The Demons Crush the City!

At the border of the human race.

Skyfall City!

A group of children was playing. The older ones were running back and forth in the alley, while the younger ones were staggering and chasing after them. In the end, they fell to the ground, crying and wiping their tears.

Immediately, a few older children ran over and helped him up. The little guy was crying and laughing with tears on his eyelashes. In the end, he was extremely happy.

"Big brother, I want to eat the ice-sugar gourd."

"Me too!" On his right shoulder sat a little boy who had just learned how to walk. Not long ago, he had wiped his tears because he had fallen. He also swallowed his saliva. He stretched out his small hand.

"Boss, each child has a string of ice-sugar gourd."

"Okay!" The boss beamed with joy.