The Oriole Is Behind!

Rumble --

A loud sound rang out.

A huge light appeared in an instant.

A rolling pressure spread across the sky.

Bang --

With a loud sound, a huge mountain rock blocking the way was shattered by it. Bright stars flew in all directions, and rocks flew everywhere. Many rocks weighing over a hundred kilogram fell in all directions, breaking many large trees. The momentum was astonishing.

Immediately, the three demonic beasts continued to fight.

The lingering power overflowed into the sky.

The small demonic beasts were directly shattered by the lingering power.

However, the three bright red fruits were still hanging on the tree. They were bright red and dripping as if they were not affected by the lingering power at all.

The huge demonic beasts continued to roar and flee.

Rumble --

The three huge demonic beasts continued to fight.