Black Python Tribe!

Ye Chen's expression changed. With a tap of his hand, the yin and yang Qi swirled and turned into a shield, blocking the ocean-like sword light. He pushed the shield and rushed forward at high speed.

"Boundless slash!" The territory envoy of the Golden Sun Clan shouted. His entire body shone with divine light. He held the treasure bottle in his hand and aimed at Ye Chen. The surging sword Qi was like an ocean as it charged forward.


Thunder rumbled from Ye Chen's body. His great Daoist robe shone as it protected his body. He clasped his hands together and the yin and yang Qi merged together. He shouted, "Yin-yang reversal!"

At this moment, shocking symbols blossomed in his hands. They were released after the yin and yang Qi merged into one. They were faintly accompanied by strands of chaotic Qi.