On the Blue Phoenix Mountain!

The huge stone stairs kept going up.

There were about a thousand layers of stone stairs.

The stone stairs went straight into the sky and reached the top of the Blue Phoenix Mountain.

"Is this the Blue Phoenix Mountain?" Ye Chen sighed.

No one flew here. Everyone came down and walked up the stone stairs.

"Let's go to the Azure Phoenix Clan now," Ye Chen said.

"Okay!" Murong Qingxue nodded and the two began to climb the stone stairs.

Each step of the stone stairs was thousands of feet long. The two spent almost an hour climbing the stone stairs.

When they reached the top of the Blue Phoenix Mountain.

The two began to observe their surroundings.

Ye Chen discovered that the Azure Phoenix Clan was not like the legends. It was not a huge city or a country.

The Azure Phoenix Clan was built from a huge stone slab with many caves on it.