Chapter 16

At this point, the wide sky would make people think of the vast

galaxy behind it.

This «wideness of the sky» was a feeling that virtual reality would

never be able to duplicate. The autumn season that passed seemed to

be all forgotten, and the blue sky looks like herds of sheeps as they

gathered high in the air together with the thick clouds. The fine cables

had two sparrows standing there, and the military airplane that was

flying in the air reflected the sunlight back.

Shino stared at this vast and endless scenery, and she looked like

she wouldn't be irritated by it.

The wind now would be considered warm for mid-December, and

the after school noise from students wouldn't reach the back of the

school. Normally, the sky in the capital of Tokyo would be covered with

a thin grey, but today, it looked like a town in the north. Shino sat

beside the flowerbed with black soil and placed her bag on her knees.

And then, she let her soul move through the unlimited space for about

10 minutes.

However, a moment later, several footsteps accompanied by

laughter were heard as they got near to Shino and pulled her back from

space to earth.

She turned her neck that was trying its best to look up, pulled her

white shawl and waited for those intruders to walk near.

Endou and her two companions came in from the northwest area

of the school building and the large incinerator. They smirked upon

seeing Shino and showed cruel smiles.

Shino's left hand took up the bag and said,

"Since you took the initiative to invite me, don't be late."

After hearing Shino said that, a lackey of Endou blinked her thick

eyelids, kept her smile and shouted,

"Asada, you're really mischievous nowadays, aren't you!"

The other lackey said with a similar tone,

"Yeah~ isn't this too much to treat your friends like that?"

The 3 people, who were about 2m away from Shino, each thought

that they could give threatening looks which they thought would be

most effective. Shino stared hard at the predatory insect-like narrow

eyes belonging to Endou who was standing in the center.

Both of them remained silent for a few seconds. Endou then

smiled and lifted her chin,

"Oh well, we're friends anyway. Oh yeah, if we have troubles, you

should help us. We're a little tight here..."

On hearing her say that, the other two starting laughing,

"So just lend us 20,000 yen first."

Endou said that in a tone like she was borrowing rubber eraser.

Shino took off her NXT optical glasses that didn't even have a

prescription on the lens, and put it in her skirt pocket. She gave them

the sternest of looks at Endou's trio, and said each word out clearly,

"I said it before. I don't have money to lend you."

At this moment, Endou's eyes narrowed like cables. She gave a

stubborn look from her face and said with a deeper voice,

"...Don't think you can continue to be so arrogant. Speaking of

which, I really brought that thing with me from nii-san, so don't go

crying, Asada."


Shino thought that these people wouldn't be so daring as to take

out a gun near school, but Endou actually smirked and reached her

hand into her school bag.

A black automatic pistol was whipped out from that bag which

had lots of dolls hanging on it. This scene really gave a little sense of

black comedy. Endou gingerly pulled out the large model gun and then

pointed it at Shino with her right hand.

"I heard that this can blow a hole in thick cardboard. Nii-san told

me not to use it to shoot someone, but you won't listen to that right,

Asada? You're used to it."

Shino's eyes were naturally taken in by the black handgun.

Her heartbeat hastened. The ringing in her ears caused all other

sounds to leave. She started breathing hard, and an icy feeling started

to move up her fingertips.

However, Shino gritted her teeth and motivated all her mental

strength to look away from the the gun's profile. Her eyes moved from

Endou's right hand that was holding the gun, then started moving to

the arm, and then to the shoulder, the dyed hair and finally Endou's


Endou's eyes were pulsating with their blood vessels showing

due to over excitement, and the irises were turning an ugly black, the

owner of the handgun was just a pitiful worm who's drunk in violence.

The real terror wasn't the gun itself, but the person holding it.

Perhaps because Shino didn't give the expected response, Endou

anxiously smirked and said these words,

"Cry, Asada. Kneel down and beg for forgiveness. Or else I'll really


Then, she aimed the model gun at Shino's left shoulder before

smiling. Her shoulders and arms jerked slightly, and Shino immediately

knew that she was going to squeeze the trigger. However, the bullet

didn't fire.

"Damn it, what's going on!"

Though she squeezed the trigger a few more times, she could only

hear the sound of plastic rubbing against each other.

Shino took a deep breath, gained strength all over her body,

threw the bag onto the floor and reached her arms out.

She used her left thumb to press down hard on Endou's right

wrist, and got the gun while her grip weakened. She then slid the index

finger into the trigger guard, and the handle easily landed in her hands.

The gun felt like plastic, but it was heavy.

"A 1911 Government? Your brother really likes such traditional

designs. Just doesn't fit my tastes, though."

Shino said that and showed the left side of the gun at Endou.

"The Government has a hand safety and a grip safety, and you

can't shoot it without opening these two safeties."

Clak, clak. With these two sounds, both safeties were removed.

"Also, it's a single-action gun, so you have to lift the hammer right

from the beginning."

Shino flicked the hammer up with her thumb, and the trigger

lifted up slightly with a little hard sound.

She turned her eyes from the stunned Endou and company and

looked around, found a row of blue plastic bins about 6m away beside

the incinerator, and there happened to be a can on it.

Shino then placed her left hand on the grip and got into a basic

sidearms shooting stance. She lined her right eye with the sights,

aimed it at the empty can, considered for a while, lifted the gun up a

little, held her breath, and squeezed the trigger.

'PA'. With a soft sound, a little recoil was sent to Shino's hand.

This Government did really show recoil, and the orange bullet flew out.

As Shino wasn't familiar with the trajectory of this gun, she

thought that the first bullet would miss. However, the bullet luckily

grazed the top of the empty can, which shocked Shino herself. The

aluminium can let out a 'Klang', spun like a spinning top and finally fell

and dropped from the bin.

Fuu, Shino sighed and placed the gun down. Endou's arrogance

was already long gone as she could only stand there in shock. As Shino

looked at her eyes, she timidly closed her mouth and took half a step



After hearing her terrified sound, Shino relaxed her stern glance.

"...It's true that it's better not to use this to shoot others."

She said that as she cocked the hammer back before closing the 2

safeties. As Shino handed over the gun, Endou's body jerked, but still

reached out for the model gun timidly.

Shino grabbed her school bag and again tugged at her shawl. She

said goodbye to the 3 people behind her and started walking forward.

However, Endou and company didn't respond at all. The trio could only

stand there blankly until Shino went around the corner and


The moment she couldn't see Endou, Shino's legs immediately

lost their strength as she nearly collapsed onto the floor. She finally

managed to stand up by supporting herself on the school building.

A thunderclap rang inside Shino's ears, and the blood was flowing

quickly through her temples. The reverse flow of acid made her throat

hurt slightly. If anyone was to tell her to do what she did just now, she

would say that she wouldn't be able to do that again.

Even so—this can be considered a first step.

Shino forced herself to move her weak legs and made herself

move away. The icy weight of the model gun was still stuck on her

hands and couldn't be shaken off, but after putting her hand under the

dry cold wind, her touch finally began to recover. She took out her

glasses with her numb fingers and put it on.

She crossed the corridor that linked the west staircase of the

school compound and the sports hall, reached the side of the field after

walking for while, passed the sports clubs members who were running

and cheering themselves on, through the little woods on the south of

the track, and the main gate appeared in front of her.

Students were going back in groups, and just when Shino was

about to pass through these people and head through the gate, she felt

that something was amiss.

Some female students were standing on the school side of the

wall, looking through the school gate, and exchanging words which she

did not know.

Shino noticed that there were 2 girls from her class who she had a

somewhat good relationship with, and she walked to them.

A girl with long hair and black framed spectacles noticed Shino,

smiled and raised her hand.

"Asada-san, are you going home now?"

"Un—what are you people doing?"

As she asked that, another girl with chestnut-colored hair that

were tied into two braids shrugged, smiled and answered,

"Listen to me. There's a guy at the school gate with a uniform

that's not from a nearby school. He parked his bike there and even had

two helmets. It seems like he was waiting for a student from our school.

It's a little like gossip, but we want to know who was so daring to invite

her boyfriend over to the gate to fetch her, right?"

The moment she heard this answer, Shino immediately realized

that her face was all white. She checked her watch and was screaming

in her heart 'no way'.

He did agree to meet her at the school gate at this time, and that

person even said that 'don't waste your bus fare, I'll come over to fetch

you'. However, he shouldn't be so aloof so as to park his vehicle in front

of the school gate—

...No, that guy would definitely do that.

Shino timidly leaned her body on the fence and peered outside

from the school gate. Immediately after that, she felt completely weak.

