Ye Chen Rampaged!

At this moment, everyone revealed shocked expressions.

"Who exactly is this Chen Tian?"

"How can he be so powerful?"

"He's only at a disadvantage when surrounded by four Dao Fusing Realm cultivators, but he can actually hold on for so long!"

"You have to know that he's only a cultivator in the later stage of the Escape One Realm!"

"How can a cultivator in the late stage of the Escape One Realm fight with a cultivator in the Dao Fusing Realm?"

"This is too unbelievable!"

The audience below were all dumbfounded.

They could not believe what they were seeing.

Ye Chen held the Immortal Sword and charged out again.

That sword gave off an unparalleled sharpness. As it stabbed out, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

The sword light streaked through the air, emitting waves of extremely sharp whistling sounds as it stabbed toward the Spirit Grandmaster's hand.