Chapter 8

Asuna turned her eyes to the paper in her hand, and checked that

the handwritten name was the same as the one indicated horizontally

on the wall of the large building.

Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture area. The building was

located in a place surrounded by a lot of green hills. It didn't look like

the metropolitan area here with the relatively short height, the design

of the two wings, and the quietness of the surrounding hills. However,

it really took Asuna less than 30 minutes from her house in Setagaya

and down the East express line.

The building was new, bathed under the low sunlight of winter.

The wall was dyed brown. It's really like the place I slept in for a long

time, Asuna thought, as she put the note back into her pocket.

"Are you here, Yuuki…?"

She whispered. She wanted to meet her, but she felt that, on the

other hand, it's best if the girl wasn't staying here.

After wandering around for a while, Asuna pulled the collar of her

coat that was tightly clinging to her uniform, and hurried walked

towards the main entrance.

It's been 3 days since «Absolute Sword» Yuuki disappeared from


At the final moment, she shed tears in front of that Monument of

Swordsmen, and even till now, that image was etched in Asuna's eyes.

She couldn't forget like that. No matter what, she wanted to see her

again, to talk to her again. However, the messages she sent out were all

replied with «the recipient's not logged in», and there wasn't any signs

that they were read.

The members of the Sleeping Knights may know where Yuuki is,

Asuna thought. However, two days ago, at the Lombard hotel where

they would normally gather, Shiune was the only one who was there.

She lowered her drooping eyelashes and shook her head.

"We couldn't contact Yuuki either. It's not just ALO. It seemed like

she never FullDived again. And we don't know anything about her in

the real world. And…"

Shiune paused at this moment, and stared at Asuna with a

worried look.

"Asuna-san. I guess, Yuuki didn't want to meet you again. It's not

about the others, but it's for your sake."

Asuna was so stunned that she couldn't say anything. After a few

seconds, she finally managed to squeeze out a voice,

"Wh…why? No…I feel, Yuuki, Shiune, you guys, you don't have to

break up your relationships with me. If I've been troubling you, I won't

pursue this any further. But…I can't accept that if it's because of me."

"What about troubling us…"

Shiune, who had been keeping a calm expression, gave a rare

pained expression as she shook her head hard,

"We were really happy to meet you. In this world, we were able to

make such wonderful memories because of you, Asuna-san. Helping to

defeat the boss, and even saying that you wanted to join the guild. We

couldn't express our thanks enough no matter what. But…really, please,

just forget about us."

Shiune paused at this moment, then moved her left hand to

operate the window. A small trade window appeared in front of Asuna.

"It's earlier than expected, but I want to disband the Sleeping

Knights here. The gifts to you are all here, Asuna-san, the items the

boss dropped and our equipments…"

"No…there's no need. I can't accept this."

Asuna removed the window like she was shaking it off, and then

walked over to Shiune.

"Are we really going to say goodbye here? I…I like, being with

Yuuki, Shiune, everyone. I thought that we could still remain friends

even if the guild disbands. But, am I the only one who thinks like this…?"

In the past, Asuna would never say such words. However, having

spent many days with Yuuki and the rest, Asuna felt that she had

changed somewhat. It's because of this that she didn't want to say

farewell to everyone.

However, Shiune lowered her head, and merely shook it.

"Sorry…sorry, but this is for the best. It's better to separate

here…sorry, Asuna-san."

Then, she clicked the button of the window as if she was trying to

run away, and logged out.

It wasn't just Yuuki. Shiune, Jun, Nori and the other members

never logged on to ALO after that.

Perhaps Asuna herself may be mistaken for thinking that a mere

few days of interaction was enough to make them friends. However,

the Sleeping Knights left a deep and indelible impression on her. She

couldn't think about forgetting them at all.

The 3rd semester had already begun, but even though she

managed to meet up with Kazuto, Rika and Keiko in the real world,

Asuna's heart felt really heavy. On thinking about that, deep within

Asuna's eyes and ears, Yuuki's smiling face would awaken in front of

her. Nee-chan, that was what Yuuki called Asuna. Having realized this,

she cried. No matter what, Asuna wanted to know that reason.

And yesterday, during lunch break, Asuna received a message

from Kazuto saying, [meet you at the rooftop].

On the bare concrete rooftop that had cold wind bellowing

through, Kazuto leaned on the thick pipe that was used for air

circulation, waiting for Asuna.