That male student who was wearing a uniform she had never seen

before was leaning on a bright little motorbike that had it's tripod

down. He was holding two helmets and looking up at the sky in a dazed

manner—undoubtedly, he was the boy she got to knew two days ago.

Thinking that she would have to say hello to him and take the

back seat of the bike with dozens of people looking at her, Shino

couldn't help but blush. She muttered inside her heart 'I really want to

log out from here', and squeezed out her last ounce of courage before

turning to face her classmates beside her.

"Eh...well...he...he's my friend..."

She said in a soft voice that almost couldn't be heard. The eyes of

the bespectacled girl widened.


"Wha, what kind of friend?"

The other girl shouted out like this too. Noticing the stares that

gathered over because of these sounds, Shino could only hug her bag

and shrink back...


Then, she started apologizing and ran away from some reason.

Shino had already went through the green bronze school gate and

arrived at the back lane as she heard a voice from behind yell out to


"Explain everything clearly to me tomorrow!~"

Even though she arrived beside him, this daring visitor still

looked dazed as he looked up at the blue sky.


After talking to him, he blinked and turned his eyes over before

showing a lazy smile on his face.

"Ah, good afternoon, Sinon."

Meeting under the bright sun like this again, it felt like Kirito in

the real world had a transparency that seemed to have left the ground.

His slightly long black hair made his skin look more bright, and the

slender body that looked shocking like a girl looked similar to his

avatar in the virtual world.

This weak feeling, or rather, this feeble presence made Shino

remember that he once spent two years of captivity, and caused her to

keep her scathing words.

"...Good afternoon...sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's nothing. I just arrived too—speaking of which...why does it

feel like..."

At this moment, Kirito finally noticed the students that were

watching from near the school gate. He looked around and said,

"...Everyone's looking at us..."


Shino's voice had some reluctance.

"Wouldn't other people be noticing if you park your bike at

someone else's school gate!?"

" that so? Then..."

The boy suddenly gave off a teasing smile. Shino had seen that

smile a few times in the virtual world.

"If we continue to stay here, would the discipline teacher run over

here to make a ruckus? That seems interesting."

"Do...don't kid around!"

In fact, the teachers may really come over. Shino instinctively

turned back to look at the school gate and then said softly,

"Hu, hurry up and go!"

"Okay okay..."

Kirito handed the light green helmet that was hanging onto the

handle to Shino as he continued to smile.

This guy's inner world messes me up like a mischievous imp, just

like how it was like in GGO. I can't be fooled by his appearance—Shino

told herself deep inside her heart as she received the safety helmet. She

tilted her bag sideways and put on the half helmet. She then stopped as

she didn't know how she was to buckle it. At this moment...

"Excuse me a for bit."

Kirito reached his arm over and quickly hooked her helmet up.

Shino's face again felt hot as she hurriedly pulled the mask down. She

was already starting to wonder how she was going to explain things to

everyone the next day.

"...Sinon, your skirt alright?"

"I have sports shorts underneath."

"No, that's not the problem."

"You can't see it from the front seat anyway."

After taking a potshot of revenge, Shino quickly sat down on the

back seat of the bike. As she would often take the back seat of her

grandpa's Coyote Honda 90, she was used to it.

" better hold on tight."

Kirito twisted the key, and the rare internal combustion engine

let out a loud roar. Shino again shrank her neck back. However, the

vibration that reached her waist and the smell of the exhaust gases

were truly memorable as she couldn't help but smile. She then

wrapped her arms around Kirito's slender body.

It would be a little troublesome for her to head from the Bunkyo

area of Yushima to their destination, the central area of Ginza, if she

had to take the subway. It would be easier to move around above


They drove from Ochinomizu, to Chiyoda highway before

reaching Koukyo. The bike moved slowly around the moat for safety

reasons, but luckily, the weather today was fine, and the wind that

blew past her face felt rather comfortable. After moving through the

major gate, they went through the Uchibori highway then Harumi

Avenue, turned left, went through the JR bridge, and then arrived at

Ginza Yonchome.

Even though the speed they drove at could be considered a huge

difference from riding on the three-wheeler buggy and getting away

from Death Gun, they still spent less than 15 minutes to reach the

destination. Kirito immediately parked the bike.

Shino was holding the helmet in her hand as she was led by Kirito

to a high-class cafe she had never been to before. The moment she

pushed the door aside, the waiters in white shirts and black ties bowed

deeply to them. Shino couldn't help but panic and looked somewhat


On hearing the waiter ask if it was for two, she felt whether it was

like... and panicked even more. However, a voice without restraint

suddenly was heard, breaking the entire high-class atmosphere.

"Oi~ Kirito-kun, over here!"

"Ah...we have an appointment with that guy."

As Kirito said that, the waiter indicated that he understood

without changing his expression, bowing as he walked forward. The

shop was full of rich housewives who were going shopping, and their

high school uniforms looked very obvious. Shino could only curl back

and gingerly walk on the floor that was polished to an abnormal shine.

A tall and skinny man, who was wearing a high class deep blue

western suit, a patterned tie and black-framed spectacles, got up from

the table where both of them were headed. Shino heard that he was a

civil servant, but besides giving off that white-collar presence, he did

look like a scholar too.

As they sat at the table where the man indicated, warm towels

and the leather menu appeared in front of them.

"Here, help yourselves."

Shino flipped the menu open as if she was prompted by the guy's

voice, and immediately couldn't say anything. Let alone sandwiches

and pasta, even the desserts had 4 digit numbers behind them.

Just as Shino was so shocked that she didn't know what to do,

beside her, Kirito snorted coldly and said,

"It's better not to be nice with him. We're spending money from

our hardworking citizens."

The girl glanced over and found that the bespectacled guy was

smiling and nodding too.

"The, then...I'll order this rare cheese cake with cranberry sauce

to go along...and also Earl Grey."

Shino ordered these as her heart was going green 'Wow, 2200

yen!'. Unexpectedly, Kirito, who was beside her, said—

"I want baked apple pudding, mont blanc and espresso."

Those unbelievable things were said. Shino couldn't even imagine

how much money that would cost.

The attendant bowed and walked away.The bespectacled man

reached into his pocket and took out a black business card holder. He

took a business card from the holder and then handed the business

card to Shino.

"Hello. I'm Kikuoka from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and

Communications Technology."

He said his name with a steady voice. Shino hurriedly took the

business card and bowed back.

"He, hello...I'm Asada...Shino."

The moment she said that, this man called Kikuoka gave an

ominous look and said,

"It's because of our carelessness that we caused Asada-san to be

in such a dangerous situation. I'm really sorry."

" worries. You're too kind."

As Shino hurriedly lowered her head again, Kirito interrupted

from beside her.

"It's better for him to apologize. If Kikuoka-san was able to

investigate more thoroughly, we wouldn't have to meet such danger."

"...I'm really sweating now that you mention that."

Kikuoka lowered his head like a kid being lectured, but then lifted

his eyes and continued,

"But Kirito-kun, you never expected «Death Gun» to be a group of

people, right?"

"That's true..."

After saying that, Kirito leaned on the chair which looked like an

antique, which then let out a creaking sound.

"Anyway...tell us what you know up till now first, Kikuoka-san."

"Of course...but it's only been 2 days since we knew of their

crimes. It would take some time to explain everything..."

Kikuoka took the coffee cup that was right in front of him, took a

sip, and then continued,

"While I said that there was a group, there were actually only 3

members. At least from what the leader Shinkawa Shoichi said, they

had three people."

"That guy called Shoichi was the mantle guy who attacked Sinon

and me in BoB, right?"

Kikuoka gently nodded his head at Kirito's question.

"I guess that should be right. From the confiscated AmuSphere

records we got from his house, we were able to check that he did log

into Gun Gale Online at that time."

"House...that guy called Shinkawa Shoichi, what kind of person

was he? Was he the mastermind?"

"...To explain all that, we have to start from the SAO incident in

year 2022. But before that..."

The waiter just so happened to arrive at this moment as he

pushed the trolley with lots of plates of food on it. After waiting for the

waiter to arrange these plates onto the table and leave, Kikuoka then

gestured Shino not to hold back.

She didn't really have much appetite, but she should still be able

to eat it. After saying 'itadakimasu' with Kirito, Shino took the gold fork.

She sliced a bit off the milky white block that was dyed in bright

red sauce and placed it inside her mouth. Besides the heavy taste of

thick cheese spreading in her mouth, the cake itself melted inside.

Surprised, Shino immediately had the thought to ask for the recipe, but

thinking about it, she knew that even if she asked the shop, they

wouldn't reveal it.

Unknowingly, she ate about half of the cake before putting her

fork down and picked up the red teacup. She took a sip of the warm

liquid that had a little orange tang in it, and the tense feeling deep

inside her was eased.

