First Evolution

Hey it's the author. I've been stressed due to high school lately and it's the end of the year, so sorry for the long wait. next year might be even worse.. '°_¿_°


Dale left school with the snake in his hand.

Many people stared at him.

Kids and even adults wanted to pet the snake.

This kind of thing was weird, as the average person is scared of snakes, but something about the snake was just adorable in the others' eyes.

It was quite small compared to other snakes of its species, not that Dale knew, but that variable was one of many reasons why people found it cute, and was what Dale thought of as the reason for it.

The snake didn't act up much when being touched by others, because Dale comforted it, and it just flicked its tongue most of the time, making hissing noises.

On the way to the veterinary he opened the ⟨Familiars⟩ interface.


«Ring-necked Snake // Female»

He opened the only tab that showed up which included information about the snake.

⟨Name: -⟩

⟨Level: 1⟩

⟨Species: Ring-necked Snake, Serpent⟩

⟨Gender: Female⟩

⟨Traits: [Cold-Blooded], [Charmer], [Smooth-scaled], [Cannibalism].⟩

⟨Skills: «Shed Skin Lvl. -», «Detect Lvl. 2»

Dale was a little taken aback by the [Cannibalism] trait but tried not to overthink it since it's a wild snake, and some snakes do eat others from their snake family.

It took them 15 minutes until he and the snake reached the closest veterinary clinic.

Dale entered the place, and sat down on a chair, waiting for the vet.

After a few moments, they were called over.

The vet was a lady in her mid twenties with wide hips and a fairly big chest, but Dale who isn't very much like the boys of his age, was only paying a small look to her body and was cutting it straight to the chase.

"I found this snake at our school, it probably found a hole in the wall which led it to our class, and the class wants to take care of the snake as a class pet. We would appreciate it if you check if this snake is by any means okay to be taken care of" he said, while putting on an innocent smile.

"Alright boy, just sit right here and bring me the snake to inspect it for a bit!" she said, smiling back.

He waited about a minute and was called to the veterinarian room.

Dale tried to pull the snake off his finger but it didn't let go, so the vet had to inspect the snake while it wrapped itself around Dale's thumb.

It took some time for the snake to understand what was happening but it was in the hands of its owner, it felt safe and didn't try to bite.

After taking a few looks at the snake and doing a bit of examining, the busty vet looked at Dale's eyes with a smile.

"The snake is alright and healthy, but it seems to be very used to the wild so it would take some time to get it used to its new environment, and make sure that you'll be adding a heater in its new home. it's cold-blooded after all" she said before changing her expression to a serious one.

"But..." she gulped and continued "Can I pet it.. just for a little while?" she changed her expression once more, but this time to a doll-like face.

The vet squeezed her breasts together for a couple of seconds which Dale noticed and he stuttered for a moment before coming back from wonderland, which was very unlike him, but hey, what kind of straight man wouldn't be reacting when some busty woman squeezes her breasts before him?

"Y-Yeah." he said and held the snake forward, letting her pet the snake as they both say their very short goodbyes and thanks.


⟨Notice: "Ring-necked Snake" has received the appropriate amount of affection for genetic evolution, please decide on a primary and secondary evolution ingredient including a name.⟩

Dale looked at the window before him in a daze, processing the meaning of it.

From what he understood, the system "tames" the creatures that trust him and the more affection they are given, the closer they are to evolve.. however that may.. change something.. maybe their looks? maybe they'll have skills like he does?

He decided to keep these thoughts for later as he closed the door behind him.

Exiting the veterinary clinic, Dale looked for a small garden, since the snake probably didn't eat anything for the past hour and maybe even longer since nobody knows when the snake ate before entering the building.

Dale crouched in front of some random person's garden right by the veterinary clinic and let the little snake loose.

The snake flicked its tongue before finally loosening off from Dale's finger, and Dale just sighed with a slight chuckle and waited for about 10 minutes, leaning on a tree, to let the snake finish its business..

Finally, after 10 minutes passed, Dale used ⟨Camera Sight⟩ to find the snake.

Dale crouched once more to pick up the snake and in response the snake coiled around his finger again, and as soon as Dale stood up there was another window before him.

⟨Ingredients digested.⟩

[• Mole Cricket(Larvae) x2]

[• Wood Frog x1]

⟨Please choose a primary ingredient and a secondary ingredient.⟩

⟨The more there is of a certain ingredient, the more effective the change will get.⟩

Dale looked for a place to sit down and think before continuing.

'The snake seemed to have quite the appetite.. I guess it.. no.. she really was hungry' Dale thought as he stretched a bit and thought over his choices.

He didn't know what the primary ingredient or secondary ingredient does, so he just chose the frog as primary and the larvas as secondary, not overthinking it much.

After tapping on ⟨Accept⟩ a loading window appeared.



Suddenly the snake started to feel dizzy before her skin dried by the second and then.. the snake started to shed her skin.

⟨New trait [Amphibian] has been acquired.⟩

⟨Secondary Ingredient isn't compatible..⟩

'Not compatible?' he thought but before he could continue being surprised another loading window appeared.

⟨Looking for alternatives.. breaking molecules of 'Mole Cricket'...⟩



⟨New skill ⟨Burrow⟩ has been acquired.⟩

Looking at the "fresh-skinned" snake, there seemed to be very small gills at the sides of her head, almost unnoticeable but was noticed by Dale and his ⟨Camera Sight⟩ skill.

He checked the status of the newly evolved snake.

⟨Name: -⟩

⟨Level: 1⟩

⟨Species: Ring-necked Snake, Serpent⟩

⟨Gender: Female⟩

⟨Traits: [Cold-Blooded], [Charmer], [Smooth-scaled], [Cannibalism], [Amphibian(New)].⟩

⟨Skills: «Shed Skin Lvl. -», «Detect Lvl. 2», «Burrow Lv. 1»⟩

He didn't want to waste anymore time so he just gave the snake a look of awe and then started to quickly walk towards the school grounds, as there were only 20 minutes left until the third class would get started.. and it was Dale's least favorite class.. P.E! But then a window appeared before him.

⟨First 'Tamed' Evolution Reward: 20 EXP⟩

'Almost half-way to the next level! but what would happen then? would it be simply getting points? Ah nevermind.. I will think about it later, if I am late to P.E I'd get scolded by that macho teacher...' He thought and started running, leveling ⟨Endurance⟩ twice along the way.