It's been more than a year since they were released from SAO, but

Kazuto in the real world didn't seem to gain any weight. His younger

sister Suguha would tell him to eat more, so he shouldn't be worrying

about his nutrition. Maybe the calories that were taken in were all used

up by jogging and the sports gym, or maybe the intense battles in the

virtual world would use up the calories in the real world.

The buttons of his blazer were undone, his hands were placed in

his pockets, and the somewhat long fringe was blown by the wind. His

outfit and height changed, but he still looked the same, like he was in

old Aincrad. Asuna looked like she was attracted as she walked over to

him, and leaned her forehead against Kazuto's shoulder as he looked


Asuna wanted to express all the intense emotions in her heart in

one go, but she couldn't express them in words. She closed her eyes,

endured the sobbing feeling that was welling up in her throat, and felt

the gentleness of Kazuto's hand patting her back. At the same time, a

voice rang in her ears,

"Do you want to meet that «Absolute Sword» no matter what?"

These words probably encompassed all of Asuna's wishes. Yes,

just once. That's because Asuna believed that Yuuki hoped for this as


"They told you it's better not to meet again, right? Even like this?"

Asuna told everything to Kazuto, about the 27th level boss

conquest battle, the unexpected farewell after that, and Shiune's words

when she last met her. This question was probably asked after he made

a conclusion from those words. At this, Asuna nodded hard again.

"Un, even so, I want to. I want to meet her to talk to her again. I

have to."

"Is that so?"

With that simple answer, Kazuto put his hand on Asuna's

shoulder and nudged her slightly away, pulling out a piece of paper

from the pocket of his blazer.

"Maybe you can meet her if you go there."


"It's just a possibility…but, I feel that «Absolute Sword» is there."

"How…How do you know this, Kirito-kun…?"

Asuna blankly asked as she received the piece of paper that was

folded twice. Kazuto turned to look at the sky, and whispered,

"That's because that's the only clinical test area of the



As she repeated this inexplicable term she had never heard of

before, Asuna opened the paper.

Written in small words on it was the name [Yokohama North

General Hospital] and the address.

She went through the twin-layered automatic doors that were

polished clean, went through the entrance hall that was brightly lit, and

the whiff of a memorable disinfectant smell floated about.

There were mothers carrying children and old people in

wheelchairs moving by. Asuna went by the silent area and headed for

the reception counter.

She filled in her name and address in the form placed at her

window, and stopped at the moment she was about to fill in the name

of the person she wanted to visit. Asuna only knew about the name

Yuuki, and she didn't know if it was the real name or not. From what

she heard from Kazuto, even if she was here, it's hard to tell if she

could check this or even meet her. But she couldn't just give up here

after coming all the way. Asuna decided to take the form and handed it

over to the window.

On the other side of the counter, the nurse in white uniform

noticed Asuna approaching, and lifted her face.

"Are you going to meet someone?"

Asuna could only blankly nod her head as she faced this smile and

question. She handed over the request form that was partly blank and


"Errm…I want to meet her, but I don't know her name."


As the nurse raised her eyebrows in surprise, Asuna desperately

tried to find her choice of words.

"I think it's a girl about 15 years old. Her name may be «Yuuki»,

but I may be mistaken."

"There's a lot of patients here. It's hard for me to know when you

say that."

"Errm…I want the person who's testing the «Medicuboid»."

"As for the patient's privacy…"

At this moment, a senior nurse inside the counter lifted her face

and looked at Asuna. Then, she turned to the nurse who was talking to

Asuna, seemingly whispering something.

The nurse before blinked about it and again looked up at Asuna.

She used a thoroughly different voice, a delicate one.

"Excuse me, what is your name?"

"Ah, that, I'm Yuuki, Asuna."

Asuna answered and handed the form over. The nurse received

the form, looked at it, and then handed it to the colleague inside.

"Can I check your identification?"

"Ok, okay."

Asuna hurriedly took her wallet out from the inside of her blazer

and drew the identification card for her to see. The nurse cautiously

compared the face on the photo and Asuna's face, nodded her head,

told her to wait for a moment, and took the phone receiver beside her.

She used the internal line to call someone, whispered 2,3 words,

and turned back to Asuna.

"Please look for Doctor Kurahashi of the 2nd medical department.

Take the lift at the front side to the 4th level, head right, and show this

to the reception counter."

Asuna received her student pass and a silver card from the tray

that was handed out, and bowed.

After waiting for about 10 minutes on the bench at the reception

area of the 4th level, Asuna noticed a white-cloaked figure walking

over quickly.

