Journey to the Demon Abyss!

Ye Chen looked at the huge desolate world in front of him.

The entire continent was pitch black. A blood moon hung high in the sky.

And here, other than the desolate, there was no other color. Everything was so strange.

At this moment, Ye Chen saw some Demons.

These Demons looked similar to humans, but they were completely naked. Their skin was bronze, and they looked very strong and burly. Their bodies were as hard as iron, every time they waved their arms, they would make banging sounds.

They looked very shocking, especially their mouths, which were full of sharp teeth, and their faces were full of sharp barbs. Their entire faces looked ferocious and terrifying, just like Demons, moreover, they were emitting a stench.

"This should be the mysterious space. These Demons should be the guardians," Ye Chen guessed in his heart.