Reign Over the World!

As soon as these words were spoken.

Everyone in the Upper Realm looked at Ye Chen and Murong Qingxue in absolute silence.

All of them looked at Ye Chen and Murong Qingxue in disbelief, unable to believe their own eyes.


"How is this possible?"

"How can there be a human race in the Upper Realm?"

To the people of the Upper Realm, the human race was a taboo term.

All these years, no one dared to mention the word 'human', because many people in the Upper Realm knew very well that the incident in the Upper Realm back then was a conspiracy led by the Deity Clan.

Therefore, they did not dare to exonerate the human race.

And now, when they heard that Ye Chen and Murong Qingxue were human, everyone revealed a shocked look.

They looked at them in shock.

"How can they be humans?"

"The two humans took the first and second place in the Upper Realm. Could it be that the human race is going to rise again?"