Chapter 8

After school, Liu Shichao and Zhou Hao walked out of the school gate together. "Zhou Hao, it's still early, do you want to come over to my house and play?"

"No, I still have things to do." Thinking about his promise to Wang Xijun, Zhou Hao shook his head and rejected it.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Liu Shichao suddenly saw Luo Hui, who was pushing his bicycle out of the school gate, and immediately ran towards him.

Zhou Hao secretly smiled at the backs of Liu Shichao and Luo Hui, then walked towards the direction of Xiang City Second High School.

Xiang City Second High School was right beside the Yining Middle School, and the two were not more than two streets apart.

However, Yining Middle School was a key high school in the provincial level, while Xiang City second high school was only an ordinary public high school.

Arriving at the gate of Xiang City Second High School, Zhou Hao, who was dressed in the school uniform of Yining Middle School, appeared especially conspicuous among the students of the second high school who were continuously rushing out of the school gate.

Many students from the second high school were jealous and envious of the students from Yining Middle School, so when they saw Zhou Hao standing outside their school gates, they all revealed hostile gazes.

However, Zhou Hao was very handsome, and had attracted many girls' gazes.

She waited for more than ten minutes, but Wang Xijun did not come out. Zhou Hao felt that it was strange.

Moreover, he had a strange feeling in his heart. Wang Xijun definitely did not come out because of procrastination, but for some other reason.

It was also at this moment that Zhou Hao saw two boys in disheveled clothes, and with a glance, he could tell that they weren't good students. He smiled as he walked towards the alley beside Second Junior High.

Zhou Hao subconsciously felt that it had something to do with Wang Xijun, so he silently followed behind the two male students.

At the back of the small alley next to No. 2 High School, there was an independent house complex. Due to the fact that every family didn't have a deep connection with each other, there were very few people in the alley.

Moreover, once they entered the alleyway, they would have to turn a corner. After entering, they would be completely separated from the bustling streets outside.

Zhou Hao followed the two boys into the alley and turned around the corner. From inside, Zhou Hao could hear the sound of women cursing, mixed with a cry filled with grievance.

Moreover, Zhou Hao felt that this sob sounded a little familiar.

As he turned a corner, Zhou Hao saw a scene that made his heart burn with fury.

Including the two guys who just arrived, there were a total of four men, six women, and ten people in the alley.

The two long-haired girls at the back continuously jostled a short-haired girl. They even slapped her and pinched her arm.

Another girl tore at her school uniform with all her might, revealing a large area of snow-white skin and a thin undergarment beneath her neck.

That girl even cursed viciously, "Woman, you like seducing men so much, right? I'll strip you off and let everyone watch you!"

The rest of the male and female students were surrounding them at the back, cheering and cheering nonstop. The boys were still staring closely at the girl who was being bullied, and the radiance of spring was growing bigger and bigger in front of her chest.

This was typical school violence, and what made Zhou Hao angrier was that the victim was actually Wang Xijun.

At this time, Wang Xijun's face was already full of tears. She cried and begged the girls for mercy, at the same time hugging her chest and protecting her clothes.

However, the girls ignored her pleas for mercy and instead started to tear her clothes apart.

"Stop!" Zhou Hao roared, and the entire alleyway echoed with his furious roar.

Everyone in the alley were shocked by Zhou Hao's shout and turned their heads. When Wang Xijun saw Zhou Hao, her tears started to flow even faster.

This call was made in joy, but also in distress. At the same time, it caused the anger in Zhou Hao's heart to deepen, and his eyes seemed as if they were about to spew fire.

"Yo!" It's your sweetheart again. Hmph hmph, she's even a top student with great Yining Middle School. I didn't expect you to be so capable. "

The girl who was tearing at Wang Xijun's school uniform earlier grabbed Wang Xijun's hair and sneered.

Then, he said to Zhou Hao: "Little handsome brother, what's so good about this rotten girl? How about you be my boyfriend?"

"Let her go!" With that, Zhou Hao walked over in an aggressive manner.

"Hey, boy, you want to be a hero and save the beauty? Have you asked us? This place is not the territory of your Yucai Middle School! "

A delinquent-like boy in front of Zhou Hao blocked his way, his face full of provocation.

Zhou Hao did not care about him at all, and without saying a word, he threw a punch at him.

The boy did not expect Zhou Hao to strike out with his fist without even greeting him. Furthermore, Zhou Hao's actions were astonishingly fast, the boy only saw Zhou Hao's fist getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his nose, and his entire body flew up and crashed into the wall behind him. Blood immediately spurted out of his face.

"Wow!" The boy sat on the ground, feeling the pain and numbness on his face. Reaching out to touch, he discovered that his nose was completely sunken, but it had been broken by Zhou Hao.

The other three boys immediately surrounded Zhou Hao when they saw this, and all of them took out deadly weapons like a switchblade and a screwdriver.

"You dare to be so arrogant in our Second High School's territory? You brat, you must be tired of living!" One of the men holding a switchblade cursed fiercely.

