Ye Chen, Can You Help Me?

Ye Chen had now switched to the Yuxiao Peak to sign in.

Yuxiao Peak was the main peak of the Immortal Destiny Holy Land. So, naturally, there were the most powerful Great Dao Qi places, so Ye Chen was very happy signing in every day.

Signing in every day, no day for cultivation.

Ye Chen's strength was increasing rapidly.

And at this time, on the Immortal Jade Peak.

In Ye Chen's Third Senior Sister An Miaohan's room.

Two girls were talking in the boudoir.

"Senior Sister, can I ask you a question?" It was Seventh Senior Sister Zhao Xiyao who spoke.

"What's wrong?" It was Ye Chen's Third Senior Sister An Miaohan who answered.

Zhao Xiyao continued, "Senior Sister, I...I want to know..."

An Miaohan burst into laughter when she heard this.

She whispered into Zhao Xiyao's ear, "Actually, it's not natural for girls to grow here. You're still young, and there's still a chance, but you need some stimulation."