A gorgeous Christmas’ Present for a chosen few

The next day at eight in the morning, hunters and huntresses started to show up. With drinks and food in the main house for them until everybody arrived. Before Jezebel led the hunters to the lodge, Blair removed the switchblade from Chelsey's chest.

Next, the Goddess cut the trash bag off of her slave's head and removed the hose from Chelsey's mouth. It was around noon when Jezebel led the hunters and huntresses to the hunting lodge where Mistress Blair was waiting for them. Still tied to the bullet table and getting fucked out of her mind with the two jackhammers, Chelsey heard.

"I am Blair, and this is my Angel of Whores, Chelsey. You have forty-eight hours to mate with her because the hunt starts on Christmas Day. My kitten gets off on being tasered with the metal part of this taser gun. I have removed the clip and fully charged it. Do as you will with this bitch right now and on the hunt. The moment you guys are ready to hunt her, release her through this back door. You may not leave the lodge until she completely enters the forest, that is when the hunt starts. I know you all signed up for 30-days but seven days are more than enough time for the hunt and to sexually abused my slut. Those are the rules, break them, and I will kill you, humans, understand me." Their Goddess said to them.

"We fully understand, Goddess." All the hunters and huntresses said as they nodded their heads in the yes position.

"Good, now enjoy the whore of whores." Blair said to them as she grins.

Blair left the lodge and went to the dungeon where Jezebel was mating with Jaecar in the human forms. Jezebel looks at the Goddess as a massive hound came out of the shadow toward them.

"Jezebel, my pet. I need you to hide in the shadows as the hunt goes on. Any hunters or huntresses that are breaking my rules are yours. I need Jaecar to stay here with me for my sexual pleasures. Now go and watch over your lover as the humans assassinate her for me repeatedly." Blair said to the extreme Huntress as she walked over to her hounds and sat next to Jezebel.

"Chelsey is not my lo..." Jezebel blurts out.

"Jezebel, do not deny it, everyone knows that Chelsey is your soulmate and lover forever, my gorgeous bitch." Blair said with a smirk.

Forty-eight hours later, the hunters released Chelsey through the back door of the lodge. They watched her naked body running toward the forest and disappearing into it. The hunters and huntresses waited ten minutes before leaving the lodge to make damn sure that Chelsey was entirely inside the forest. Chelsey could always find Jezebel, so when she entered the forest.

"Mistress Jezebel, my lover. Please enjoy yourself as I get hunted by humans today for your unholy glory, my lord." Chelsey said to the most beautiful creature in the universe.

Jezebel did not say a word as she listened to her dog sweet words. Just as the hunters and huntresses enter the forest, Chelsey was standing against a tree.

"Since my keeper has cut the hunting time down. For the first twenty-four hours, I will stand here for you to practice on with those real-life weapons at your feet which Mistress Blair has permitted me to pick out for this hunt. I have chosen from her private collections. On the ground, you will find two 1911 pistols with ten clips inside of a case. Those pistols are made for ladies, and there are twenty-three rifles and shotguns. Each rifle and shotgun has one box of ammo at this station. The shotgun ammo boxes are a mixture of birdshot and buckshot. The rifle ammo is slugs, and the 1911 pistols are a mixture of regular and metal jackets. You will also find a crossbow with two arrow boxes holding thirty arrows each. Lastly, you will find a pair of knives for each of you. Each hunter and huntress gets military combat and karambit knives. Mistress Blair has sent her best watcher to watch over the hunt. You will never see her because if she shows herself to you, it means that you are hers to fully kill. This station is for you all to get used to Mistress Blair's weapons, take turns and see which gun fits you the best. There will be no other station from this point forward. You will find ammo throughout the forest as you chase me down. Since time is short, you will only hunt me until the bell tower sounds to end the hunt. Then those that want to take my bloody body sexually may do so. Now the hunt will begin, take aim and fire at will."

One by one the hunters and huntresses picked a weapon up and took careful aim before they fire upon Chelsey's ungodly body with pleasure. Everyone took turns using the guns and then they chose the one that fit them the best before picking up their set of knives.

While the hunters and huntresses pick up their knives, Chelsey took off running. All hunters started to search for ammo for their weapons. One huntress took her karambit out as she caught up to Chelsey and put it into the middle of Chelsey's back.

"Bitch, can you run with that karambit in your back, or do I have to pull it out." A female voice said as Chelsey fell to her knees.

"Please leave the karambit in my back, Mistress huntress," Chelsey said proudly to the young female.

"As you wish, tramp. Now get up and run, you damn fucking whore." The young female said as she kicked Chelsey extremely hard in the head.

Chelsey got up quickly and started to run when she heard both of the 1911 pistols going off. Chelsey knew that the huntress that stabbed her was the one with the pistols. The huntress had taken the silencers off the guns and was putting nice close rounds into her back. Just then Chelsey felt an arrow go straight through her body.

'Damn, Mistress was right, Jezebel picked the best of the best to hunt me today,'Chelsey thought to herself.

Shotguns and rifles sounded all around Chelsey while Jezebel watched with excitement. Chelsey was not allowed anytime to recover during the hunt. This hunt was taking all the strength that Chelsey had to stay upright while running. A hunter jumped out in front of Chelsey at one point and stabbed her in the heart with his karambit knife along his combat knife into the throat area as she continued running past him. Seeing Chelsey stumble after being stabbed twice more, Jezebel took Chelsey into the shadows and pushed all three knives deeper into her beautiful body.

"My worthless bitch, you can call it if you need to? If you do not, I will throw you back into their wrath, ugly mutt." Jezebel said to Chelsey.

"Mistress, please remove your protection and allow them to destroy me for our keeper's glory and honor. I love you so much, Jezebel, and thank you so much for picking the most deadly killers in the world of our Goddess." Chelsey said to Jezebel as blood dripping out of her mouth.

"As you wish, bitch and you are welcome, my beautiful lover," Jezebel said to her mutt as she threw Chelsey extremely hard against a tree in front of a group of hunters and huntresses.

Before Chelsey had a chance of getting up, those ten guys and gals stabbed her many times before allowing her to escape. Jezebel grin as she watched as none of the fifty hunters were showing any mercy to Chelsey which excited her. Finally, Chelsey was allowed to rest for a bit as the hunters and huntresses slept.

All of a sudden Chelsey felt a sharp pain as she slowly opened her eyes and saw all fifty hunters stabbing away at her before allowing her to escape. Today was the second to the last day of the hunt, still weak, Chelsey did her best to stay upright as she ran while they all shot away at her body. Until eight at night when the fifty hunters saw Jezebel with flames around her.

"ENOUGH!!!" Jezebel said to the vicious hunters and huntress as she ended the hunt.

Hunters drop their weapons as they heard.

"By the time you return to the lodge, my keeper and I will have Chelsey ready for those that want to mate with her bloody body of hell. Now leave the forest." Jezebel said to them while she and Chelsey slowly disappeared as the flames die.