"It's really nice..."

Shino muttered. On hearing that, Kikuoka happily said,

"Normally, food should accompany happy topics. But it's alright.

We can come over another time."

"I, I see..."

Kirito continued to eat the golden brown mont blanc in front of

him, and at this point, laughed and dampened Kikuoka's mood.

"I'll advise you not to. This guy's «topics of interest» are either

dirty or disgusting."

"That, that's too much. I'm rather confident in my travel

experiences in southeast Asia...oh well, let's talk about this first."

Kikuoka took out a tablet PC from his office bag, and then touched

the screen with his long fingers.

Shino's body tensed up slightly as she got ready to hear what this

person, who looked like a teacher, had to say.

Of course, she wanted to know all about this «Death Gun»

incident. However, at the bottom of her heart, there was a slight voice

muttering that she didn't want anything more to do with this.

Perhaps a certain part deep within her still trusted Shinkawa

Kyouji. Even when that terrifying syringe was placed at her neck, Shino

still couldn't hate Kyouji completely, and neither could she give up on

all her feelings for him. That person wasn't the real him, something that

hacked into his mind caused him to do this—Shino still believed in this


It's been about 40 hours since what happened on Sunday night.

That night—as Shino was prompted by Kirito to go to the

bathroom to wash her face and change clothes, the police arrived at

her house.

Shinkawa Kyouji, whose head suffered heavy trauma and was

vaguely conscious, was immediately arrested and then sent to the

hospital by ambulance.

For safety reasons, Shino and Kirito were sent to another hospital

and made to take a mandatory checkup. The doctor on duty told Shino

that she didn't have anything other than a few bruises. Soon after, the

police started their investigations in the hospital, and she tried to clear

her mind that was still blurred by a layer of confusion, and told the

police exactly what happened inside the room.

She herself didn't notice it, but the doctor diagnosed that her

emotional stress level was at its limit, so the police's investigation

stopped at about 2am in the morning. Shino then spent the night in the

hospital room, and after waking up at 6am, she refused to accept the

doctor's proposal to return to her apartment and instead went to


Just like that, she groggily went through Monday, which was

yesterday. Even though Kyouji continued to skip school, he should still

be registered to the school, so Shino thought that the school would

know about it. In the end, nobody was talking about it at school.

As Shino ignored Endou and the rest completely and went back to

her apartment, the police were already waiting for her at the door.

After changing, Shino and the police went to that hospital yesterday,

and Shino took a second diagnosis from the doctor. This time, Shino

asked a lot of questions about Kyouji, but the police told her that

Kyouji was alright, but he kept quiet while being interrogated.

Because of «security reasons», the police wanted Shino to remain

in the hospital. After eating her dinner and bathing, she made a short

call to her grandparents and mother at her old home before sleeping in

the hospital room the hospital had prepared for her. The moment she

laid on the bed, Shino immediately sank into a deep sleep, and her

memory was cut off from there. It felt like she had a long dream, but

she couldn't remember anything about it at all.

On Tuesday, which was this morning, the policemen again

escorted her to her apartment. As she was dropped off, the police told

her that her questioning would be over. Even though it was a good

thing, how would she know about developments from now on...Shino

thought as she got ready for school. Just when she was cutting a tomato

for breakfast, her phone suddenly rang. It was from Kirito. The first

thing he asked was whether Shino was free after school, and Shino

instinctively answered yes.

Just like that, Shino sat beside Kirito and waited for his

«associate»—the man who was a civil servant to speak.

Kikuoka turned to look up from the tablet PC and then lowered

his volume, probably scared that other people may hear it, ."The

General Hospital Director's elder son Shinkawa Shoichi was frail and

sick when he was young, and often moved between his house and the

hospital ever since he graduated from middle school. He even enrolled

in high school a year late...thus, his father had already given up on

letting Shoichi take over the family business and pushed this burden

onto Kyouji, who was 3 years younger than him. The director then

started getting at home tutors for Kyouji and would sometimes even

teach him himself, and would leave Shoichi alone. Shoichi wasn't filled

with expectations, but his younger brother was forced into despair

because of the huge expectations...that's what their father said when he

was questioned."

Kikuoka paused at this moment and wet his lips with coffee.

Shino looked at the table surface and tried to imagine how the

«parents' expectations» would be like. But no matter what, she just

couldn't imagine that happening.

Even though both of them were so close, she had never noticed

that Kyouji was under so much pressure. I just kept caring about my

own stuff and never actually thought of interacting with others

truthfully—as Shino realized this again, her chest felt a sharp pain.

Kikuoka continued,

"—But even in this situation, the brothers were rather close. Once

Shoichi dropped out of high school, he turned to the internet as his

heaven and started playing MMORPG, and this interest of his affected

his brother. After that, the elder brother ended up being a captive of

«Sword Art Online» and was in a coma in his father's hospital for 2

years. Once he survived and returned, Kyouji viewed him as some sort

of idol...or even treated him like a hero."

At this moment, Shino noticed that Kirito beside her sounded

somewhat tense as he breathed. However, Kikuoka's deep and calm

voice then continued,

"Once Shoichi survived, he did not mention about what happened

in SAO for a while, but after he ended his recuperation and returned

home, he started bragging about how he killed many players in that

world, how many people were scared of him, this real Kyouji

who wasn't doing well at school and threatened by the upperclassmen,

what Shoichi said didn't irritate him, but even made him feel relieved

and satisfied."


Shino spoke softly. Kikuoka lifted his head and tilted his neck as if

to prompt her to continue,

"These things...were said by Shinkawa-kun, no, Kyouji, right?"

"No, these were based on conclusions made from the older

brother's testimony. Shoichi continued to talk during the police

investigations, and even had guesses about his younger brother's heart.

However, Kyouji was completely different from his brother and

remained silent even till now."

"I see..."

Shino really couldn't imagine what kind of plane Kyouji's soul was

floating on. She even felt that if she logged into GGO, she could see

Spiegel waiting there at the bar where they meet up...even though it's

not possible.

"Ah, please continue..."

Kikuoka nodded his head after hearing Shino's words and then

again glanced at the tablet PC.

"We have no idea what was the key factor that made the two

brothers head down the «road of no return», so we can only guess...but

Shoichi should have started playing Gun Gale Online on Kyouji's

suggestion. Shoichi didn't have any phobia about the VR world that

many survivors of SAO would have, but he wasn't that enthusiastic

when he started playing. He noted that instead of practising his skills

by fighting against monsters, he might as well wait on the streets to

observe other players and imagine ways of killing them. However, ever

since he got the «Invisible mantle» from the RMT system, everything



Shino couldn't help but say it out. The mantle which Death Gun

had, the «Metamaterial Optical Camouflage» ability, should be a really

rare item that boss-like monsters would drop at a really low

percentage. The price should be much more expensive than the Hecate


"Well...I guess that must be really expensive..."

After she said that, Kikuoka nodded his head, and then shook his

head with a look of disbelief.

"It's said to be an estimated value of more than 300,000 yen.

However, Shoichi's would get 500,000 yen in allowance from his father

every month."

"That means...that large sniper rifle and the Estoc that was made

from the rare material were bought through money...good thing that

SAO didn't have a trading area or an RMT..."

As Kirito muttered this, he didn't look like he was joking at all.

Also, Kikuoka nodded his head seriously and continued,

"That's true—ever since Shoichi could make himself disappear

with that mantle, he had been practising ways to obscure himself from

others. At this moment, he merely felt that it was interesting to tail

someone from behind...however, on a certain day, he found that the

person he was tailing went into the presidential estate to operate a

game terminal. Shoichi had an idea and took out his binoculars to try

and look at the screen from behind a pillar. And then, he immediately

found that person's real name and address and other personal

particulars in the real world..."

"In other words...he didn't buy that invisible mantle to obtain

information, but the opposite...he had that mantle first before doing

such a thing..."

Kirito sighed and then leaned his back on the chair.

"...In the past, any MMO would have some sort of «Hiding» skill,

and it's rare to see those who don't have it. But...I feel that the

invisibility in VRMMO can be used to do a lot of bad things. At least it

should be banned from being used on the need to

feedback this to Zaskar, Sinon."

As the topic was suddenly shifted to her, Shino could only

hurriedly answer,

"Y, you go submit it...but, that means that the mantle was the

reason that gave birth to «Death Gun»."

The last part of those words were obviously said to Kikuoka. The

bespectacled civil servant nodded his head and then turned his eyes to

look at the tablet PC again. After seeing his kind smile, Shino suddenly

had a strange feeling, but that didn't matter now, so Shino didn't say

her next thought. Kikuoka continued talking as the sunset shone on the

table surface.

