chapter 9

Going as myself at the age of 24 under the name John Wick, with this i won't hate to worry about my shape shifting powers going off and i have not done anything big with my true from.

Thanks to my fourth wish my mind is protected it will show the memories of before 15 and modified some of them showing me staying at home buying groceries and taking shelter from the war with my family's money.

Spend 40 years with the THE HAND I didn't show to much talent and ambition but did show loyalty so as to gain more training and experience from the teachers and master's, while trying not to fight with other trainees unless ask to.

Faked my death with a bomb and a body I got from a hospital leaving nothing but ashes, had some witnesses but once I was out of sight when the building collapses I teleported with some burns on my body, leaving the extra body as myself.

With my first wish i'm growing old but still healthy, going back to work at stark industries and keeping an eye on the tesseract i have found mar-vel (captain marvel (carol danvers) mentor) and joined her research team.

Took some time to follow, teleporting from place to place, finding and copying after learning the language of her secret research lab of the tesseract, energy engine that gave captain marvel her powers and knowledge data bank of the kree, skrulls and her personal knowledge.

Using this knowledge i have completed and improved my personal A.I Medusa and manor, lab. Creating Tess powered construction droids to help make two copy's of the mar-vel energy engine and my own iron-man Tess powered suit.

In the lab of my mansion standing in front of a chamber bigger than captain america used, powered by the Tess energy and vita radiation. Walking towards it with only a swim suit and a walking stick, with a droid helping, i get in and give it the walking stick and the door closes.