"Yaa, excuse me, my apologies, sorry to keep you waiting."

Apologizing in a strange manner and nodding his head was a

short and somewhat plump male doctor. He was probably in his early

30s, his shiny forehead was combed in a 3-7, and he had thick glasses


Asuna hurriedly stood up and bowed deeply,

"It, it's alright. I intruded suddenly on my part. Well, it's alright for

me to wait."

"No no, I wasn't on duty in the afternoon, so it was perfect timing.

Then, Yuuki Asuna-san, right?"

Smiling as her narrowed his slightly drooping eyes, the male

doctor tilted his head slightly.

"Yes, I'm Yuuki."

"I'm called Kurahashi, the main doctor treating Konno-san. I

didn't expect you to come and visit her here."


"Ehh, her full name's Konno Yuuki,. written as 'Cotton' , and

Season . I've been calling her Yuuki-kun…she's been telling me all

about you, Asuna-san. Ah, sorry, my bad. I blurted this out because of


"It's alright, just call me Asuna."

Asuna smiled as she answered, and Doctor Kurahashi smiled back

in an embarrassed manner before pointing his right hand to the lift.

"We can't really talk well like this. Let's head to the lounge


Asuna was led to the wide space deep inside the lounge and sat

down opposite the doctor. Through the large glass window, they could

see the large yard of the hospital and the surrounding greenery. There

were very few people around, and only the rustling of the air-con could

be heard moving the air.

Asuna wondered which doubts she should raise. However, Doctor

Kurahashi broke the silence first.

"Asuna-san, you met Yuuki-kun in the VR world, right? Did she

tell you about this hospital?"

"Ah, no…that's not it…"

"Oh, then it's amazing that you managed to find this place. Well,

Yuuki-kun once said that a lady called Yuuki Asuna may be coming, and

wanted to greet you at the reception area. I was really shocked and

asked her whether she told you about the hospital, but she said that

she didn't. So I said that she couldn't possibly know about such a place.

However, I really got a call from the reception counter, and I was really


"Well…Yuuki-san, did she mention me to you, doctor…?"

Asuna asked, and the doctor nodded his head hard 2, 3 times.

"Of course. During the past few days, she would always tell me

about Asuna-san when we talked to each other. However, Yuuki-kun

would start crying after she talked about you. She's normally not a kid

who would reveal her own weakness."

"Eh…bu, but why…"

"She said that she wanted to befriend you more, but couldn't do

so. She wanted to meet you, but may not be able to do so. It's not like…I

can't understand those emotions…"

At this moment, Doctor Kurahashi let out a rare pained

expression. Asuna took a deep breath and decided to ask,

"That Yuuki-san, and her friends all told me this when they bid

me farewell in the VR world. Why? Why is it that we «can't meet


The fear that began the moment Asuna saw the name of the

hospital continued to expand, and she tried her best to quell his

uneasiness and leaned her body forward. Doctor Kurahashi was

wordlessly stunned for a moment, turned his eyes at his hands that

were cupped together on the table, and then calmly answered,

"Then, let's start explaining things from the «Medicuboid». Asunasan, you're an AmuSphere user too, right?"

"Eh…ehhh, yeah."

The young doctor nodded his head, lifted his face, and said

something completely unexpected,

"It may be ill-suited to say such words to you, but I felt that it was

regretful that FullDive technology was used as a form of amusement at



"The research of that technology should be funded by the

government for treatment. In that case, the current state can be

continued for another 1, no, 2 years."

Asuna felt weird about the unexpected change in the direction of

the conversation, and the doctor lifted a finger.

"Please think about this. The environment brought about by the

AmuSphere would be an effective function in the medical field. For

example, that machine would be a gospel to those people who are

visually or hearing-impaired. Those people with congenital brain

dysfunction are sadly excluded, but even if the eyeballs or visual

nerves have abnormalities, the image can be input directly to the brain

if the AmuSphere is used. The situation is the same with hearing. Even

those who didn't know about light or sound as they grew up can use

that machine to interact with a real landscape."

Asuna could only nod her head as Doctor Kurahashi said that

enthusiastically. The wide range of uses of the AmuSphere wasn't a

new thing in such an area. One day, the headgear can become smaller,

and with a specialized lens combination, those visually impaired will

be able to live like those who see.

"Also, what is useful isn't just the fact that it can convey signals,

but that the Amusphere has the function to cancel the senses."

The doctor used his finger to tap his throat.