"...I guess you can put it like that. Shoichi immediately memorized

the personal information on instinct and wrote it down after he logged

out. At this moment, he didn't really have some detailed plan to go

about with this crime, but being able to get real information on players

made him happy. After that, he would spend many hours in the

presidential estate and wait for players to appear and write their real

addresses down. Finally, he got a total of 16 real player names and

addresses. Among them...Asada Shino-san, yours was included."


Shino nodded. Since it started before September, that would be

before the 2nd BoB tournament. There were about 500 players who

registered. Even if only half of them inputed their real names and

addresses so as to get the model gun, it wouldn't be impossible to steal

16 players' real life information.

Kikuoka continued to explain,

"On a certain day in October, the younger Kyouji indicated to

Shoichi that he had a problem with his character development. At that

time, he seemed to have said angrily that 'it was because of the fake

information «Zekushiido» spread', and Shoichi remembered that he

had Zekushiido's real name and address and told it to Kyouji."

That's right. It was likely at that moment that the wall between

Kyouji's imagination and the real world started to break apart.

"Shoichi indicated that it wasn't a plan one person came up with."

Kikuoka's calm voice slid into Shino's ears.

"It's said that as the two of them were discussing about how to

handle Zekushiido's personal information, the plan to create «Death

Gun» started to take shape. However, Shoichi mentioned that they

were just joking around in the beginning. Shooting in the game and

killing a player in real life...this sounded easy, but there were a few

difficulties in reality. After days of discussion, they slowly started to

overcome one obstacle after another. And the biggest obstacle they

faced was the master key that could break electronic locks and the way

to inject drugs..."

"A General Hospital should have a legal master key to open a

patient's house when there's an emergency. I guess their father's


After hearing it from Kirito, Kikuoka looked like he was blowing a

silent whistle as he curled his lips.

"As expected of Kirito. Actually, the government was promoting

keyless sensor door locks to add control to personal residences that

may not be easy to get broken in...but that's classified information.

Anyway, the two of them worked hard to steal the unlock mechanism,

the high pressure syringe and Succinylcholine from their father's

hospital. According to Shoichi, carrying out this plan itself was like a

game. He said that this was completely the same as gathering intel on

targets in SAO, preparing their equipment and launching raids. It's said

that he even told the police who was taking his statement 'aren't you

the same?'. It seemed that he meant that the game was about going

about and talking to NPCs everywhere, collecting information, catching

the bountied criminal and hand him over to collect money, and that

what the police was doing wasn't any different."

"I think that you better not trust his words fully."

The moment Kirito suddenly said these words, Kikuoka frowned

and asked,


"Un. Maybe that Shoichi may have some part of him which really

felt that way, but as «Red-Eyed XaXa», even though he kept telling

people around him that this was just a game, he knew that players will

really die and had such an addiction to killing. To him, whether it's the

virtual world or the real world, only things that were beneficial to him

were real. The sense of reality was wearing thin on him...this may be

the dark side of VRMMOs."

"Un. about your reality?"

Shino thought that Kirito would give a mischievous smile that he

would normally gave the moment he heard Kikuoka's question.

However, he gave an abnormally serious look as he stared up at a

certain spot in the air.

"...It's true that I left a part of myself in that world. Right now, my

personal worth had decreased."

"Don't you want it back?"

"Please don't ask that, will you? That's my personal privacy."

This time, Kirito really gave a wry laugh, and then glanced at


"—As for that, what do you think, Sinon?"


Having being asked that all of a sudden, Shino couldn't help but

feel somewhat troubled. She turned her thoughts into words, which

she wasn't really familiar with, but she still finally tried to express her

own thoughts.

"Well...Kirito, what you said just now was different from what you

said before."


"You once said that 'there wasn't any virtual world'. And said that

wherever the person was in was reality. Even though there're many

VRMMO games, a gamer won't be divided after going to every world,

right? Right now, I'm..."

Shino stretched her right hand out and touched Kirito's left wrist

with her fingertip.

"This world is the real world. Even if this is a virtual world that's

created from AmuSphere, it's still a real world to me...that's how I think

it should be."

Kirito widened his eyes and stared at Shino for a while, which

made Shino embarrassed. Then, he showed a smile that didn't have any

mischief in it.

"...I see. You're right."

After saying that, Kirito turned to look at Kikuoka and said,

"You better take down what Sinon just said. That may be the one

truth in this entire incident."

"—Don't kid around with me."

Shino's right fist tapped Kirito's shoulder gently before turning

forward. At this moment, Kikuoka was staring at Shino for some reason,

and may have felt awkward as he moved his eyes to his empty cake


"Un, you're right. And Shoichi's condition—was completely

different from Asada-san. It ended up as the place he wasn't at being

his reality altogether..."

"That guy continued to repeat the words 'it's not over yet'. Maybe

that guy still hasn't completely returned from Aincrad...the aim of this

'created new world' that Akihiko Kayaba created—maybe it can be

realized once that floating city completely collapses..."

"Don't say such scary things. His death still has lots of mysteries

behind it...but it has nothing to do with this. Let's summarize

this...Shoichi had no psychological barrier at the planning stage when

he wanted to get into the target's house and inject the drug. At that

time, the first victim was «Zekushiido»...Shigemura Tamotsu, and the

one who killed him was Shoichi. At around 11pm on the 9th of

November, he used the unlocking mechanism to open the target's room

and entered it. About 11:30pm, he used the high pressure syringe on

Shigemura who wore the AmuSphere as he was taking part in the

«MMO Stream» interview, and got injected in the lower jaw. The drug

he used was called Suxamethonium Chloride, also known as

Succinylcholine, a muscle relaxant, and the victim Shigemura's

breathing and heartbeat stopped and died. In other words, the one

who shot Zekushiido in GGO was the younger brother Kyouji..."

On hearing Kyouji's name, Shino's shoulders shuddered. On the

night two days ago, as Kyouji was all over her, he did mention

Zekushiido, and that vengeful voice rang in her ears.

Because of the false information Zekushiido spreaded around that

caused a mistake in Kyouji's stat allocation, he wasn't able to get the

title of «the strongest»—even though «Yamikaze» was a super AGItype was really strong, which would have denied Kyouji's thoughts—

but his hatred for Zekushiido was far stronger than the upperclassmen

in the real world who tormented and bullied him.

No—I was that time, to Kyouji, the real world was


"The second victim was Usujio Tarako, and Shoichi was the one

who killed him in the real world. The method was almost completely

the same. They chose 7 people as targets, and the common condition

amongst these targets were that they all lived in Tokyo and have the

old-model lock that wouldn't leave any records of being opened, or

where there were spare keys near the door..."

"It would have taken quite some time for time to gather this much


After hearing Kirito say that in amazement, Kikuoka's face tensed

up and nodded his head.

"It should have taken a lot of time and effort. But—after taking

the lives of two, it seemed that nobody believed the legend of «Death


"Unn...everyone just felt that it was just stupid report—I was one

of them."

Shino muttered, and Kikuoka agreed with her view completely.

"Yeah. Kirito-kun and I considered all sorts of possibilities, but in

the end, all we could conclude was that 'this was just a rumor'.

However, our guess was already wrong..."

"If...if we could have noticed the truth a day earlier, we could have

protected the lives of those two players who entered the finals..."

After hearing the anguished words from Kirito, Shino lowered her

head and said to him,

"—But you saved me."

"No, I didn't help at all. That was all about your own strength."

Shino glanced at Kirito, and had the thought that she hadn't

thanked him properly yet, but at this moment, Kikuoka said again,

"If it wasn't for you two's hard work, the 7 people on the namelist

would have been killed by them before the situation got attention, so

you two don't have to be so hard on yourselves."

"It's not's just that I'm very unhappy that the ratings of

VRMMO will become worse again."

"These sprouts that were grown by «The Seed» aren't so weak

that they'll wilt because of this. Right now, these countless sprouts are

gathering to become a towering giant tree that can match the World

Tree. Really, I don't know which guy did this!"

"...You know. You better continue talking."

Kirito coughed dryly and prompted Kikuoka to continue,

"Un...however, I guess you should know what happened next.

Both of them found that the threat of Death Gun didn't spread much

and felt really angry, and so decided to come up with an even scarier

plot. The brothers decided to come up with a killer plot of 3 people in

the 3rd tournament to decide the strongest, commonly called the

Bullet of Bullets finals. And the players that became their targets

were...«Pale Rider», «Garret» and «Sinon»...which is you, Asada-san."


