The Tribulation of the Nanxuan Kingdom!

He had also sensed it. Before they had arrived, it had been a westerly wind. Why had it suddenly become an easterly wind? Moreover, it was such a powerful easterly wind.

The endless great fire devoured and roared. The great fire burned through the area, leaving behind only a pitch-black patch on the ground...

Wang Siqi's face was covered in dust and dirt. His face had been scorched black.

He knelt on the ground and stared blankly at everything. Everything had happened because of a wrong decision of his, causing the 300,000 man army to fall here.

How could he have the face to face these soldiers that he had brought out? How could he have the face to face the villagers and elders of the Nanxuan Kingdom?

"General, leave quickly! If there's still a green mountain, there's still wood to burn!" At this moment, a deputy general dragged him, but the current Wang Siqi seemed as if he had lost his soul.