ice water, and felt immense

stomach pain in the middle of a battle before getting interrupted by the

AmuSphere that detected that something was wrong. Of course, once

her stomachache was alright and when she tried to connect again, her

character was already dead and respawned back onto the street.

Hardcore VRMMO gamers who had lots of money would seek

complete sensory interruption and enter this place called an «isolation

tank». Nowadays, the high-class internet cafés that also act as

relaxation facilities would start to have this tank, and Kyouji had

invited Shino over to this kind of shop a month ago.

The room was for single-person use. After bathing inside the

bathroom that's available in the room, the user will be completely

naked and lie inside a capsule that takes up half the space of the room.

The inside of the capsule was unexpectedly spacious, a viscous liquid

that was properly adjusted, 40cm deep.

On lying inside, the body will float up, and the user won't feel the

pillow that's supporting the neck. Once the user wears the AmuSphere

that's hanging on the inside of the capsule and closes it, the tank will be

immediately surrounded by complete darkness and silence.

Actually, that floating feeling inside that space was already a

rather interesting experience, but as she agreed to meet Kyouji in GGO,

Shino entered the VR space.

On logging in, the information processed to the five senses from

the virtual world was unusually clear. Kyouji said this was because the

body senses have reached the minimum, and thus, there wasn't any

sounds made from the «sensor interruption leak» at all. Ignoring this

application, that sort of feeling where she could even hear the enemy's

soles stepping on sand showed its worth to her.

However, she felt an indescribable feeling of anxiety that couldn't

be expressed in words.

Or rather, it's more like she was worried about her body once she

got removed away from the real world. Once she dived into the VR

world, she would be lying on the bed in the real world like a doll, and

this anxiety that's brought about by this fact would be enhanced by the


Of course, as compared to the «Devil Machine» Nerve Gear, the

safety measures on AmuSphere was way too much. It not only prevents

the sensor interruption from working—which was why a capsule was

needed—but also even the sound, light, vibration and other stimulants

to activate easily as past of the safety system and bring the user back to


Even so, the body that dived in was completely defenseless. In a

certain sense, this would be rather similar to sleep, but Shino couldn't

shake off the stinging pain on her neck when she logged in through the

isolation capsule. In the end, she made a conclusion—her small little

room was the safest place in the world where she could log in safely

even though there would be some noise from outside.

Shino pondered as the spoon in her hand continued to mouth.

The yogurt was then eaten completely. After putting container into the

sink and washing it, she threw it into the recycling bag. She then went

to the bathroom to brush her teeth, use the toilet, wash her hands and

face before returning back to the room.


*Pitan*. She slapped her cheeks and laid down on the bed. Her

handphone was already switched to silent mode, and the door and

aluminum windows were completely locked. She finished her

homework that's to be handed in on Monday during the day, and all the

trivial things she should worry about in the real world should be

completely dealt with.

She put on the AmuSphere and pressed the switch to turn off the

lights. At this moment, the face of the player she thought of beating

continued to appear on the ceiling that's gradually turning darker

before disappearing.

Finally, what appeared in front of her was a swordsman of light

who had glamorous black hair and fresh red lips—Kirito. His left hand

was wielding the handgun, and the photon sword was in his right hand

as it was kept down. He was giving a smile of contempt as he looked

straight at Shino.

The will to fight was immediately lit inside Shino as this guy could

be the strongest enemy she could find in the vast killing wilderness. He

could help Shino break that power of the past, and in a certain sense—

he was her last hope.

I will fight him with all I've got, and I'll win.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, Shino closed her eyes and got

ready to utter the keyword that would shift her soul. The next moment,

the room clearly resounded with her rather strong-willed voice.


The horizontal gravity the body felt suddenly disappeared, and a

somewhat light floating sense replaced it.

Next, the sky and ground seem to rotate about 90 degrees. Sinon's

toes touched the hard floor like a soft slide, and only opened her eyes

once the senses of the fake body was completely aligned.

First, what appeared in front of her eyes was a large neon red

hologram that was flying as it dragged its tail through the night sky

that had no stars. The red words 'Bullet of Bullets 3' were flashing on

the tower.

Sinon appeared at the middle of the north end of Glockenspiel

street, the plaza in front of the presidential complex. Normally, this

would be a place that rarely had people around, but today, this place is

full of numerous players, and each of them were holding food and

drinks and partying about. Actually, this was to be expected. Now, the

betting pool for the upcoming BoB finals began, and more than half the

money that existed in GGO was gathered in this plaza.

The payout rate was shown on the hologram in the air, and the

bookmakers who were dressed in a rather splendid manner—what's

scary was that they weren't players, but «official bookmaker NPC» that

were created by the operating company—and information brokers

who were selling suspicious information were swarming about. Sinon

suddenly remembered about something and went near a bookmaker

NPC, and then looked up at the window, only to find that her odds

payout were rather high. This should be because of how she lost

yesterday. Thinking about this, she looked for Kirito's name, only to

find that he was one of those who had a high payout as well.