On hearing that, Shino nodded her head. Shino knew of the 4th

casualty, Garret. He was a trendy guy who wielded an old fashioned

Winchester rifle. Shino remembered the cowboy cap that could be

considered his trademark and prayed for him silently deep inside. At

that moment, she suddenly noticed something and said,

"Ah...speaking of which, this may just be a coincidence..."

"What is it?"

"The 7 targets may have a common point. Including me, everyone

of them weren't of the AGI-type."

"Oh...? What does that mean...?"

", Kyouji only added his AGI stat, so he was

stuck in the game. I guess...he should have some complicated feelings

towards other those who stack up on STR."


Kikuoka immediately couldn't say anything and could only look at

the screen of the tablet PC.

"What you meant is that...his motive was always from the the prosecutors will have some difficulties cross-checking

him...but will it really become like this..."

Kikuoka seemed to be in disbelief as he continued to shake his

head. At this moment, Kirito lamented,

"No...I feel that it's really possible. To MMO players, the character

stats are absolute values. I know of some people who were in a joking

mood as they nudged their friends hands while they were adjusting

this stats, causing the friends to accidentally add an extra point, and

then both of them would quarrel and start killing each other in the

game over it for months...of course, these were all in games."

Shino could also understand why such a thing happened.

However, Kikuoka merely widened his eyes and then shook his head.

"Looks like the prosecutors, lawyers, judges and attorneys need

to have some experience of diving into VRMMOs. No—it's about time

we set some laws related to them...un, but that's not what we have to

worry about. Err...where were we?"

He glanced at the tablet PC and then nodded his head.

"That's right, we talked about how they chose 3 people as targets.

However—unlike the last two killings, there was a huge problem with

the execution of the plan in the BoB finals. As «Death Gun» in the game

and the person outside the game couldn't contact each other, it would

be difficult for both parties to shoot at the same time. Finally, this

problem was barely solved with the live telecast from outside the game,


"It's still difficult to execute it, right? And there's movement."

Kirito interrupted with a scowl on his face and continued,

"I missed this and thought that there were only 2 Death Guns..."

"I, I see. They seemed to have chosen trio nearest to their how Pale Rider lived in Omori, Ota, and Garret was living in

Kawasaki, Musashi Kosugi, which weren't too far away. But the Bunkyo,

Yushima area Asada-san lived in was rather far. Also, Kyouji, who

always wanted to be Death Gun, was insistent on being the one killing

in the real world. Shoichi had a bike, but Kyouji didn't have a license—

so Shoichi invited a new partner into the plan. Un...that person's name

is called Kanemoto Atsushi, 19 years old now, an old acquaintance of

Shoichi—or rather..."

Kikuoka glanced at Kirito.

"His guild partner during SAO. His character name was...«Johnny

Black» Have you heard of..."


Kirito looked down and nodded his head.

"He was XaXa's partner in «Laughing Coffin», a player who used a

poison dagger. At that time, both of them attacked a few players and

killed them...damn it...if I had known...I should have..."

Before he could say it, Shino quickly reached her right hand out to

grab Kirito's left hand. At the same time, she looked into Kirito's eyes

and slowly shook her head.

Kirito immediately knew what she meant.

Kirito immediately looked like a baby who was crying and smiling,

showing that he knew, but that expression immediately disappeared

and became that usual poker face. At this moment, Shino moved her

fingers away from his icy hand and turned forward. Kikuoka, who had

been staring at them from the opposite side, continued with his


"...There was no mention of whether this Johnny Black—also

known as Kanemoto—was involved in this plan in Shoichi's testimony.

To Shoichi, Kanemoto seemed to be a person who's really hard to

understand at times..."

"Why don't you just ask that Kanemoto?"

Kirito's reply was as simple as ever, but Kikuoka shook his head.

"We haven't caught him yet."


"Shinkawa Kyouji was arrested in Asada-san's apartment, and 40

minutes later, his brother Shoichi was arrested in his own house. Then,

the police followed Shoichi's testimony and arrived at the apartment in

Ota where Kanemoto was at, but there was no one inside the room.

That apartment was still under surveillance, but there's still no news

that we caught Kanemoto yet."

"...Can we confirm that he was the one who killed «Pale Rider»

and «Garret» in the finals?"

"I guess it should be him. Shoichi did mention that he handed the

same drug syringes to him and Kyouji. We didn't find those weapons,

but we found hair that matched Kanemoto's DNA in the victims houses."


Shino couldn't help but feel a chill after thinking of the name that

made her remember about this term that would remind her of the drug

name. Kyouji's voice 'this is the real Death Gun' when he placed the

syringe at her neck continued to echo in her mind.

Kirito seemed to have the same thoughts as Shino as he looked

and said,

"Were the drug's use finished after killing the other two targets?"

But Kikuoka shook his head to deny this.

"No...a small syringe of Succinylcholine would be fatal enough, but

for added security, Shoichi gave him three drug syringes, so he may

still have one left. That was why the police insisted on protecting you

people until morning from Monday on, especially Asada-san who may

still be in danger."

"...You're saying that Johnny Black may continue to hurt Sinon...?"

"No, that's just for added precaution. The police felt that it wasn't

necessary too. As their Death Gun plot collapsed, there wouldn't be any

benefit to attack Asada-san. Besides, Kanemoto and Asada-san had no

reasons to harm each other or personal grudge. Right now, the

automatic identification camera network in the center of Tokyo had

started its trial, so I guess he won't be able to run away for long."

"What's that...?"

"It's commonly called the S2 system. The computer will

automatically analyze the faces of all the people the camera sees and

then look for the fugitive...un, the details are classified."

"That's really amazing."

Kirito frowned as he took a sip of coffee.

"I have the same feeling too. Anyway, I think it's just a matter of

time before Kanemoto's arrested. Let's get back to the incident and

summarize this..."

Kikuoka's fingers moved on the tablet PC, and then shrugged,

lifted his head and said,

"You should be more familiar with the rest than I do. Shinkawa

Kyouji immediately came to Asada-san's house to attack after the

tournament was over, but luckily, he was arrested without achieving

his goal. Shinkawa Shoichi was then arrested next, and the remaining

Kanamoto Atsushi is being wanted. The brothers are still being

interrogated in the Fuji branch. Sorry for taking such a long time...but

my report ends here. That's all the information I have you

have any questions?"


She felt that this may be a question that couldn't be answered, but

Shino couldn't help but ask,

"Shinkawa-kun...Kyouji, what will happen to him from now on...?"


Kikuoka pushed his spectacles up with his fingers and bemused.

"Shoichi's currently 19, and Kyouji's 16, so they will be tried

under the juvenile laws....but this case is a huge one that involves 4

lives, so the juvenile court would probably send the case back to the

prosecutor. Also, they probably need a psychiatric evaluation. Even

though we have to wait for it to end...but looking at their actions, I

think there should be a high chance that they would be sent into a

juvenile jail. That's because those two have lost their sense of reality..."

"No...I don't think they lost their sense of reality yet."

After hearing Shino mutter this, Kikuoka blinked and indicated

with his eyes for her to continue on.

"I don't really understand the older brother...but Kyouji,

Gun Gale Online's the real world to him, which was why he decided—"

She raised her right hand, pointed her finger straight, and then

placed it down again.

"To abandon everything in this world and head to that real world

called GGO. Maybe people in this world...would feel that he was just

running away, but..."

Shinkawa Kyouji was the one who wanted to take Shino's life

away. The fear and despair he gave Shino was unmeasurable. But even

so, Shino still couldn't begrudge him and felt reluctant. This painful

feeling caused Shino to continue to say,

"But I guess this online gaming wouldn't just be a game of

entertainment to us once our minds and time were spent to a certain

level. Earning experience and money to become stronger is really a

troublesome and difficult thing. Of course, it's nice to play with friends

occasionally...but there's a lot of pressure to continue playing like

they're working just to be the strongest, like what Kyouji did."

"Stress...caused by playing games? But...wouldn't that be the

complete opposite of its purpose..."

Kikuoka said in surprise, and Shino nodded at him and continued,

"Yes. Kyouji...reversed this world with that world."

"But...why? Why was he so willing to sacrifice so much to get this

so-called title of being the strongest...?"

"I'm not too sure about that...I just said it before, to me, this world

and the game are all connected...Kirito, do you know why....?"

Shino looked right, and found that Kirito was leaning his back on

the chair, closing his eyes and thinking. Soon, he opened his mouth and


"Because you wanted to be strong."

Shino closed her lips, thought about this short sentence, and then

nodded her head slowly.

"...That's right. I was the same the last time. Maybe every VRMMO

player is the same...just trying to be stronger..."

Shino turned her body around and faced Kikuoka from the front.

"Then...when are visitors allowed to meet Kyouji?"

