Known Throughout the City!

City Lord's invitation?

Ye Chen had some questions.

He had never met this City Lord before. Why did the City Lord invite him?

Ye Chen suddenly sounded. When he wanted to kill Elder Zhang and Elder Zhao, four or five Transcending Tribulation Realm experts auras appeared in the city. In other words, there were at least seven or eight Transcending Tribulation Realm experts in this city.

For a city to have so many Transcending Tribulation Realm experts, perhaps only such a large city could do it.

For example, his Eldest Senior Sister's Sunset Cloud City only had one Transcending Tribulation Realm expert in the entire city.

However, this did not mean anything.

It seemed that this City Lord had paid attention to him because he had destroyed the Zhang family and the Hundred Herb Hall.

Then, what exactly was he inviting him for now?

A Hongmen banquet?