Chapter 4

Today was Monday, so Zhou Hao had to start a new week of studying, just like other normal high school students.

The moment he stepped out of the door, Zhou Hao saw Wang Xijun gracefully standing there while wearing a blue and white primary school uniform. She had already been waiting for Zhou Hao for quite a while.

Wang Xijun and Zhou Hao were not in the same high school, what Zhou Hao was studying at was Yining Middle School, which was the most famous key school in the whole of Xiang City, and Wang Xijun was studying in the nearby second high school of Xiang City.

Wearing the school uniform, Wang Xijun had another taste of youth. Even though she still looked shy, she was already slim and graceful.

Seeing Zhou Hao, Wang Xijun revealed a smile, revealing two cute dimples, "Zhou Hao, good morning."

"Morning." Looking at the cheerful Wang Xijun, Zhou Hao's mood improved.

The two of them went downstairs and walked beside Zhou Hao, whose face was completely red.

In his mind, he constantly recalled the scene of Zhou Hao caressing his own cheek the day before yesterday, and from time to time, he would secretly glance at Zhou Hao's left hand that was slightly swaying, and his face unconsciously heated up.

"What's wrong?" Realizing that Wang Xijun was acting strangely, Zhou Hao asked curiously.

"No, nothing." Wang Xijun immediately retracted her gaze and shyly stared at the ground.

"Oh yeah, Zhou Hao, I want to buy books at Xinhua Bookstore this afternoon after school. Can you accompany me?"

"Sure." Zhou Hao smiled as he replied, "Then, I'll come to your school in the afternoon to wait for you there, okay?"

"En!" Seeing that Zhou Hao agreed, Wang Xijun immediately became excited, the bashfulness she was feeling just a moment ago was washed away by her excitement.

At this time, the two of them had already arrived at the downstairs entrance. Since the two schools were in different directions, the two of them had to part ways here.

Wang Xijun waved her hand at Zhou Hao, unwilling to part with him, "Zhou Hao, I'll see you in the afternoon then." After that, he turned around and walked in the direction of her school.

Looking at Wang Xijun's pretty back, ripples appeared in her heart.

He couldn't let go of such a girl no matter what, so that he wouldn't feel regret for the rest of his life.

Until Wang Xijun's figure disappeared at the end of the street, only then did Zhou Hao walk in the opposite direction.

Walking out of the intersection, he saw groups of three or five students wearing the same green uniform as him, heading towards the school. The tranquil morning was filled with restless jubilation.

Looking at the road in front of him that led to the Junior High School, Zhou Hao sighed in his heart. It had been so many years since he had walked this path.

Back then, he didn't forget to recite ancient characters and English even on the way to school. Now that he thought about it, it was really nostalgic. Even that familiar ancient character flashed in his mind a few times.

After taking a deep breath, Zhou Hao embarked on this road to school. At the same time, he wondered if his classmates in school were still like in his previous life.

There was a bakery on the way, and many students liked to buy breakfast there.

In his previous life, due to the restrictions on his family, Zhou Hao didn't even want to eat a vegetable bun for twenty cents.

Each passing can only open eyes envy those students who can eat hot steamed buns.

Today, the door of the bakery was still filled with students. The fragrance of the bakery filled the entire street.

Zhou Hao touched the two pieces of lunch money that Yan Tong had given him, and laughed bitterly in his heart.

"Looks like I don't have the conditions to eat the noob now, but it won't be long before I can taste it. It can also be considered a regret from my past life."

When he thought of this, he did not linger and continued walking forward. It was also at this time that Zhou Hao noticed a beautiful figure not far from him.

Her long, shiny black hair fluttered gently, as if one could smell the fragrance of her hair from here.

She was wearing a short, black dress with a skirt that went right up to her knees, revealing her snow-white calves and, below that, her high-heeled shoes, which were wrapped with ribbons.

Her slender figure and graceful steps made her a striking sight to behold.

Furthermore, just from this figure, Zhou Hao felt that she was emitting a noble aura, making her stand out among the students and employees who were hurrying past.

Seeing such a beautiful back view, Zhou Hao started to daydream about the beautiful woman's face just like the other men.

She only hoped that she was not one of those "backview killers" who would lead people to commit crimes and defend themselves from the front.

Right at that moment, the beauty just happened to pass by a gigantic hotel sign, causing Zhou Hao to suddenly become alert.

He looked up at the signboard and something strange happened.

Zhou Hao felt that his line of sight was quickly closing in, he could even see the screw threads on the sign clearly, it was as though he had put on a high power telescope in that instant.

"What's going on?" Zhou Hao didn't understand the difference in his body.