"Well...he'll probably be kept in custody after we cross-examine

him. We have to wait until he's sent to a juvenile observation center."

"I see—I'll go see him. Once I see him, I want to tell him what I

was thinking before...and what I'm thinking now."

No matter how late, no matter how much he didn't want to listen

to her, Shino felt that she had to do this. This time, Kikuoka finally

showed what looked like a whole-hearted smile.

"You're really a strong person. Un, please do. I'll make

arrangements to his management plan in the future and send an email

to you."

He then looked at the watch on his left wrist and said,

"Sorry—it's about time for me to leave. I can be said to lack

leisure, but there's really lots of things to handle."

"Un. Sorry for troubling you."

Shino also thanked him after Kirito.

"Well..thank you."

"No need to be so kind. It was my negligence that caused both of

you to be in danger, so this should be what I should do. I'll notify you if

I get some new information."

Kikuoka placed the tablet PC into the office bag beside him and

stood up from the chair. Just when he was about to reach for the bill on

the table—he suddenly stopped.

"Oh yes, Kirito-kun..."

"...What is it?"

"This is what you wanted me to get."

He took a small piece of paper from the inside pocket of his

western suit and handed it to Kirito.

"Death, Red-eyed XaXa—Shinkawa Shoichi, once he

heard that this was the question you raised, he answered it without

hesitation. However, he asked us to send a message back to you. Of

course, you don't have to care about him at all, and any messages from

a suspect can't be revealed in an investigation, so the police appeared

to have refused his, do you want to hear it?"

Kirito's face looked like he just drank some really bitter coffee,

but he still nodded his head in the end.

"Since you brought it here, I'll listen."


Kikuoka took out the second piece of paper, saw the contents, and


"...'This isn't over. You don't have the power to end everything.

You'll soon notice. It's showtime.' just like that—"

"...Such a slippery guy."

It's been about 10 minutes after Kikuoka smiled as he waved his

hand and left.

As both of them left the cafe and headed for where the bike was

parked, Kirito suddenly grumbled.

"...Who is that guy? He called himself an officer of Internal Affairs

Ministry...but somehow..."

Shino thought that he was really an enigmatic person and said

this to Kirito. However, Kirito merely shrugged his shoulders and


"Un, I can be certain that he's under the VR world Management

sector. At least for now."


"Think about it. Things just happened less than 2 days ago. Don't

you feel that he knew too much about what's going on inside the police

force? The Japanese jurisdiction departments would never get involved

in each other's department, so that shouldn't be common."

"...What do you mean?"

"He originally said that he wasn't really in a single unit, like the

police or's not really possible, but he..."


"I once met him here before and followed him when he went


Shino gave a look of disbelief as she watched Kirito walk beside

her. However, the boy just looked like nothing happened and


"In the end, there were 3 large sedans waiting at a nearby

underground car park, and the driver sure didn't look like someone

you want to mess with when he has short hair and a black suit. I tried

my best to follow them with my bike, but maybe I was

discovered...Kikuoka was dropped off in front of Ichigaya station, and

he disappeared while I was looking for a parking spot."

"Ichigaya? Not Kasumigaseki?"

"Un. The Internal Affairs Ministry's in Kasumigaseki...but what's

in Ichigaya should be...the Ministry of Defense."


Shino immediately couldn't say anything and could only continue


"This means that...he's from the self defence force?"

"So I said it wasn't really possible. The police's relationship with

the defence ministry should be worse than that of the internal affairs


Kirito shrugged slightly. At this moment, Shino finally thought of


"Ah...speaking of which, Kikuoka-san was wearing...I guess,

spectacles with very small degree or no degree, because the lens didn't

really reflect much."

"Is that so...I see."

Shino looked at the boy who seemed to understand and then said,

"But...even if that person has some relationship with the defence

ministry, why must he investigate VRMMOs? They shouldn't have any

relationship with each other right?"

"Un...I heard that someone intended to use FullDive technology to

train soldiers, even though that's the situation with the US Army."

"Wha, what?"

This time, it was Shino who was shocked and stopped. Kirito then

stopped and shook his right hand.

"Like for we talk about guns?"

"U,'s alright if it's just listening."

"Good. For example, if I give you a real sniper rifle, can you

successfully finish the loading until the firing?"


Shino recalled how she shot the can with the Government model

gun a few hours ago and nodded her head,

"I guess so...if it's just firing. But in the real world, I don't know

how to lower the recoil, so I may not be able to hit the target."

"But I don't even know how to load bullets. If we can train

weapon and basic operations in the virtual world, we may be able to

save a lot of ammunition and fuel."


Shino couldn't help but look at her right hand. The scale Kirito

was talking about was way too big, and it was really hard to imagine

such a situation.

"Of course, this is just a possibly. Just this year alone, we have no

idea for how many purposes FullDive technology can be used for, so it

won't be strange to see whatever new thing that happen in the future.

Anyway—better be more careful about that guy."

After saying that casually, Kirito walked over to the bike and took

off the clamp on its back wheel. As he handed a helmet over to Shino,

he said with a rare hesitating attitude to her,


"...? What is it?"

"...Sinon, do you have some time after this...?"

"I don't really have anything to do. Maybe I won't want to log into

GGO for a while."

"I see—sorry, I have something I want to ask you to help out


"What is it?"

"The image of that cave during the BoB finals were seen by...those

SAO-era friends of mine. And they knew that I was that

«Kirito»...well...if you can help me explain to my friends that we weren't

flirting, I'll be really happy."


Shino started feeling that it was interesting and gave a smile.

Even though she felt very embarrassed about that, after hearing this

boy who would do things at his own whims say that he's bothered

about being suspected of having an affair with her, she had a 'now

what are you going to do' thought.

"But even if they're your old friends, it's amazing that they could

recognize you from your name."

"Un...they recognized my sword skills."

"I, I see—it's alright to help you out, but you owe me one. You're

treating me cake next time."

After hearing her say that, Kirito gave a sheepish look and said,

"Are...are we going back to that earlier shop again...?"

"I won't do such a cruel thing."

"That's great. Then...please follow me to Ochinomizu for a while. It

won't take you much time."

"What, isn't that just beside Yushima? That's on the way home."

She received the helmet and put it on her head. After Kirito

buckled it for her, Shino couldn't help but think 'I should have learnt

how to put on a helmet in GGO to save myself trouble'.

After moving up Ginza highway to Showa highway and moving

north for a while, they arrived at the redevelopment around the east

side of Akihabara station. They went past the silver skyscrapers that

looked like the streets of Gurokken and entered near Okachimachi. The

surroundings had a heavy old town like atmosphere.

The motorbike turned around the alleys like a old bull dragging a

cart, and they finally stopped at a small shop.

Shino got off her seat, took off her helmet and looked up. This

black glowing wooden building gave a chilly feeling, and only the metal

signboards that was formed by two dices on the door which incidated

to her that it was a cafe. Looking down, the words «Dicey Cafe» was

carved in, which should be the shop's name. The sign hanging on the

icy cold door was flipped to the «closed» side.

"...Over here?"


Kirito nodded and took out his bike keys before pushing the door

without hesitation. The slow-tempo music of jazz accompanied a quick

'Clink' as the door was opened.

Shino entered the shop like she was attracted by the fragrance of

coffee. Under the orange light, the wooden boards were glowing too.

The entire space was small, but it had an unspeakable warmth. This

made Shino's tense shoulders relax.


Upon entering the shop, a clear baritone came immediately.

Looking around, Shino spotted a large man with chocolate-colored skin

standing behind the bar. That face of an old war veteran looked

intimidating, but that white shirt and little butterfly knot bow tie on

the collar gave an amusing feeling to that.

There were already two customers who were in the shop. On the

round chairs in front of the bar counter, there were two girls wearing

school uniforms. Shino noticed that their uniforms were the same color

as Kirito's.

"You're too slow!"

One of them, a girl with shoulder-length hair curling inwards

jumped up from the round seat and exclaimed that to Kirito.

"Sorry, sorry, Chrysheight spoke too much."

"I ate 2 apple pies while waiting for you. Kirito! It'll be your fault if

I grow fat!"

"Why, why is it my fault now...?"

The other girl with slight brown straight hair, down to the middle

of her back, merely laughed as she heard their conversation at the

beginning, but soon after, she got off the bench and interrupted with a

tone that seemed to show that she was rather used to this situation,

"Hurry up and introduce us, Kirito-kun."

"'re right."

After Kirito nudged her on the back, Shino arrived at the center of

the shop. She tried her best to suppress the fear she would have when

meeting someone for the first time and nodded at them.

"This is the 3rd winner of Gun Gale Online, Sinon, real name,

Asada Shino."

