Amazing Return In East Blue

After recruiting Laffite Void Slayer Pirates keep moving towards the east blue while fighting with some small unnamed Pirate crew's.

some days later they reached the redline and Laffite seeing the redline was very shocked as it is his first time seeing the redline.

After crossing the Redline they all reached in East Blue. they were heading in the direction of the Logue town where the Execution of Pirate King Gol D Rogers happened.

But on the front side of ship Laffite saw a shiloutte of war ship he immediately run towards the Akio and said :" Captain I see some warships coming towards us."

Akio nodded and said while smiling excitedly :" I know, Laffite you always say that why do I always send you and girls to fight the pirate's while I myself stay on ship."

Laffite nodded eagerly waiting for Akio's answer :" That's because they were too weak for me while the person who is coming towards us this time is a man who can make even Pirate King desperate against him."

When Laffite hear this he startled and started to sweat heavily while the Marine warship started to come close and a person in Vice Admiral coat wearing a Dog hat was standing on the bow of ship with a wide grin on his face.

That person was non other than "Garp the Fist". when Akio saw him he become exited while other members of crew become tensed because of Battle intent released by Garp.

Akio said :" Hahahaha, old man today you are here congratulate me for completing my crew."

Garp laughed and said :" Wahahaha, Brat you have to much confidence in yourself . I am here to fight a pirate and his crew who dared to hurt a Rear Admiral."

Akio said with excitement :" Hahahaha, old man this is going to our first battle let's make it legendary battle for the worst generation of the sea."

Garp didn't say anything but Akio knows what going to happen and after that many canon balls with speed faster than bullet launched towards their ship.

Akio also don't stay still and punched the air with his fists and blasting Canon ball's in the mid air sent by Garp.

While Bogard Garp's vice captain unsheathed his sword and send slashes towards the Akio's ship but slashes was blocked by Bonney and Law, on other hand Baby 5 and Bepo started to fight the remaining Marine elites.

After the fight with Onigumo their strength has rise by a large margin and they also have sufficient fighting experience from battles in West Blue.

Makino had a worried look on her face because she always treated Garp as her own grandfather, but today she have to fight him so she don't know what to do.

After all the Canon ball's fired by Garp were destroyed by Akio. Garp removed his Vice Admiral Coat and coated his arm's in Red colour Armament Haki, Akio seeing that fight is going to become serious he leaved Yamato on ship and also coated his Arms in black colour Armament Haki.( An:/ Those who don't know colour of everyone's Haki becomes different after reaching a certain stage.)

They both use Soru and Geppo to come in middle of the sea and Punched towards eachother, when their fist collide it created a shock wave which displaced the water under their fit and both of them started to fight eachother fiercely in close combat.

while Akio's crew members and Garp's Marine stopped fighting and watched two monster's fight in Shock and Awe.

Both Garp and Akio was using their own fighting styles and by watching their fight only a experienced fighter can tell that who was loosing or winning.

After fighting for sometime both Garp and Akio stopped fighting and Garp asked Akio :" huff huff, Boy you have so much potential and you can even fight with me equally, why do you want to become a Pirate."

Akio replied :" Huff huff, Even if i become a Marine, I think I may be not able to stay there for too long."

Garp asked :" why is that."

Akio :" Because Marine's were not created to give people justice, they are created to cover up the evil deeds of celestial dragon's and protect them from anyone who try to raise their voice against them."

Garp become stunned on how Akio knows this but Akio keep saying :" World government think of this world as their playground. what they say is justice and what they do is justice, when I see small children fighting for food just because their father and mother are forced to become slaves by Celestial Dragon's I feel sick because my own father is one of them."

"But, I will not let them do how they pleases. no matter what challenges came, no matter how much difficulty I have to face, I will make a place where children's can grow up without any fear of loosing their loved ones."

Akio's crew was watching their captain with a face that say they will support him no matter what and their respecr for Akio also increased to a high level.

When Akio say those words he subconsciously realised his Conquerer Haki. when Garp feel his Haki he feeled like a mountain was put on him but he started to laugh and said.

Garp :"Wahahaha, boy you're just like that men who me , Rogers and your father faced decades ago even then we three were almost dead if not for sudden interruption. he was also like you, he also want to challenge the power of world government."

Hearing this a colour of shock run threw eyes of Akio but it also dimmed as soon as it comes.

Garp :" Good good, if you want to challenge world government than prove me you're worthy of all the hope's that people are going to put on you." Then suddenly weather become chaotic and Garp's hand started to produce black colour lightning and he said :" This is my most powerful attack, I created this move to face World's Strongest man "Edward Newgate" if you are able to counter my this move the victory will belong to you."

Hearing this Akio frowned and become nervous after all this move was created to defeat Whitebeard in his prime. He also applied his all Haki in his hands and his arms started to produce thunder.

Garp smirked seeing this and created a fist to launch it with his full force while Akio also got ready to counter the strongest move of the Hero of Marine's.

Garp through his punch with his full strength towards Akio while Akio also through his punch towards Garp using his strongest Hasshokan.

When their fists collide the shockwave produced by it divided the sea beneath them. The Marine's and Void Slayer Pirates all were shocked by the force of these two and except for Baby 5 all the crew members saw real strength of their captain for the first time.

Many will think that their fists collide only one time by seeing it with naked eyes but when you use Observation Haki you can easily tell that both of them punched atleast 200 times in that single second.

After Collison we can see that both of their arms are bleeding but Akio's arms whose muscle have not developed to its prime because of his age was standing in the air with a broken arm.

Garp laughed and said :" Good boy, with this I Monkey D Garp acknowledge you as my hope for this world."

After hearing this Akio smiled and soon his consciousness fade away and he started to fall but get cought by Laffite in mid air.

Garp seeing this just turned around and order his crew to call medics and head towards Marine Ford.

On the ship of Void Slayer Pirates Law checked Akio condition and said :" Injuries in his arms are the most critical while everything is fine. we need to go to nearest Island to purchase ingredients for medical treatment."

Laffite :" The most nearest Island here is "Shimotsuki Village"


Thanks for reading.☺️