Wang Xijun who was at the side shouted to Zhou Hao: "Zhou Hao, run! Don't worry about me! "

Zhou Hao actually looked deeply at Wang Xijun. Even though she did not speak, her eyes seemed to be saying to Wang Xijun, "Don't worry, I'll come and save you right away!"

Seeing the look in Zhou Hao's eyes, Wang Xijun was extremely touched.

The girl who had grabbed her by the hair said coldly, "How about it? It's good to see a man willing to risk his life for you, isn't it? I'll make you feel good! I'll make you feel good! " As she spoke, she even insulted Wang Xijun twice.

"Stop right there!" Zhou Hao scolded the girl. At the same time, the two boys holding a switchblade and a screwdriver stabbed towards Zhou Hao at the same time.

Under such a critical situation, Zhou Hao's gaze congealed, and the two people's movements immediately slowed down. On the other hand, Zhou Hao did not delay either, stepping forward to snatch their weapons, and even kicked them heavily in the chest.

The two of them only saw Zhou Hao's right hand shake, and the weapons in his hand were gone. Then, with a burst of pain in his chest, he was kicked away by Zhou Hao, falling onto the ground and unable to get up for a long time.

In the end, when the boy saw that Zhou Hao was so powerful, and was hesitating whether he should go up or not, Zhou Hao did not give him the chance to do so.

In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of him. A punch landed on his chin, sending him flying into the air and heavily crashing into the ground.

After taking care of these boys, Zhou Hao walked towards Wang Xijun with a cold face. The girls did not expect Zhou Hao to be so brave and fierce, and immediately stepped aside in fear to make way for him.

The girl who was grabbing onto Wang Xijun's hair let go of Wang Xijun as well. Looking at the approaching Zhou Hao, she asked timidly, "You, what are you trying to do?"

Zhou Hao looked at her with an ice-cold gaze, then looked at Wang Xijun, whose hair and clothes were in disarray, and his gaze immediately became gentle.

He reached out and took Wang Xijun's hand, gently pulling the terrified her into her embrace.

Leaning into Zhou Hao's embrace, only after feeling the warmth and aura of his body, did Wang Xijun dare to cry loudly, in order to vent out her grievances and fear.

"It's okay, it's okay. With me here, no one can bully you anymore." Zhou Hao said softly, at the same time, he tidied up Wang Xijun's clothes, and caressed her hair and back, gently comforting her.

"Alright, you're a hero too. You saved Beauty too." The girl said somewhat fearfully as she met Zhou Hao's ice-cold gaze.

Zhou Hao raised his hand and slapped her hard, causing her to fall to the ground. The rest were all stunned, as they looked at Zhou Hao with fear and trepidation, not daring to speak.

The girl who was sitting on the ground touched her swollen face and bleeding lips, then looked up and stared at Zhou Hao, "You dare hit me? Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is? "

"I don't care who you are, and I don't care who your father is!" Zhou Hao shouted coldly: "No matter who you are, if you dare to bully Xijun again, I won't forgive you! And you guys, did you hear that? "

Under Zhou Hao's fury, even the girl who obviously had a backer did not dare to speak anymore.


Thus, these bad students supported each other and left the alleyway in a sorry state.

Wang Xijun who was in Zhou Hao's embrace no longer cried, but his weak shoulders still shrugged, like a little kitten who had been wronged, it was extremely lovable.

However, her heart was very warm and sweet. Just now, Zhou Hao was like an unparalleled hero that saved him from the abyss of suffering.

Moreover, her angry rebuke to those bad girls was filled with masculinity.

Now that she was in his arms, Wang Xijun felt like her entire heart was going to get drunk.

Zhou Hao, on the other hand, tenderly held Wang Xijun's face and used her thumb to gently wipe away the tears on her face.

Seeing her watery eyes and her pitiful and weak expression, Zhou Hao's heart ached.

Under Zhou Hao's gentleness, Wang Xijun's tears flowed again, "Th-they said that I was seducing the boys in the class, was … Shameless... Shameless... Bitch, that's why you brought me here. "

She looked at Zhou Hao. "Zhou Hao, I didn't, I didn't seduce those boys, I didn't."

"I know, I know." Hearing Wang Xijun's wailing, Zhou Hao was filled with righteous indignation.

Wang Xijun was beautiful and charming, and would naturally be welcomed by the boys in the class. Those bad girls bullying her because of jealousy, really made people angry.

Wang Xijun had always been a gentle and kind girl in Zhou Hao's heart. Seeing that she had suffered so much, she felt even worse than if she had bullied her, "Don't worry, in the future, with me around, I'll protect you and no one can bully you."

"Mm, I knew it. I knew you would come to save me." Wang Xijun met Zhou Hao's gaze, and said as if she was sleeptalking.

Facing the Wang Xijun who was just inches away from his, and her weak face that had traces of tears still wet, Zhou Hao could no longer control himself and lowered his head to his soft lips.