"Do, don't say that."

Shino protested slightly after hearing this unexpected

introduction from Kirito, but Kirito merely chuckled and continued. He

pointed at the energetic girl he was quarreling with and said,

"This is the cheating blacksmith Lisbeth, real name is Shinozaki


"You bastard..."

The girl called Rika immediately gave a bad look and attacked

Kirito. He dodged and raised his left hand towards the other girl.

"And this is the berserk healer Asuna, real name Yuuki Asuna."

"Tha, that's too much!"

Asuna protested, but her face was still smiling. She then stared at

Shino with clear beautiful eyes and then nodded at her.

"And that..."

Kirito finally pointed his jaw at the shopkeeper inside the bar.

"That's Iron Wall Agil."

"Oi oi, am I an Iron Wall now? My mom gave me a nice name,


What's shocking was that it seemed that even the shopkeeper

here was a VRMMO player. The giant laughed and placed his right hand

on his sturdy chest and said,

"Hello. I'm called Andrew Gilbert Mills. I hope we can get along."

As what he said was all in fluent Japanese except for his name

which was in English, Shino couldn't help but blink a few times and

hurriedly lowered her head to greet him.

"Let's sit down and talk first."

There were two 4-seater tables in the shop. Kirito walked

towards one and pulled the chair out. After waiting for Shino, Asuna

and Rika to sit down, he flicked a finger at the shopkeeper.

"Agil, I want ginger ale. What do you want, Sinon?"

"Ah...the same then."

"The ginger ale here's really spicy."

Kirito chuckled and said 'two glasses' towards the counter, and

then cupped his hands on the table.

"Then, I'm going to explain to Lisbeth and Asuna what happened

last weekend."

Even though Kirito and Shino had already collated what happened

during the BoB finals with what Kikuoka said, it took them more than

10 minutes to explain everything to others.

"Un—as things aren't revealed on the media yet, the real names

and detailed information couldn't be revealed, but that's basically it."

After concluding things, Kirito looked somewhat tired as he laid

his tired body on the chair and finished the second cup of ginger ale.

"…You, for some really get into lots of trouble."

Rika shook her head and sighed as she commented. However,

Kirito looked down and shook his head,

"No…Well, I can't really say this. This incident did involve me

after all."

"…Is that so—ahhh, I knew I should have been there. I have a

whole lot of things I want to say to that Death Gun."

"That guy's not that only one who got his soul twisted by SAO.

There's likely lots of them."

At this moment, Asuna smiled to chase away the current moody


"But I feel that a lot of souls were saved, like mine. Of course, I

don't mean that I agree with SAO…the guild leader's actions…because

of that a lot of people died…but even so, I won't deny these two years I

lived, and I won't regret about them at all."

"…Ahh, you're right. During the last battle with Death Gun, if it

wasn't for Asuna holding my hand, I wouldn't be able to use that move.

I guess…it's because of those two years in SAO…that your warmth

reached me…"

Of course, Shino couldn't understand what Kirito meant by that.

The boy found that she seemed to be puzzled and smiled in an

embarrassed manner before explain,

"Didn't I say that I dived in from the hospital in Ochinomizu

during the night of the finals? I never told anyone about that place, and

Asuna tortured and interrogated Kikuoka before he spilled it out."

"Y, you don't have to say it like that!"

After Asuna said that, she puffed her cheeks angrily. Then, Kirito

gave a mischievous smile and said,

"And then, she dived in from this shop, but after knowing the

location, came rushing over to that hospital I was at. At that moment…I

was fighting with Death Gun, and she grabbed my hand tightly. And

unbelievably…I did feel Asuna's warmth at that moment. It's thanks to

her that I drew that FiveSeven handgun I had forgotten about."

"…I see…"

Shino nodded her head silently. Though she was thinking

whether the two of them were dating, she immediately threw that

imagination aside. Luckily, Kirito didn't notice this abnormal situation

and slowly continued,

"But that wasn't all. After the tournament ended, I logged out, and

Asuna told me…that the log in name «Sterben» Death Gun used was

actually German, and it should be read as that. It meant «Death». But

this was a name that only doctors and nurses would use in Japan, and

so…I remembered that you told me that you have a friend who's a

doctor's kid, and you were about to call him to your house, so I had a

bad feeling. Once I found out that it would be too late once the police

arrive, so I rode my bike to Yushima…but I didn't really help out


These words shook Shino in a certain silent way.

"…Sterben. Not Steven…"

She muttered, closed her eyes, thought and said,

"…Hospital's term, it means death…why did he choose such a


"Maybe he wanted to rebel against his dad who was a doctor.

Anyway—it's not a reason we can easily think of."

Kirito sighed. Sitting diagonally opposite him, right in front of

Shino was Asuna, who said with an optimistic tone,

"It's better not to think too much into the meaning of a VRMMO

character name. Once you find out certain truths, you'll lose even more."

Beside her, Rika immediately chuckled and answered,

"Oh~, as expected of someone who used her real name as the

character name, it's really convincing!"


Asuna immediately attacked with her right elbow, and Rika

pretended to look in pain. Shino inadvertently smiled as she watched

their interactions with each other, and at this moment, Asuna suddenly

looked at her. The shiny tea-colored eyes were glowing with brightness,

and Shino felt strength in that humbleness.


"Wha, what is it?"

"These words may not be suited for me to say this, but…I'm sorry,

for letting you see such a terrifying thing."

"No…don't say that…"

Shino hurriedly shook her head and said each word out one by


"This incident may be caused by me. Because of my personality,

play style…my past and other things. Anyway, during the tournament, I

panicked…luckily, Kirito made me calm down. Well, what was

telecasted was that he was comforting Sinon…"

And then, Kirito jumped up immediately and spilled out words in

rapid fire.

"Tha, that's right. I almost forgot about the most important thing.

It was an emergency, we were being chased down by that killer in that

situation. Don't think too much into it!"

"…Alright then, we'll trust you for now. But we don't know what

will happen in the future…."

Rika continued to mutter as she stared at Kirito, but still clapped

and showed her lively smile.

"But I'm happy to know a female VRMMO player in the real world."

"That's right. I still have a lot of things I want to ask about GGO.

Please be friends with me, Asada-san."

Asuna gave a steady smile before stretching her right hand out on

the table. After seeing that white and tender hand—

Shino couldn't help but feel somewhat intimidated.

Friends. As the word entered her heart, she felt a burning sense of

yearning, but also a sharp pain and anxiety.

Friends. Ever since that incident, she had yearned for them many

times, but got betrayed just as many times, until she finally told her

heart that she should not wish for such luxury.

I want to be friends with her. To hold the loving hands of this girl

called Asuna, to embrace her warmth. I want to go out and play with her,

to talk with her, to do what normal girls would do.

But in that situation, it would be a matter of time before she knew

that Shino killed before, that her hands were stained with blood.

She was scared that Asuna would give her an irritated expression.

To touch humans—such a simple act would likely be something that

would be eternally denied to her.

She thought that she should just head back like that, that the mere

words of 'being friends with her' would be enough to warm her heart

for a while. As she got ready to apologize—


This little muttering made Shino waver because of her shrinking

consciousness. Her body jerked, and she then looked at Kirito beside


As they exchanged looks, Kirito nodded his head slightly but

firmly. His eyes were telling Shino that it was alright. Thus, Shino

turned her eyes back to Asuna as if she was hypnotized.

The girl was still smiling, and her right hand was still shown in

front for Shino.

Shino's arm felt as heavy as a lead block. However, she was

starting to fight against this shackle as she slowly, slowly lifted her arm.

Compared to isolating herself because she didn't want to doubt others

or was scared for being betrayed, she would rather trust others and be

hurt by them. That was the first time Shino had this thought ever since

that incident.

It felt like Asuna's hand was far away. As the distance was closed

in, the density of the air increased, feeling like there was a wall to

bounce Shino's hand back.

However, her fingers finally touched the other party's.

The next moment, Shino's right hand was tightly cupped by

Asuna's hand.

That warmth really couldn't be described with words. The

warmth that was passed over started moving from the fingertips and

up the arms, shoulders and entire body before finally melting Shino's

frozen blood.


Shino subconsciously exhaled. To think that it would be that

warm. She had long forgotten about something—a human's hand touch

can move the soul. At this moment, Shino felt that this was reality. She

realized heavily that all the fear she used to have, how she continued to

run away from this world, she was finally tied to this real reality now.

Just like that, a few seconds passed, no, numerous seconds…

At this moment, Shino noticed that the smiling Asuna showed

some hesitation on her lips. As she instinctively tried to draw her hand

back, Asuna held on with even more force. At this moment, Asuna

seemed like she was choosing her words wisely as she slowly said to

the bewildered Shino.