Fu, Sinon snorted and thought of wanting to bet her entire

fortune on herself. But after thinking about how this would wear off

her main objective, the girl turned to leave the crowd. As her

appearance was known by all, and as a regular in the BoB finals, there

were many looks from all over as they watched her leave. However,

nobody had the courage to approach her for everyone knew that Sinon

was «a wildcat-type girl who'll take action mercilessly once she finds

someone to be an enemy».

She wanted to enter the dome waiting area to gather her

concentration, and thus moved towards the presidential tower. After

walking for a while, someone suddenly called her by her name from



There was only one player in the world of GGO who would call

her that way. The moment she turned around, she saw Shinkawa

Kyouji, who she left several minutes ago in the real world, controlling

his avatar «Spiegel» as he waved his hand at her and ran over. A tall

and skinny M model avatar that had city clothes on seemed to be

slightly red from excitement.

"Sinon, why were you so slow? I was worried about you—what's


Spiegel felt weird after seeing that Sinon had a smile on her face.

"It's nothing. It's just that I found it amazing that I could

immediately meet someone in a game after having just met that person

in real life."

"...I'd say, I'm not so cool looking in the real world as I am in the

virtual world. What about you? What are your chances of winning? Do

you have some tactics?"

"If I have to put my chances of winning...I can only say that I'll do

my best. Basically, it'll be to search out the enemy continuously, snipe

and move."

"That's true, that's true. But...I believe that Sinon will definitely


"Yeah, thanks. What do you intend to do next?"

"Well...I can only watch the live feed in a certain hotel..."

"Okay, once it's over, I'll meet you at the hotel. Are we going to

celebrate for me, or are you going to drink some wine with me to sober


Sinon again smiled as she said this, and Spiegel again looked

down before looking up again. He suddenly grabbed Sinon's right arm

and dragged her into a corner of the plaza. Spiegel didn't even care

whether any other players could see them as he quickly spun his head

around to look at the rather nervous looking Sinon, who could only

blink her eyes.

", Asada-san."

Spiegel should have realized how rude it is to call others by their

real names in VRMMO, so this really shocked Sinon.


"Can I trust your words just now?"

"My words just now..."

"You said that you want me to wait, right...? Asada-san, you said

that after you determined your own ability, you and me..."

"Why-Why are you saying that out of a sudden!?"

Feeling her cheeks burning up, Sinon hid her face inside the

muffler, but Spiegel stepped forward and again grabbed Sinon's right


"I...I, I really like Asada-san..."

"Sorry, can you please don't mention this now?"

After saying that in a slightly stern mode, Sinon shook her head.

"I have to concentrate on this tournament now...I have to fight

with all I've got to have a chance of winning..."

"...I see, you're right..."

Spiegel let his hand go.

"But I-I'll trust you. I'll believe, and wait for you."

"Y-Yeah. ...then, I-I think it's time to get to go."

Sinon would probably enter the tournament with a wavering

heart if she continued to talk with Spiegel, and so she backed away.

"Do your best. I'll cheer for you."

She nodded her head at Spiegel, whose voice was full of

enthusiasm, and gave a stiff smile before leaving. During the time she

exited the dark corner of the building and quickly headed towards the

entrance of the presidential estate, Sinon felt those stares that seemed

to burn her back.

After passing through the glass entrance and arriving at the inside

of the building that had very few people, the girl finally relaxed her


Thinking whether her attitude made him misunderstand, she

leaned on the stone pillar.

Kyouji's affections for her were expressed blatantly, but to be

honest, it's already tough for her to handle her own problems.

Sinon couldn't remember how her deceased father looked at all.

To her, the male face she had the biggest impression on was the

criminal who robbed the post office that day. Once trouble happened,

her phobia would work up, and that person's face would appear in her

head. That seemingly endless depth in the heinous express seemed to

be hiding in the darkness around Sinon, looking at her.

As for getting a boyfriend like the other girls, chit-chatting on the

phone, going out on weekends, these things weren't things that she

never thought of before. However, if she went out with Kyouji like this,

one day, she may see «those eyes» in him. This was what she was most

afraid of.

If the trigger to her phobia wasn't just «gun», but that she'll feel

scared on seeing a «man»—it'll be extremely tough for her to continue


She could only fight. That's all she could do right now.

*Gash!* Sinon forcefully stamped her soles at the floor and head

towards the elevator that's deep within the atrium.

However, someone again called her from behind. This voice that

called her name was clear and somewhat hoarse, different from the

deep voice of Spiegel. Sinon could only close her eyes on hearing this

voice call her.

As she turned around with an irritated feeling, the one who was

standing in front of her was obvious— «that guy» she so hated.