Senior Sister Exploded One After Another!

Zhao Xiyao arrived in the sky.

Suddenly, a man in black rushed toward Zhao Xiyao.

This man in, it should be said that he was a black sunflower. Her head was like a sunflower, but her whole body was a human body.

She was a member of the Black Sunflower Clan!

That man immediately rushed toward Zhao Xiyao. Zhao Xiyao wielded her long sword and instantly rushed out.

As Zhao Xiyao said this, endless True Qi instantly rushed toward the man from the Black Sunflower Clan.

At this time, a black sunflower took root in the air and quickly spread. The black roots quickly arrived, wanting to bind Zhao Xiyao.

"Oh, another one who wants to die?" The man said, standing on the black sunflower and looking down at Zhao Xiyao.

The man in black smiled coldly and reached out a big hand and slapped it down. The divine light was overwhelming, like a demon's hand falling from outer space, covering the sky and covering the sun.