All baggage must be accounted for eventually, it can only stay in storage for so long. This place was my chance to find myself, make friends, feel like I belong. If it was my golden ticket, I needed to know it. Castle Combe was as beautiful as she described, it felt like I was in a painting with no pain to feel, just the possibility of the painter. I completely absorbed the scenery I so dearly admired on my first day as I biked through the narrow streets. The rippling of the channels and the whistling of the crisp, cold wind orchestrated this infinite moment of tranquility. A tiny, bricked corner store caught my eye with its cozy and quaint appearance. I leaned my bike on the wall and walked into the shop, as I stepped in an old lady with greyed hair and a face as old as time came out with a welcoming smile. "How can I help you dear?" she asked, "oh I'm just looking miss." I eyed all the unusual trinkets that captured my gaze in the cluttered shop. From books to antiques and even as much as wedding dresses of some sort, I found my gears turning to comprehend how much the store held for its limited size. One item piqued my interest, a locket in the shape of the sun with diamonds encrusted on the rays and a geometrical shape carved at the back. I was hooked on its ageless look as it glimmered in the mid-day sun. The shop owner boxed the necklace in an intricate lace bag and cashed some paintbrushes and sketching paper for me as well.
"Thank you miss," I said as I grabbed a handful of chocolates on my way out. It hit me like a truck, the moment I have been dreading, our eyes interlocked the moment I saw him standing in the door frame. The sunlight blasting into the store lit his hair with a golden glow and gave a pearly sheen to his face. His prominent presence reminded me why I have been avoiding him and I cleared my throat which broke the string of eye contact. "Hi," we said synchronously, making a smile pull my lips. "This is Novya," he said quickly and nervously as he indicated the model-like figure standing next to him. What the hell was wrong with me that I missed her and noticed him? I must be mad, I concluded. She looked like a girl I would sketch, perfect. Her hair was needle straight and long to her hips, her eyes were fierce, and her bronze skin out shun the sunlight. Her bold choice of clothing intimidated my casual and simple outfit, but never had a leather jacket looked so good. "Hello, I'm Aila," I said with an outstretched hand, "So I've heard," she said in a monotone voice and criticizing look. Her response made my thoughts hyper, whoever she was he told her about me and what happened. I felt so embarrassed once again about that night. I gave them both a swift half wave and hastily walked out of the shop, jumping on my bike and riding back home feeling as uneasy as an unsolved rubix.
Seeing some familiar faces did the job of cheering me up. Lucas jumped into my arms as I walked in, giving me a kiss on the cheek. Although it was very cute, the little trickster grabbed the bag from my hand and hurriedly opened everything on the table to see what I got. "Did you get me anything," he said pouting, "No I didn't, I'm sorry my little cupcake I'll take you tomorrow." He shook his head in approval and ran back to the couch to watch tv with my dad. My attention was averted back the necklace sprawled on the tabletop and there it was again that stunned feeling of admiration for the necklace, it was beyond strange, it was just a piece of metal. "Where did you go today?" Albie asked in his usual peppy manner as he sipped a cup of tea, "I went biking and stopped at this little shop and grabbed some stuff." Before he could respond to me, I noticed his gaze moving to the necklace in my hand. "Nice, hope you had fun," he said as he swiftly left with an abnormal change in his mood. His behavior perplexed me beyond my entire experience in this place, I was creating more problems for myself letting things like this slip into my mind and consume it. Overthinking was one such thing I wanted to leave for dead, so I went to my room and got started on some sketches to ease my mind.
Laying on the ground, with a heart aching more than the ivory impaling my chest I was happier than I ever was. I was ready for it to end and I knew she was waiting for me, the minute I released my last breath. The world fell silent for me as I lay in my own blood, centered in the marble of carvings I couldn't fixate on. I looked up to the stars, the only thing that didn't change, when the blurred figure jolted me out of the only peace I felt, stealing me from death. Did he want me alive or dead? A knock on the door woke me from my sleep and I dusted the charcoal off my face and opened it to see him once again.