Demon God!

The shadow of the previous Human Emperor disappeared.

Ye Chen's Human Emperor shadow gradually took shape.

The Human Emperor shadow that looked exactly like Ye Chen took the decree that Ye Chen had written and gradually flew into the sky, disappearing into the horizon.

This was for the inheritance of the next Human Emperor.

Although Ye Chen was now a Human Emperor, it was unknown how many tens of thousands of years it would take for the next Human Emperor to be born.

Ye Chen did not think too much. Although he did not receive any information about the upper realm, he understood many things.

For now, it was better to solve the internal problem of the demon race!

Ye Chen also had many questions regarding the demon race.

The demon race lived in this world with them, but if the human race was a prisoner, then what was the demon race?

Were the demi-humans the natives of this cage?