"…Well, Asada-san…Shino-san. There's another reason why we

invited you here today. This may not make you comfortable…and it

may make you angry. But, we, we have to…tell you no matter what…"

"Reason…? Me, angry…?"

She was losing grasp of the situation. But at this moment, Kirito,

who was sitting on the left, said with a nervous voice,

"Sinon, well, I have to apologize to you first."

After that, the boy bowed his head down in apology. Then he used

the pitch black eyes that were in the midst of that slightly long bangs

and that girlish-avatar look to stare at Shino.

"…I told Asuna and Lisbeth what happened to you before. That's

because I needed their help."


As Shino heard that Kirito told the truth to them, she couldn't

hear what happened next.

—They knew what happened at the post office? Asuna and Rika

knew what the 11-year-old Shino did?

This time, Shino did use all her strength to try and pull her hand

away from Asuna.

But she didn't succeed. This delicate girl called Asuna was holding

Shino' right hand with an unknown strength. The girl's eyes,

expression and the warmth she was passing through to her seemed

like she wanted to say something to Shino. But—what? What did she

want to say? Was there anything to say to me even after knowing that

my hands were dyed in blood?

"Shino…actually, I, Lisbeth and Kirito all took leave on Monday

from school, and went to the …city."


At this moment, shock wouldn't be enough to describe Shino's

emotion. During these few seconds, she could not understand what

Asuna meant.

The girl's ample and glossy looking lips said a location. And that

was the city where Shino stayed in until she graduated from middle

school, the place where that incident happened, the place where she

really wanted to forget and didn't want to go back.

Why, why, why?

Shino could only feel this question spin in her head. Finally, she


"Why…must you do such a thing…?"

She continued to shake her head and moved to stand up as she

hurriedly tried to get away from here.

But just before Shino stood up, Kirito's hand was pressing down

on her left shoulder. At this moment, his nervous voice entered Shino's


"That's because you never met the people you should have met,

Sinon…and you didn't hear the words you needed to hear. I thought

that you would be hurt…but I, I just couldn't sit by and let this go. So I

used the database of the press to investigate that incident…I thought

that it wouldn't be clear to say it on the phone, so I went to the post

office where that incident happened, and asked them to tell me how to

contact that person."

"People…I should meet…? Words I should hear…?"

Shino could only repeat the words blankly, and sitting beside her,

Rika shot Kirito a look, got up and went deep into the shop. As the door

with the plate PRIVATE was opened, a person appeared.

It was a woman in her thirties. She had shoulder-length hair with

slight make-up on. She was also dressed in a rather mature manner.

She was more like a housewife than an office lady.

And then, a set of footsteps proved that Shino's impression was

correct. A little girl who looked like she hadn't entered primary school

yet came running out. They looked really similar, and they're most

likely mother and daughter.

But even after seeing these two people, Shino merely felt puzzled.

She did not know who this mother and daughter pair was. She had

never met them in her hometown before, let alone Tokyo.

As the woman saw Shino standing there in a dazed manner, she

looked sad yet happy for some reason, and then bowed deeply at Shino.

The girl beside her bowed too.

After maintaining that for a while, Rika prompted them to move

to the table in front of Shino. Asuna got up to let the lady sit in front of

Shino, and the little girl sat beside her mother. At this moment, the

shopkeeper who continued to remain silent walked out silently from

the bar, served a cup of café au lait in front of the mother and milk in

front of the girl before heading back.

Even at such a close distance, Shino still didn't know who they

were. Why did Kirito say that this woman should be someone 'I should

meet'? Was he mistaken or something…?


No, it felt like…deep in a certain part of her memory, a spark was

suddenly created. She didn't know them, so why—

At this moment, the woman again bowed deeply at Shino and said

her name with a slightly trembling voice.

"Nice to meet you. You should be Asada…Shino-san, right? My

name is Oosawa Sachie. This girl is called Mizue, and she's four years


As expected, she had no impression of those two names at all.

Speaking of which, Shino herself wouldn't have any relation with a

mother and daughter of this age, but her memory continued to hurt.

Shino couldn't even greet them as she widened her eyes while

sitting on the chair. The mother called Sachie took a deep breath and

said with a clear voice,

"…I moved to Tokyo after giving birth to this child. In the past, I

used to work in the …city, and the location where I worked was…"

The moment she heard the next few words, Shino understood


"…The Post Office at Third Street."


Shino let out a soft voice from her mouth. That small and ordinary

post office—was where that incident took place. Five years ago, Shino

and her mother went there, and she had the incident that caused the

biggest change in her life.

The criminal with the gun killed the man at the window, and then

looked like he did not know whether to shoot the two female workers

at the counter or Shino's mother. However, Shino lost control of herself

and rushed at the man, snatched the gun—and squeezed the trigger.

That's right…this mother called Sachie was undoubtedly one of

the female workers she met at the post office.

In other words…Kirito deliberately went with Asuna and Rika to

that post office, got the address of the female worker who resigned and

moved to Tokyo, and after establishing contact with her, invited her to

come over to meet Shino today.

Shino could roughly get the gist of things, but there was still a

greatest question withing her.

Why? Why did Kirito do such a thing even if he had to take leave?

"…I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Shino-san."

Sachie, who was sitting in front of Shino, teared up as she said


Shino didn't understand why she apologized at all and could only

remain in her seat blankly. And the other party continued with a

trembling voice,

"I'm really sorry. I…should have met you earlier…but I really

wanted to forget about that incident…so I came to Tokyo while using

the fact that my husband was posted out…I could have thought it

through and understand that you felt really hurt…but I didn't even

thank you or even apologize to you…"

The tears in her eyes flowed out cascading down her face. That

braided-hair girl beside her called Mizue seemed to be worried for her

own mother as she looked up. Sachie silently patted the girl's head.

"…During that incident. Th, this girl was still in my stomach. So

Shino-san, you didn't just save me back then…you saved this child too.

Really…really, thank you very much, thank you very much…"

"…I saved…your lives?"

Shino merely repeated those words.

In that post office, Shino, who was only 11 years old, squeezed the

trigger 3 times and took a person's life. That was what Shino did, and

what she always thought. However—this woman in front of her clearly


That she was saved by Shino.


Beside her, Kirito said with a trembling voice,

"Sinon, you had been blaming yourself all this while, punishing

yourself. I can't say that what you did is wrong, but—you also have the

right to think of those you saved. In that case, you'll find that you have

the right, to forgive yourself. That's what…I wanted to tell you…"

Then, Kirito seemed like he didn't know what else to say anymore

and could only bite his lower lip.

Looking away from the boy, Shino looked at Sachie again. She

knew that she had to say something, but she just couldn't say anything.

She couldn't even talk, or even think of anything for that matter…


At this moment, a sound of light footsteps could be heard.

That 4-year-old girl called Mizue jumped off her chair and ran

around the table to Shino in small steps. Sachie should be the one who

tied her hair which looked so silky and smooth. Her round face was

showing a cute pink, and her large eyes were showing the purest and

most innocent glow in this world.

Mizue should be wearing a kindergarten uniform as she had a

little bag on her back. She reached her hands into her bag and took out


It was a drawing paper that was folded into a rectangular. She

opened the paper clumsily and passed it to Shino.

The picture that was drawn with crayons immediately entered

Shino's eyes. At the center of the picture was a woman's face with long

hair. That smiling face should belong to her mother—Sachie. And the

braided girl on the right side should be herself. The bespectacled

person on the left was her father.

At the top of the picture, there were the words «Shi-no-o-ne-esan-he» (To Shino onee-san) that were written in hiragana, probably

just learnt in school.

Mizue handed over the picture with both hands, and Shino

received it with both hands as well. Mizue smiled and took a deep


It seemed that the girl practiced it many times before as she said

each word one by one with an innocent and tender voice,

"Shino onee-san, thank you for saving mama and Mizue."

At this moment, Shino's eyes were covered—with the colors of

the rainbow, and then, it was all jumbled up.

After a while, she found herself crying. Before today, she did not

know that such warmth, clarity and tears that could wash any stain

away existed.

Shino continued to cry as her hands continued to hold that piece

of large picture.

A small hand that was so tender felt somewhat timid right from

the beginning, but then grabbed her right hand tightly.

And what was held was the black spot, where the firepowder

remained on her right hand—

To accept all my past would likely take some time. Even so, I like

this current world now.

My life will have many pains from today onwards, and the path in

front of me will have lots of thorns.

But I believe that I can continue to walk on.

Because my right hand that's being held and the tears on my face

are so warm.