"The electromagnetic pulse that is sent here will temporarily

numb the muscles. In other words, it would have the effect similar to

total body paralysis. For example, anesthetics. Even if it's used, there's

a small but rare risk. If we use AmuSphere in operations, we can avoid

having to use anesthetics. That's what I think."

Asuna was already engrossed with what the doctor said. She

nodded her head, but immediately noticed something. Though it was

like showing off in front of an expert, she still whispered out her doubt.

"…But, it can't work, right? The AmuSphere's interference ability

can only limit the senses to the minimum to ease the pain when the

scalpel is inserted into the body. I think both the AmuSphere, or even

the first generation machine—Nerve Gear can't do it…even if the

medulla is blocked, the nerves inside are still active, so spinal reflex is

still there, right…?"

"Yes…that's correct."

Doctor Kurahashi first widened his eyes in shock, and

immediately nodded several times, as if Asuna had struck the bulls-eye.

"It's just like you said. The AmuSphere's electromagnetic pulse

output power is weaker, the CPU is power-efficient, which would cause

some problems with the processing speed as it isn't powerful enough.

It's possible to do a real dive into the VR world, but the specs would be

inefficient when it comes to lens matching in real life, into the so-called

«Alternate Reality». Thus, the world's first medical FullDive machine

that's developed at the state-level—«Medicuboid»."


This term most likely combines the term Medical and Cuboid.

Asuna digested this term in her mouth, and the doctor smiled before


"That's just a coined name. The most important thing is that it

strengthens the output of the AmuSphere, increases the density of the

particles several fold, increases the processing output and is integrated

with a bed, from the head to the spinal cord. It looks like a white box…if

this can be used, with the many equipments in the hospital, there

would be a drastic change in treatment. Most operations would not

require anesthetics then, and it may be possible to talk to patients in a

«Locked-in state»."


"It's a state known as the Locked-in Syndrome, a state where even

if the brain's thinking process is normal, the body's handicapped in its

control on its parts, and the patient can't express his thoughts. If we

use the Medicuboid, we can connect directly deep into the brain, and

even if the body doesn't move, it is possible to return to society

through the VR world."

"I see…in other words, compared to the AmuSphere that's only

used for playing VR games, this is really a dream machine in its true

sense, isn't it?"

Asuna inadvertently nodded. However, Doctor Kurahashi, who

looked like he was dream-talking, immediately shut his mouth as he

heard this, seemingly dragged back to reality. His expression darkened

a little, and he took off his spectacles, closed his eyes, and took a long


Then, he shook his head and smiled in a somewhat sad manner.

"Ehh, it really is a dream machine. However…a machine has its

own limitations too. The most anticipated area of use for the

Medicuboid…is «Terminal Care»."

"Terminal care…"

Asuna repeated the English term she had never heard of like a

parrot, and the doctor silently explained,

"In kanji…it's written as 'Dying Treatment'."

Those words poured down on Asuna like cold water. She widened

her eyes and couldn't say anything. Doctor Kurahashi put on his

glasses and showed a look of comfort, saying,

"You may feel that it'll be better to stop here if we consider things

later. Nobody would blame you even if you make that decision.

Whether it's Yuuki-kun or her friends, they were all thinking about


However, Asuna never hesitated. No matter what sort of truth she

would be told, she wanted to face it straight on, and she believed that

she had to do so. Asuna lifted her face and clearly stated,

"No…please carry on. Please. I came here for this."

"Is that so?"

Doctor Kurahashi smiled again, and nodded his head significantly,

"Yuuki-kun once said that if Asuna-san is willing, I am to explain

everything to her. Yuuki-kun's ward is at the highest level of the

central ward. It'll be rather far, so let's talk on the way there."

The doctor walked out of the lounge and head towards the lift.

Asuna followed him from behind, and her mind continued to think of

the same term.

Terminal. The meaning of this term couldn't be any clearer.

However, she continued to deny herself. It just couldn't be like that.

Even if she had to declare that, he didn't have to use such a direct term.

The only plain fact was the truth that's to be shown next. Asuna

had to accept it directly. It's because Yuuki believed that Asuna could

do this that she allowed Asuna to enter her reality.

There were three lifts lined up in the lobby of the central building,

and the rightmost had the tag «Staff Only» on the door. The doctor

used the card that was hanging from his neck to slide it down the panel

beside it, and a calm beeping sound was heard as the right door slide


Both of them entered the white box, and the lift started to rise as

the sound and acceleration couldn't be detected.

