

Endless lava could be seen.

The fiery red lava was continuously being swallowed and spat out. A green lotus flower could be seen closing within the lava.

The green lotus flower landed within the lava.

At this moment, the green lotus flower within the lava was continuously absorbing the endless lava and was on the verge of blooming.

If someone was here, they would definitely be extremely shocked.

Because this green lotus had actually survived the lava, and it seemed to be on the verge of blooming.

Immediately, the green lotus continued to absorb the eye and slowly bloomed.

Within the green lotus, there was a white-robed figure.

The white-robed figure had his eyes tightly shut as he lay within the green lotus, seemingly devoid of any life.

At this moment, the green lotus immediately absorbed the surrounding True Qi, injecting the endless True Qi into the figure in their body.