Chapter 1

( in the void) LORD M SPEAKING.

Vinal's Pov.

" Wake up young soul" the voice said.

" What is this?" I asked

" who is it?! Is it stan lee'" I asks again

" no" the voice said while making eye contact with stan lee behind vinal.

" as you are aware you are dead" Lord M says

" you now have chances to reincarnate or live in marvel world out of my own boredom and your obsession. And someone elses thanks"  Lord M says as he looks at stan lee in the back as he fades away silently. 

" where are we? Why is it so dark?Why can i only hear your voice?" I asks the voice

" i am talking in your mind. Your in the void. I am about to create a new marvel. I thought you would be smarter than this as a marvel fan and as scientist" The Lord Explains.

" As you are aware i just died so it does take a minute. And as my wishes i always thought about it" I eplies.

" what is your first wish then? Pick them wisely you only get 5" Lord M 


" My first wish is . What  harms me makes me stronger, with thirty seconds of revival, with all my limbs in tact and any part that wasn't on me including blood, hair, e.t.c will disappear" I starts.

" what is your second wish then?"

" Soul link inventory. That works as my own private dimension. No one can sense it enter it or know it's existing" 

 "you must be aware that living things will not be able to enter" Lord M pauses.

" we don't want you to use it as a prison" giving him a knowing smile. ( he is thinking if an inventory that can storage anything or anyone)

" now what is your third wish young one?"

" Third wish? Mutant power, teleportation with  shape shifting like blue devil/mistic but with no smoke." 

" your teleportation. You have to have been there or have to, have seen it to teleport. So I suggest that you travel the world in your free time." He said before continuing.

" The shape shifting you have to have seen them or have had physical contact with them.That does not include pictures or videos." He finished.

" Now what is your fourth wish?"

" Fourth wish. Perfect hiding. That means my blood can not be cloned and not be examined to find powers in it. Basically just hidden from all living things and technology." I finish.

" That can be done. But you are aware that you'll be invisible. Do you want a switch for that. Or why don't we do this. You can be seen by the naked eye but not through magic. The gods can still see but they hold no particular interest. Your aura will be hidden from people stronger than you and you will be able to control the aura it self. You can be hidden from technology but that just means it will be harder to track you. So I suggest you either invent something or find something to mask your power permanently and to help you not get hunted down by the gods/goddesses. I will mask your aura and mind to make it seem like you are there, been there and have been there. This is to insure that anyone with a time ability will not get suspicious of you."He finished explaining.

" Now for your finall wish. It is for you to make your characters appearance, background and timeline" he explains. I stay there silently thinking of how to use this last wish to my advantage.

"My appearance should be. Brown skin not to dark and not to light, curly hair with nice fades that will go good with a beard when grown one. Swimmers body, and a swimmer who can swim like a spy and hold his breath like one. My eye colour should be black. Hight is 5'"9. My age is 15. I am gifted with a voice that will turn any British royalty green with envy. And have the mastery of all saxophone classics. Charming, can naturally influence most situations to my advantage using only words and a smirk. Capable of long term planing to achieve my goal. Perfect photo graphic memory. No stranger to hard work and can dedicate myself physical and mentally to my goal." I pause taking in a deep breath before continuing.

" My personality should be. Slightly manipulative, knowledgeable of my past life education and marvel fanfics. I am ambidextrous, capable of using both right and left hand perfectly" I say.

"And now your background", said lord M.

"I live with my mother who gave birth at an old age, she raised me well. And was ambitious, which helped her be financially stable. She worked at a bank which offered a generous salary. We lived in a 3 bedroom , 2 ½bathroom house with a basement. With uncaring neighbors who minded their own business. We have no other family members

And my father died while battling cancer. It's actually how my parents met, in the hospital.

He use to be a soldier but because of cancer he was sent home. He then became a lawyer for war veterans and made quite a bit of money. My mother finally won against cancer and lived to a ripe old age. Before finally dying peacefully in her sleep in the hospital when I was 15. My parents were financially literate and left me no debt. Along with a sizable inheritance (at the time) ", Vinal said all in one breath.