However, he did not have the leisure to investigate his body's abnormality, because he saw cracks appearing on the concrete wall with the hotel's signboard fixed on it.

The sign of the hotel was also on the verge of collapse, and a mere gust of wind would cause it to collapse.

"Be careful!" Zhou Hao immediately warned the beautiful woman in front of him.

Hearing Zhou Hao's sudden shout, the beautiful woman subconsciously stopped and turned around. This time, Zhou Hao could clearly see her face, and his heart couldn't help but tremble, "So beautiful!"

This woman looked to be about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, with a typical oval face. Her facial features were very delicate, especially her straight and elegant nose and full, full, red lips which gave her an extraordinary charm.

Moreover, she also had a mature and capable temperament. She was the image of a talented woman. Zhou Hao thought that this woman was definitely a match for the grown up Wang Xijun.

The moment he thought of this, he cursed himself for thinking about such useless things at such a time.

Due to Zhou Hao's loud shout, the woman had stopped right below the sign of the hotel. Zhou Hao pointed to the signboard and shouted, "Leave quickly!"

The woman looked up, and the hotel sign fell away from the concrete wall with a creak.

Ah--!" The woman let out a shriek, and the pedestrians around her cried out in alarm at the sudden turn of events.

However, no one had the time to save her. Many people covered their eyes, unwilling to see the tragic scene of her death.

At this crucial moment, a ghost-like figure flew over at a lightning speed, and instantly rushed to the side of the woman, hugging her as she threw herself forward.

"Boom!" The fallen sign raised a cloud of dust, and the glass and broken steel scattered on the floor.

"Call the police!" That woman is being held down! " The person who had covered his eyes earlier hurriedly shouted.

"No need, no need, she was saved!" The other people who witnessed what happened stopped them in time.

Everyone's eyes then fell on the two men on the ground in front of the signboard.

The woman's eyes were still tightly shut, her face had a look of shock, and below her was a boy wearing a green school uniform. It was Zhou Hao.

Seeing that the two of them were safe and sound, the surrounding crowd burst into cheers.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the woman finally came back to her senses. She slowly opened her eyes and discovered that she was not injured. Her body was still soft and comfortable.

It was only when she saw the sign over there, which was a pile of debris, that she realized she wasn't dead.

"Elder sister, if it's convenient for you, can you go down? I can't get up."

The slightly hoarse voice coming from below gave her a fright. She hurriedly moved her body away and saw Zhou Hao, who was protecting her under his body.

"You saved me?" Looking at Zhou Hao who was below, she exclaimed.

Actually, Zhou Hao himself was also very shocked, because the distance between him and her just now was more than fifty meters.

But in the blink of an eye, he had crossed over fifty meters to save her.

I have heard of a mother who, in order to save her child, crossed a hundred meters at an incredible speed to catch her child. It is evident that the human potential is limitless in times of emergency.

[But, this woman isn't me … what kind of person is she?]

Just as he thought of this, Zhou Hao saw the woman's extremely beautiful face and could only force a smile in his heart. "The power of a beauty is indeed astonishing."

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Being saved by Zhou Hao, the woman was extremely grateful, and she didn't know how to express her gratitude.

At the same time, she also saw that Zhou Hao's right elbow had a scratch on his school uniform, and the skin inside had also been cut, with fresh red blood flowing out.

"You're bleeding. If you don't mind, I'll take you to the hospital. Tetanus isn't good."

She immediately took out a wet tissue from her backpack and carefully helped Zhou Hao wipe his wounds.

Zhou Hao had not only saved her life just now, he had also used his own body to rest on the ground so as to not injure her.

Since she was bent over to help Zhou Hao wipe his wounds, the spring light shining from her chest also entered Zhou Hao's eyes.

"Hiss!" Zhou Hao gasped, he only felt that everything in front of him was white.

He thought that the top of this woman's chest was too arrogant. Furthermore, Zhou Hao could see that there was a black lace chest from below.

"Lace, damn it!" Zhou Hao howled in his heart, and a warm stream appeared under his nose.

Ah!" Student, you're bleeding from your nose, did you have a concussion?! " When the woman saw a red line of blood appear under Zhou Hao's nose, she immediately became nervous.

Zhou Hao was startled, and immediately wiped the blood off his nose.

When he saw the concerned look on the beautiful lady's face, he felt that his thoughts were not right. He forced a smile and explained, "No, no, it's just that the weather is hot these days. It's just that they're on fire."

He looked at the crowd and said to the woman, "If you don't have anything to do, sister, I'm going to school. I'm going to be late."

After saying so, he ignored her pleas to stay and hastily ran towards his school, passing through the crowd of onlookers.