"Have you heard of the term «Window Period»"

Doctor Kurahashi suddenly asked, and Asuna started to search

through her memory.

"I remember…health class taught of it before. It has something to

do with virus…infections, right?"

"Yes. For example, if someone was suspected to be infected with

some sort of virus, there would be a blood test. The methods of testing

them are as follows. The «Antigen test» that tests the antibodies

against the virus in the blood, and the more sensitive «NAT check» that

uses the DNA and RNA of the virus as part of the investigation.

However, even when using the NAT check, It's impossible to detect the

virus after infection for about 10 days or so. This period is called the

«Window Period»."

The doctor stopped at this moment. Then, as the slight

decelerating feeling was felt, the door opened along with the sound of a


The highest level, level 12 seemed to be prohibited to outsiders as

there was a large gate right in front of them as they exited the lift. The

doctor again placed his card on the sensor beside the door, and a soft

electronic sound came from it. The metal bars were all lowered, with

the doctor waving his hand to prompt her, Asuna quickly moved

through the door.

Unlike the lower levels, this level didn't seem to have any

windows. The smooth white paneled path extended out straight, and

there were 2 paths in front of her, left and right.

Doctor Kurahashi, who was walking in front of Asuna again,

veered to the left. The inorganic path that was full of warmth and white

light continued to extend forward. They went by a few nurses, and the

noises from outside couldn't be heard at all.

"—Because of that «Window Period», something must have


Inadvertently, the doctor again said with a calm voice,

"That was the contamination of blood that was donated. Of course,

the chances were low. There's only a rare 1 in 100,000 chance of

infection through blood transfusion. However, it's impossible in

modern science to drop that value to zero.

He sighed. Asuna even felt a faint anger and helplessness from


"Yuuki-kun was born in May 2011. Due to dystocia, a caesarean

section was done accordingly. At that time…we couldn't confirm it, but

an accident caused a large amount of bleeding, so emergency blood

transfusion was implemented. The blood used was, unfortunately,



Asuna couldn't say anything. Doctor Kurahashi glanced at her,

and immediately looked down before continuing,

"Until now, we couldn't understand how it happened. However, it

was likely that Yuuki-kun was infected the moment she was born. The

father was infected within that month. The virus infection was during

September, and after the blood transfusion, the mother received a

blood test. At that time…the whole family…"

The doctor sighed heavily and stopped.

There was a sliding door on the right wall of the passage, and a

metal panel was set beside it. On the panel there, the words [First

Unique Design Machine Room] were lined on it.

The doctor took the card and slid it down the panel. The

electronic sound rang, and with a swoosh, the door opened.

Feeling that her heart was being bounded tightly and painfully,

Asuna followed Doctor Kurahashi through the door. Inside it was a

long and strangely narrow room.

The wall facing them had a door that was similar to the one they

just passed through, and there's a control panel on the right side which

had many devices. The wall on the left side had a large glass window,

but the glass was dyed black, so it's impossible to look inside.

"In front of us is a sterile room with air control. Please

understand that we can't enter."

As he said this, Doctor Kurahashi walked to the black window and

operated on the panel below. With a slight rumbling sound, the color of

the window became lighter, and then became transparent, showing the


It was a small room. No, it was actually rather large. At first glance,

it looked like the room was filled with all sorts of machines. There

were tall and short ones, simple square-ish ones mixed with those

complicated shapes. Thus, it took her a lot of time to notice that there

was a bed in the middle.

Asuna forcefully brought her face to the window and stared at

that bed.

There was a petite body seemingly half-asleep in the bed. The

white blanket was covered to her chest, and she could see the bare

skinny shoulders that looked really depressing. The throat and

shoulders had all sorts of tubes attached to them, linked to the

machines nearby.

It's impossible to see the face of the bed's owner directly as it was

covered by a white-cuboid object that swallowed the entire head. What

could be seen were thin, almost transparent lips and a sharp chin.

There was a display on the side of the cuboid object facing them, and

all sorts of colors were jumping about. At the top of it, in a simple font,

the word [Medicuboid] could be seen.


Asuna used her trembling voice to mutter. She was finally here,

with Yuuki in the real world. However, the final few meters were

obstructed by the thick glass she couldn't pass through no matter what.

With her back facing the doctor, Asuna squeezed out the voice,

"Doctor…what exactly is Yuuki's condition…?"

The answer was brief yet heavy.

"«Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome»…AIDS."