Reverse mountain and new crew members

some days after the fight with Onigumo. Void Slayer Pirates are moving towards the reverse mountain.

On the bow of the ship Akio was standing and looking at sea with a deep and calm expression looking like he was thinking of something, then from his behind Makino say.

Makino "Captain those two are doing fine and have gained their consciousness."

Hearing that Akio just nodded and walked towards their room. when he entered the room he saw both Bonney and Baby 5 chatting and talking about their experience in the battle against the Rear admiral level fighter.

Akio comes toward them and say " you two really do very well and your team work was also very good. I hope you two learn about your short coming and loose ends."

Akio " we will be going to North blue to find our ship's doctor and then start your training. till then take good rest and fill your energy."

After saying this Akio walked out of with serious expression and hold Yamato in his has and start with putting the most heavy weight he has on ship. his hand and feet which make him difficult to stand looking at this that he can't even stand while weights on Akio leave Yamato on side and start doing work out with weights on.

After some days Akio and his crew reach reverse mountain. seeing that the Water was flowing in the opposite direction Makino was shocked while Bonney and Baby 5 were calm because they already saw it, but was also exited in their heart.

Akio smiled and say " Everyone hold on to something this is going to be very dangerous and exiting."

Everyone nodded and hold on to ship. slowly ship start to ascend through Walter flow and shake. when the ship reached the top it started to fall from the mountain in very fast speed.

Seeing this Akio knows that if the ship collide with water at this speed it will not be able to make out the Collison.

He make a fist and started punching towards sea floor while using fish man karate the shockwave and water gun released from attack started to slow down the ship.

When ship reached a safe distance he stop punching and ship slowly entered the water and Void Slayer Pirates officialy entered the North blue.

Somedays later

After someday reaching to North blue Akio and his crew are moving from one island to another near the minion island to find "Trifangler D Law".

After some day on an island name kogan Akio saw a black haired boy running with a person from mink tribe from some people.

He instantly recognised him and moved towards them. he use Soru and reached in middle of them and ask boy " Boy if I help you with this group of people will you follow me" Law asked in return " will you help in my revenge".

Akio grind at his question and said " if you want revenge you will have to take it by yourself. I can only show you right path."

Law nodded at him and said " ok, I will go with you. but if someday I feel I can't take my revenge with you I will leave."

Akio laughed and said " hahahaha, ok deal."

He turned around and release his Conquerer Haki on the group of bandits and made them unconscious and turned towards Law and said " ok, let's go to my ship."

While they were walking towards their ship Akio looked at Law and sword in his hand and asked "Are you a swordsman" to which Law only nodded and Akio just sighed at his cold behaviour.

They went to ship and Akio said to Law " we will wait here others will be here after some time."

After some time all three girls come to ship and saw Law and Bepo on ship and asked " who is he captain" asked Bonney.

Akio pointed towards Law and Bepo said " These are our new crew members and Law here is a swordsman. A good choice for our crew. Right?"

Everyone nodded as they are all swords man and woman.

Akio again said with happy smile on his face and say " Everyone if we have everything ready. let's party tonight and tomorrow go to another island to find other members of our crew."

Everyone : Oooooh

After that they all party all night while chatting happily and Law and Bepo also started to enjoy this familial environment.

In Morning they start training and Akio called Makino,Law and Bepo on deck and said " From today onwards you three will be start training your physical strength and fighting styles. while Makino and Bepo will train hand to hand combat because of their lack of talent in swordsmanship, Law will also not going to practice sword. he will going to train his body strength first and learn fighting style."

Akio handed them paper and said " this will be your training regime from now on. come on, start training till you not complete it you will keep going."

And that's how start the training and recruiting of World's most powerful crew who will someday turn the 800 year old world government upside down.


Thanks for reading.🤠

Sorry if chapter's are delaying in both Novels.