Prologue part 2

Chelsey saw a massive mansion in front of her as she crawled next to her gorgeous niece. Besides El Shaddai being her younger brother, she was also Lucifer's baby sister.

As they approached the palace, Chelsey saw two ungodly hounds of Hell on all fours guarding the estate in front of a ten-foot-tall old iron gate.

The hounds were on heavy-duty chains that were attached to what looks like old iron hitching posts for horses. As they approached the gate which opened outwards toward them automatically.

Seeing the two most feared and merciless hounds ever on either side of her as she continued through the gate while her niece stopped at the gate.

As soon as Chelsey was about three hundred feet away from the entryway, she stopped and slowly arched backward while smiling at her extremely satanic niece standing at the gate.

Watching Blair kneeling between the two hounds of the devil's excited Chelsey a lot. After seeing her niece kissing both of them on the forehead just before releasing them. Seeing the male demon coming at full speed at her excited Chelsey a lot while the she-devil followed behind the male.

'Welcome home, ugly bitch of mine. I have given them strict orders to enjoy themselves with you, slave. We are glad to finally have you home. As always there are no rules when it comes to you, kitten.' Chelsey heard Goddess Blair saying through mind-link as she saw the gate close as Blair stayed outside of the estate's walls.

"God, there is never any fear in those baby blues eyes of yours. Damn, he went straight for your neck, Chelsey. I see that you are starting to remember us. Come on, say our names, kitten, or he might break that beautiful neck of yours." The she-devil hound said to Chelsey as the male hound shook her by the neck.

'Maybe I want my uncle to break my neck, bitch.' Chelsey said to the bitch through mind-link while being shaken nonstop by her Master.

'Damn, you look so damn hot, cousin. Damn it, will you tell your brother to be more ruthless with me, bitch.' Chelsey said through mind-link to the gorgeous human female form standing there watching.

"Maybe we should put her in her cage and you can assault me instead, brot…" The female said to the male hound.

'Damn it, Jezebel. You fucking bitch, tell lord Jaecar to hurt me right now, you heartless bitch.' Chelsey said through mind-link to her cousin.

"Have I ever listened to my baby sister when it comes to hurting you, kitten? By the way, if you think that her new permanent human body is hot then just wait until you see mine, ugly bitch." Jaecar said to Chelsey as he mounted her while Jezebel watched.

Chelsey had been having extremely rough sex with humans as Blair and Bella watched in pleasure. The satanic sisters could not believe that Chelsey enjoyed forcible sex and would rent her out to humans as they watched.

Knowing that Chelsey was still healing from the damage caused by her niece, Jaecar was not as rough with her but he knew the bitch could take more punishment when he decided to take her fully into Hell.

"Damn, gorgeous harlot. We have missed you so fucking much, beautiful sex kitten of our enjoyment. We got big plans for our masochistic kitten." Jezebel whispered to Chelsey as she knelt and petted their favorite toy.

Chelsey started to meow as Jaecar started to bite and claw away at her while Jezebel watched with satanic lust for both of them. The pain was nothing but a pleasure to the daughter of Elohim.

When Blair returned to earth from the meeting, she found her husband on their bed with Jezebel underneath him.

"Our masochistic bitch is resting in your dungeon, my gorgeous Goddess," Jezebel said as Blair petted her.

"Did Chelsey remember both of you?" Blair asked Jezebel as Jaecar sped up his sexual attack on her bitch.

"Yes, Goddess. She fully remembers and loves my new human body." Jezebel said as she locked eyes with Blair.

"Glad to hear that, bitch." Blair said to Jezebel with a grin as Jaecar started to get rougher with their mutt.

"Damn, your husband is Hell on this body of mine, Goddess." Jezebel moan out as her brother assaulted her sexually in front of Blair.

"You must stay in that human form until I say otherwise. Now I am off to see my masochistic aunt and punish her some more just for the hell of it." Blair said as she kissed Jezebel on the lips as the demon got even rougher with his sister.

The more Blair tried to kill her cursed Angel, the more the Goddess began to enjoy the masochist nature of her bitch even more. After a long day of hunting Chelsey in her forest, Blair would lay with her sexually which she could never do with humans since they always die from their wounds.

'Goddess, do I bring the pleasure that you have been searching for in humanity as you hunt me down like the worthless dog that I am?' Chelsey said to her satanic niece through mind-link as they lay in her private forest.

'Bitch, hunting you brings me the most pleasure of hell as you lay here under me while I continue to stab away at you as we make ungodly love to each other.' Blair said to Chelsey through mind-link while stabbing her gorgeous aunt.

On the sixth month anniversary, Jaecar climbed onto Chelsey's body and started to have forcible sex with his masochistic kitten as Jezebel was hanging by her black wrist cuff. Jezebel was Blair's extreme sadomasochistic bitch and she could handle anything that the satanic Goddess would dish out upon her body.

It had been a couple of months since Blair had left her aunt in the darkest part of the dungeon after the last hunt. Chelsey saw the female hound coming straight at her as the male went around her.

Chelsey screams in pain as she felt Jaecar's claws piercing her body as he picked her up.

"I love you, my lord." Chelsey whimpered out as her eyes locked with Blair.

"Kitten, seeing my husband hurting you is brings enjoyment to my blackest heart if I had one," Blair said with a laugh before continuing talking.

"Today you are becoming Jaecar's second wife. You will be having nonstop dangerous sex by my sick twisted human male slaves, kitten." Blair said to Chelsey as Jaecar assaulted her.

"I do enjoy watching him destroying other bitches, and our Goddess has given you to him for his pleasure. Goddess had told him to carve you up as I watch, bitch. Oh, I see the gorgeous fear of death in your beautiful eyes, do not worry, I will lick your wounds." Jezebel said to Chelsey as Blair watched from her throne in the dungeon.

"Now eat, gorgeous whore." Jezebel said as she sat up and pushed Chelsey's head into her cunt.

Blair got up and walked over to her pets with a box of brand-new cuffs that had spikes on them. Mistress Blair sat down next to Jezebel was on her left-hand side.

Next, Blair took Jezebel's right hand and removed one of the old black leather wrist cuffs, and put a brand-new dark red leather cuff on. Blair did the same thing to Jezebel's other wrists and ankles before moving on to Jaecar.

Blair first switched out Jaecar's old black leather ankle cuffs and then ordered Jezebel to switch spots with her. Jezebel was now sitting next to Chelsey and Blair was on top of Chelsey's face as she switches out Jaecar's old wrist cuffs with his new dark red cuffs.

As Blair sat on top of Chelsey's face, she felt her kitten's tongue entering her anus slowly. Blair and Jezebel locked lips as Jaecar destroyed Chelsey's cunt like there was no tomorrow. At this point, Chelsey was not wearing any cuff or collar but soon she would be as she moved from the dungeon to the Master bedroom with her Goddess that night.

Unknown to the young gorgeous and beautiful Angel, Blair was falling in love with her which has never happened before to the satanic Goddess.